We all know that Bel Ami models and guys from Eastern Europe are HOT. But now we have proof that one Bel Ami model is award-winning hot even when compare to the hotness of guys from Czech Republic standard.
Metrosexual Roku is the Czech male beauty contest honoring all things “metrosexual”. And the winner of the 4th annual edition is Bel Ami porn model Peter Fleming! And he’s not alone, Bel Ami muscleboy Ennio Guardi was also one of the contestants.
I think you guys should check out these photo gallery on Facebook and OnaDnes.cz. I believe those porn experts in my readers can spot more porn stars among the contestants. And for those of you who can understand Czech language, watch this Peter Fleming interview.
waht! says
Bel Ami bringing the hotness like usual.
Matias says
I am not a fan of BelAmi but PF is handsome. Lovely. Why is he doing porn? With face and body like his, he could do anything.
mel says
BA always have beautiful young men, its just that they have awful sex infront of the camera.
Blackwatch says
I don’t mind the sex from BA its like watching Ken dolls fuck and I’m okay with that. The guys are beautiful. Its idealized sex and isn’t what porn’s is about?
belamibosy says
Vladimír Veverka one of the contestants and featured in the video is also a belami guy Andy Lloyd
Oat says
he is absolutely adorable
Oat says
@mel, awful sex??? have you seen kevin warhol, “more than you can handle”, dolph lambert, justin boyed, jason knightley, marc vidal, luke hamill, sebastian bonnet
awful sex is max schutler, who is my perfect 10, but is like a dead meat in almost all sex scene post his audition
injustice, i tell u! injustice!

Buddy-boy says
I thought the comment from Matias, “Why is he doing porn? With face and body like his, he could do anything” was very odd. Obviously, his face and body is the REASON he does porn, and it’s why he’s ABLE to do it! It’s strange to read comments like that which imply guys do porn only because we’re unable to do anything else, and if we could only understand we had great faces and bodies, we’d finally realize we could choose to do something else. Nothing is further from the truth. Sure, there are some guys who’d rather do something else, but most guys do it because it’s what we really love doing.
jblack_37 says
Jakub Stefano was there too: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=162134616761&set=pu.162081016761&type=1
timucua says
Ennio Guardi, the most muscular model in the photos above, is Pavel Danda.
Fabius says
Handsome and sexy guy