I just read this interesting Connor Kline interview on What the world does not need blog. Connor Kline started his porn career almost a year ago as Brice on Sean Cody. And he filmed with Lucas Entertainment last month. He’s now the exclusive model of Helix Studios along with his sexy boyfriend Casey Tanner. These lovebirds share pictures of each other on their Twitter @ConnorKlineXXX and @CaseyTannerXXX all the time 🙂
Below is Connor’s response to the question “You did a few scenes with Sean Cody. You bottomed in all of them. Do you prefer bottoming? All your SC scenes are great to look at. Were they fun to film?”
It’s funny because when I showed up to Sean Cody they thought I was a top. Anyone who knows me knows that’s not true. LOL. Honestly, the staff was great, but it was very difficult working with straight guys. Many scenes were trashed because they couldn’t perform sexually. One guy had never even kissed a dude before and I was his first everything! Kinda weird I thought. I never met a single gay guy that I shot with on that site.
According to Connor Kline’s interview, Sean Cody’s new power bottom Joshua, Versatile model Calvin and fan favorite Jarek are all straight… sorry guys.
+ Read Connor Kline Interview
+ Connor Kline as Brice at Sean Cody
+ Muscle Jock JOSHUA Seems Like The Happiest Guy In The World When He Gets Fucked By Abe at Sean Cody
Anderson says
That’s so weird to me! I can’t understand. How can a heterossexuality resist after one, two, three, four and more dicks in your ass? After licking and swallowing dicks and cum? At least an “open mind” these g4p guys must have!
nhuixnhuix says
They are hot but how are these two Helix Studios material? They are not twinks. Urgh
charlie_jack says
Jarek and Calvin maybe but Joshua is one gay gay gay dude
mm says
I would give Joshua an Oscar if it was his first everything
mm says
Brice is very hot man though! And openly gay, unlike these horrible g4p’s
sxg says
Connor/Brice is superhot! I’m not liking his boyfriend though. By looking at them you would think their sexual roles would be reversed. Casey looks a bit too fem to be a good top. But all the luck to them and their relationship.
mr.deadhole says
but joshua said that he have a girlfriend, it’s not a surprise for me
Matias says
Yesterday found an interesting article how SC is making these scene.
Now I understand how these g4p are doing it.
@Anderson, read it and you wont look these g4p same way any longer. I know I won’t.
gg says
Joshua said he was straight but curious when he did the scene (released in June) with Connor/Brice. Joshua came out as bisexual in a later scene (released in September) with Aidan.
mm says
Matias, yeah it was big story 2 years ago. I thought their attitutes changed, but it seems to me they still hate openly gay guys, and would rather have g4p trash who can’t get it hard than beautiful gay man.
Paul says
@sxg How “masculine” you are determines whether or not you can be a good top?
Wonderer says
I can’t get past Connor/Brice’s tattoo…I mean he’s really hot but WHY lol
ricky says
in one behind the scene sean says to joshua, your getting more gay
joshua replys ‘ive always been gay’
think alot of these frat/college muscle jock sites like sean cody and corbin fisher play the straight card, even if they are not
Tia Maria says
I’ll never get over why as gay men continue to support homophobic porn sites such as SC at this day and age!
FrenchFlair says
In front of REAL straight men, they are seen as pussies, so they try to find again some “virility” in front of gay men. God, they are so frustrated and so useless. You are just pussies, buddies, sorry!
I am bi but only top, never been bottom. And you are bottom pretending being straight! LOL
Anderson says
Isn’t Sean Cody himself gay? Why he does that? Why overvalue G4P guys prejudicing gay guys?
mm says
Tia, true, it’s like gay porn is the last stronghold of homophobia! I think gay community should finally do something. Just look into mainstream news. We can do it! Boy Scouts don’t want openly gay members – fine – so they lost half of money of their sponsors. So why sites like Sean Cody and Corbin Fisher are doing the same but gays keep supporting them with their wallets?
