In this edition of Gay Porn Stars’ Video Update: Watch how they prepare the bottoms at COCKSURE MEN, Let’s crash Raging Stallion Party, Samuel Colt does a muscle flexing, Follow Francois Sagat around Folsom Street Fair, Behind the scenes videos from Inside Israel and Titan Men and more.
Gay porn star and bodybuilder Samuel Colt does a strip tease at the Jimmy Z Bodybuilder Jam #28 in Los Angeles. [via Samuel Colt Blog]
A Lucas Kazan exclusive since October 2008, bodybuilder Daniele Montana has been making a name for himself.
Raging Stallion Party Folsom Weekend 2009. In the clip David Taylor and Austin Wilde are named Raging Stallion Men of the Year. [via PornoBobbie]
Austin Wilde shows he got skills. More at Diesel Washington’s blog.
Diesel Washington at Voodoo
Lucas Entertainment‘s INSIDE ISRAEL photoshoot in Tel Aviv with Jonathan Agassi, Martin Passoli, Carlos Caballero, Michael Lucas, Bruno Jones, Jordan Fox and Jay Roberts.
INSIDE ISRAEL DAY 4: Jonathan Agassi gets ready for Carlos Caballero.
Angel Skye’s The outsider behind the scenes featurette
Timothy Styles shoots his first solo with Randy Blue. [Timothy Styles Jerk off Video]
At the Manifest Loft before his photo shoot, Alejandro De LeGuardia (Macho Nacho) enjoys some time with Vin Marco Manifest Men president and photographer. A bodybuilder has to be fed!
thraceguy says
LucasKazan has some hotties, I think I am queer for Sicilian sort of guys….
MarkyMark says
What is it with this thing about getting Brent Corrigan everywhere: the guy is trouble wherever he goes, and quite a stain on the porn industry. First for lying and performing as a minor; secondly for being involved in some nasty affairs and with nasty people; and third, there’s still a stench following him with the whole Cobra case and the murder of its owner. And Zach Randall? Please, he and his bf should just go away. They’re soooo creepy, and apparently have their own rap sheet. This industry will never have any respect unless it cleans up its act.
Luca says
Uh, MarkyMark, the industry will NEVER have any respect period, and I say that as someone who has done porno. It doesn’t deserve respect. Corrigan may be an extreme example but he is pretty much the standard for what most guys in the industry are like. Sadly.
MarkyMark says
I agree Luca, what I meant by respect is the wishful and delusional thinking that many of its members think it will someday acquire just because once in a while a porn star appears in some crappy indie movie or some low-budget gay play. With rapists, junkies, murderers, criminals, thieves in its ranks, it will really never be respectful. But, it could be much cleaner, serious and professional.
Bridgie says
Let’s face it guys, we will never see a shift to a cleaner,serious or prfoessional porn industry if it is not cleaned at the top. The studio and studio owners need to clean their act up first for there to be any shift in the standard or lack of in this case. As long as these fat cats keep getting their pockets lined with bucks and keep their BIG FAT bank balances they aint gonna do a single thing to change it. Anyone who says otherwise is lying cause it’s strickly about making as much money as possible and who they use or abuse to get it comes a very very distant second, hell on a scale of 1 to 10 it would be 10th. The guys are a commodity that can be replaced at the drop of a hat.
thraceguy says
Corrigan did a good job as the merman in the sequel to Another Gay Movie, in the Director’s cut the director speaks about how much talent he has and could make it in regular features if someone would give him the opportunity.
MarcoManuel says
Daniel Montana is a beautiful man.
UDontKnow says
Umm, thraceguy, the director got into Brent Corrigan´s ass! Believe me, it has nothing to do with talent.
Luca says
MarcoDaniel, sono d’accordo, Daniele Montana e bellissimo. He is that so rare find in porno, a truly beautiful man.
Alessio says
Ah yes, thraceguy, Italians & Italian-American men are incredibly handsome and masculine and usually have incrredible, very muscular bodies. No wonder Michelangelo was able to paint such beautiful pictures and sculpt those amazing statues. LOL. But as an Italian I also think that’s because almost everyone’s conception of beauty was created by Italians. We value beauty enormously. I have lived all over the world and the most beautiful men are in Italy or the USA. American men are quite amazing as well. In the gym I go to in Manahttan there are so many beauties I am stunned.
thraceguy says
Well said, Alessio, living in the greater LA area beauty is something my Byzantine ancestors would have drooled over.
But I also find that American men have a sensitivity that is interesting, we seem to care about things.
Alessio says
Thraceguy, I agree wholeheartedly. You American guys have beauty and very big hearts; you guys combine something very masculine with someone very warm and sensitive, yes. I fall in love everyday, LOL. California has an unbelievable amount of beauties, too. You set the bar very high.