Cannibal666 says
I don’t get the impression that Brice intended to say that SC was homophobic. In fact, people seem to have blurred the line with the Devon Hunter interview. He said the staff were great and that SC just happened to have hired a lot of GP4 performers. How is this any different to say Randy Blue, Chaos Men, Lucas Entertainment?? I’m certain Devon Hunter had a shit experience, but Brice seems to be saying his experience was largely fine, even with G4P.
IrishBoy says
Wow, I had no idea Sean Cody outed a performer by publishing his real name after he did an expose on them O.o
dissi says
obviously Miss Cody is living out a personal fantasy of his. and Connor Kline has just immediately become my favorite porn star of all time!! (I agree about that awful tat though..)
SuckItBaby says
These guys can scream till the world ends that they are “straight”. But the reality is that they take cock, suck it, get fucked or fuck ass, and the videos will live on forever for everyone to see. So yeah, have a gf, a family, whatever, but try to convince anyone when you are enjoying that cum bath or getting a dick up your hole.
Anderson says
well said @SuckItBaby
Jim says
Wow! I guess I’m gonna’ have to revisit Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and Big Foot!
Chris says
I still don’t believe Jarek and Calvin are straight.
Bull says
@matias-yes, it will affect how you see the scenes. I read that when Devon Hunter first posted. My first thing after reading it was to watch and count the seconds between “camera angle changes”. Do it, you’ll be flabbergasted by the short shots….some are even just 2 or 3 seconds!!!!!…..rarely are they over 1 minute. I always found the severe editing and camera angle changes extremely distracting, now it’s just a total turn off.
Jasun Mark said on his blog that filming gay and str8 performers was different. Gay men, usually it’s just about keeping up with them, while str8 men it was about pulling the performance out of them. He did say that neither was harder than the other, just different.
Alex says
This was a catch 22 for me… Completely ruined a website that has been a favorite of mine for years, but at least i’ll be saving about $20.00 a month from now on.
GreGG says
Suck It Baby has it right. And its a very clever and profitable way to conduct business. Nothing creates business more than controversy. Cam4 is another good example. In the male section click most “straight” cams and the users all are male. In the real world my buds claim their str8 yet they suck my cock. And trust me theres no gay4pay in my apt.
IrishBoy says
I stopped with SC ages ago when they started doing bareback. Not a massive opposition of it in general, but it was just a bit ironic since SC always seemed to strongly oppose it. I remember a video being pulled from the site due to the negative backlash against it being bareback! I was a big fan back in the day though!
mm says
Cannibal, same can be said about abovementioned Boy Scouts – they don’t hate them, they just don’t hire them, right?
And don’t see why you mentioned Lucas in your list? No matter how I dislike mr.Duckface most of his models are NOT g4p
Luis says
Brice basically has said that Jarek, Joshua and Calvin are all straight. Now Joshua was his first time, so maybe be is a little bi now, but Jarek and Calvin (when he filmed his scenes with them) has been working for SC a lot, and they still were straight.
Kirrrill says
Calvin is straight.
MarcoManuel says
I read about Devon.
Its just comfirms what i already knew.
That i hate gay for pay.
Devon being asked by Sean Cody team to not talk too gay,not shooting his load too fast or he would not get paid,pretend to be bi,ect…
Gay porn have become a joke.
Gay men gets beat at their own game by straight men.
It gives straight men a reason to say LOL
So much gay men are into gay for pay men because they thinks that straight men are more masculine and hotter than gay men.
Lots of gay men thinks that Chris Crocker represent the average gay men.
So,gay men get into straight men instead.
The problem with gay men is a mix of inferiority complex,low self esteen,self loathing,insecurity,ect…
I will always go against gay men who says (I dont care about the sexuality of gay porn stars.)
Im against gay men who are into gay for pay.
All they do is encouraging the thing that says (straight men are better than gay men)
Gay porn studios are those who started the gay for pay crap.
But,gay men are worst.Since they are the men who buy this gay for pay crap.
Gay porn have to be gay again.
Because,gay porn used to be gay in the 70s and the early 80s.
Yes! Gay porn was mostly gay back then.
Most men in gay porn were gay.
Will gay for pay ever dissapear of gay porn?
The point is,gay for pay is popular because of gay men.
Gay men are the own worst enemies.
They really are.
Devin says
Just because a guy has a girlfriend doesn’t make him str8. Ever heard of bi? Seriously, these guys need to get honest with themselves. Aside from that, a lot of these guys are not even bi. They use women as a cover up because they are not comfortable with their sexuality. Joshua and Calvin are not str8. I don’t care who they’re dating. I don’t know about Jarek. I’ve never paid attention to him. It’s time for gays to end the obsession with gay4pay. It’s just not true.
Luca says
@MarcoManuel, I thought you were going to ask Santa Claus for Rosetta Stone’s English language course?
Nil says
Now that we all tired the G4P talk…Conner Klein is a fine looking dude.
Darren says
Can we stop saying these boys are straight. They are not straight. Straight guys do not do perform these scenes. They are Bi. End of story. I’ve had occasional scenes with girls, that does not make me any less gay.
Cody D'Amico says
Seeeeeriousy…what definition of “straight” are these guys using? Because it’s not the same definition of “straight” as…say…every other single person in the world other than those involved in G4P or those who watch G4P. (Except maybe some guys in the prison system.)
This is so convoluted that it makes a normal, rational person dizzy. On one hand, you have the folks that say “labels are meaningless.” I’d be inclined to agree with them – except that the studios and stars insist on using the labels. So there’s that.
Then there are those folks who say that people should be able to label themselves whatever they want. I guess that’s true. But words have meaning and definition (while that may be fluid, there does tend to be an agreed up definition by the majority of society). There’s also the notion that a Christian may claim to be a Christian but many of them act very Un-Christian-like, so in essence they AREN’T Christians, they simply like saying they are. It’s the same case here. These guys (and the studios) want to say they are straight because they 1) want to believe they are 2) want others to believe they are 3) want all the rewards inherent in the “straight” label.
And therein likes the convolution. You have guys soooooo in denial of what they do that they can willingly have sex with men and still claim to be heterosexual. That’s how deeply the denial and pathology runs. They want to be “straight” so badly that they’ve either convinced themselves they are so or they assume they will get a “pass” (which a lot of gays seem to be willing to give them).
You then have folks who come in and say “but they’re acting – Anthony Hopkins wasn’t really a cannibal” or “if someone offered me $10,000 to eat pussy I might do it.”
Right, but porn doesn’t happen in a vacuum nor is it magically spontaneous. These guys CHOSE to do gay porn. No heterosexual male (by definition) CHOOSES to have sex with another man … willingly. Acting or not. And, it’s not like you have guys out there walking up to every hot guy and throwing money in their faces and saying “hey come have sex with men for all this cash.” Just like no one comes up to you and waves cash in your face offering the same thing (except about women.) These guys enter the industry and make themselves available to be approached. They make themselves scoutable and then once scouted, they agree to have sex with other men. Whether porn is acting, they are still choosing to act in it. You know who chooses to have sex with other men? Not straight men. Not heterosexual men. By very definition of the word.
All of this would be so laughable and humorous if the guys didn’t take it so seriously and get insulted…get their panties in a tizzy…any time someone questions their so-called heterosexuality. Paddy O’brien said he’d bash someone’s head in for saying he’s not straight if he could.
That brings us to the sickness. So many gays claim there’s nothing wrong with these G4P guys who are adamant (to the point of violence) about being “straight.” What they ignore (because of their own pathology) is that the need these G4P guys have to see themselves as “straight” or to have everyone else see them as “straight” is borne of homophobia, albeit internalized homophobia. It is such a threat to them to see themselves as anything but “straight” that they are willing to deny their own behavior, their own choices, and their own ability to have sex with other men on camera for the world to see, all in order to continue seeing themselves as the normal “straight” “heterosexual” man that they so desperately need to see themselves as.
Despite the fact that no one outside of G4P would EVER believe the guy is “straight” (his girlfriend might feign belief, but only during the relationship – once they break up, you know she’ll admit that he HAS to be “less-than-straight”) … (his friends might feign belief, but only to his face – once he’s gone, they all laugh about the fact that he’s having sex with men and claiming to be “straight” and these days are probably like “if he came out as bi or something we’d all be cool with it”, but since he insists on being “straight” it’s just a joke – behind his back.)
There’s a segment of the population who get off G4P because it fulfills some fantasy about the straight guy who bullied him when he was younger. There’s a segment who get off on it because they think “straight” men are more “masculine” so by watching a porn with the “straight” pretext makes them feel like they are watching a “real” man have sex. There’s a segment who like the conquest aspect of it. There’s a segment who want to believe every straight man secretly could be “had” (given the right price). The guys who enjoy G4P and believe it are just as convoluted as the guys who star in G4P and honestly believe they are “straight.”
This will go away…because kids these days are increasingly less homophobic. The “straight” bully and the “straight” jock are becoming antiquated and outdated. But, the guys who run these porn studios (and some of the women who make content and feed into the bullshit), are all of the generation where you had a straight jock/gay fag dichotomy and these scenes simply repeat the pathology, repeat the abuse.
What’s funny is if you strip all the pretext (remove all the “straight” or “g4p” label bullshit), you just have hot guys having sex with each other. And if there are some guys who won’t do certain things (like kiss, suck dick, fuck, get fucked), they will appear even more ridiculous and will just phase out. If you’re too weak and too much of a pussy (pun intended) to have sex with men yet you have chosen to star in gay porn, well then you just look like a gay ass bitch (pun intended).
Speaking of SC specifically, they have the potential to be one of the best sites. Drop the “straight” pretext…and stop with these guys who will “eat ass” but “won’t suck dick.” No where in the world is that some kind of real thing and you’re only insulting your viewer’s intelligence by suggesting that any man in the world thinks it’s less gay to eat ass than it is to suck dick. This is just getting even MORE ridiculous.
Res says
LOL I love how everyone gets up in arms whenever it is revealed that these “stars” are straight. This is an OLD issue with an easy solution. If you want G4P to end, stop ALL of your subscriptions because every single porn company is g4p from SC to Cocky Boy to CF to Peter Fever. But it’s not going to happen because the same way SC likes straight guys…there are PLENTY of gay men out there who are willing to pay for that fantasy. So why will SC stop giving them what they are willing to pay for? In SC defense, whenever they do hire a gay guy, he’s too gay, he’s too this or that… sometimes it’s not these companies but the gays.
Blake says
Can you buy / rent particular scenes from gay porn sites, as opposed to a subscription to the entire site?
Because that could get the point across, if the scenes featuring GAY performers significantly outsell the scenes with g4p performers.
If a performer does a good job then I do not care, though I wish they would stop playing up the straight factor, as it has a very LCR / GOProud quality to it.
Danny says
I refuse to believe that Calvin is straight. There’s just no way. All of these sites like Sean Cody try to make their models seem straight even if they’re gay, because that’s the fantasy they want to play out. But with Calvin you can tell that he loves every minute of it. HE’S BEEN DOUBLE FUCKED, FOR GODS SAKE. You will NEVER see a straight man get willingly double fucked on camera. As for me, I’ve never used a subscription site. If I want to see their videos I go on tube sites. If you know which ones to go to then go to them. The videos are free. But I refuse to watch Corbin Fisher, Military Classified and most SC because I can’t stand G4P. But if I watch SC videos it’s mainly Calvin’s, because he is too cock hungry to be straight. I know that this is all set up, but there’s some things a gay man can’t hide, like the lust in his eyes when he wants more.
tom says
Why hate on the G4Pers? This is very much Sean Cody’s problem. His agenda was clear from the outset. Someone else here already said it – SC is living out his own fastasies. Ones which revolve around his longing for the straight jock ideal. Just be thankful the ugly fuck no longer appears with/pushes himself onto the peformers. Seeing him in a scene was stomach churning.
Dido says
Really? Jarek is a straight. OMG! I can’t believe it. If it’s truth, I really want to see his videos with a girl. Someone can help with this, please. And who could tell me Jarek’s real name, please?