Thanks to production assistant Rocco Giovanni, director Gio Caruso (he directed Southern Pride: Boys in Heat) and the cast of Raging Stallion Studios‘ forthcoming movie THE WILDE BUNCH who posted tons of candid shots from the porn set.
This movie highlights 3 porn stars with similar last name – Kurt Wild, Austin Wilde and Christian Wilde. Other cast members in photos below are cutie Brandon Lewis, newcomer Leo Forte and Justin Christopher.
It’s good to see Christian Wilde in other porn movie than Next Door Studios and Naked Kombat. I like that Austin Wilde share lots of photos via his twitter all the time. And Kurt Wild looks adorable as usual
+ Kurt Wild Movie List | Christian Wilde Movie List | Austin Wilde Movie List
+ Follow them on Twitter: Austin Wilde, Kurt Wild, Christian Wilde, Rocco Giovanni, Brandon Lewis, Gio Caruso
Billy Blue says
I thought that Kurt Wild career was over, after his Tyra Banks show appearance, remember?
WtF! says
@Billy Blue
Kurt Wild had a career?
Cee says
Washed up
ricky says
kurt is one step away from sxvideo!
hi says
they forgot jackson wild
Alessio says
I don’t know one of these guys but I have no interest in seeing any of them fuck. Maybe it’s the proliferation of so much internet porn, but the guys appear to be getting trashier and uglier. Come on, not one of those guys was really hot.
Shoco says
@hi, sadly Jackson Wild retired about six months ago or so.
@Alessio – i guess it’s the same proliferation that manages to give everyone what they want and keep a large variety. you may not like these specific models, but there are plenty others out there you might do (and like)
Craig says
Alessio has expressed my feelings pretty much. Yes, we all have our own unique taste-or lack of it-but it does seem that today anyone can be in porno. A lot of these guys are in no way handsome and most don’t even have good bodies. They really do appear to be the type of guys you find on the streets of many big cities, runaways or street hustlers, drug dealers or con artists. Only Sean Cody routinely turns out hot, handsome guys. Sorry but my sexual fantasy doesn’t include white trash junkies.
jboy says
I love Kurt Wild. Glad to see he’s still around.
manu says
I can’t stand these “holier than thou” wankers hiding behind their screehs , get over yourselves people, if you don’t like it, don’t watch and consider shutting the fùck up as on option .
Paul says
@manu, perhaps you should take your own advice.
PrettyYoungThing says
yeah manu, go get laid.
James says
“Sorry but my sexual fantasy doesn’t include white trash junkies.”
That’s funny. You must not know a lot of junkies.
Like the trio and concept. Looking forward to it.
Allicide says
I don’t understand all the venom on this site. Send it at a target that deserves it. Cody Cummings comes to mind. At least then it is aimed at someone who is just taking from gay men without actually doing anything to earn it.
Groovy says
I just love Kurt Wilde
and the first picture is amazing!
PrettyYoungThing says
how many of them work at Subway?
Jeff says
Re: James, white trash and junkies do not constitute a trio; just a duo. You need three so perhaps you have simply added yourself to the mix? What pathetic loser actually says, “you must NOT know a lot of junkies,” as though they are proud of the fact that they do know a lot of them? Are junkies the only guys you can score with? Damn, this site really does attract the lowest common denominator.
James says
“Are junkies the only guys you can score with? Damn, this site really does attract the lowest common denominator.”
If this site attracts such terrible people, why are you here? To inform us of how low we are? LOL
I was trying to be cheeky, but what I wrote put your panties in a bunch. Sorry to offend ye.
Billy Blue says
The problem with Kurt Wild is that he thinks that he is straight, even after multiple men fuck him and jack off on his mouth and face! Can you believe it?
eric says
Why is that a problem, Billy Blue? How does that effect you or anyone else here in any way? He’s cute and gets it on with other men and that’s good enough for me. As cliche as it might sound, if you don’t like don’t watch but save your judgments.
Allicide says
I’d rather have a dozen gay4payers like Kurt Wild who make you believe they are enjoying the sex than even one Jason Adonis, Mark Dalton, Cody Cummings, Brodie Sinclair, etc. who shows no passion or has not interaction with male partners. Don’t get me wrong I don’t like the gay4pay BS but if the performer is able to put their “straight egos” aside and perform convincingly then I can understand the attraction. What I don’t understand is idolizing gay4payers who act like they are doing us a favor.
eric says
I wouldn’t go as far as to calling it ‘idolizing’ but if there are straight men out there willing to experience the phenomenon that is gay sex, then that is a win situation in my book.
ricky says
kurt wild is nothing but stupid white trash that is either totally in denial about his sexuality or thinks pretending to be straight lends him a certain cachet. i have seen the early stuff he did where he gets fucked supposedly for the first time. it looked like he had a LOT of practice lifting his legs to jesus and and praising the lord. if he is truly married and has all those kids then both he and his wife are the most worthless vile people on the planet. that boy has had more cum dumped on him than there is sperm in all the sperm banks in the whole wide world. and let me tell you, if i would have seen him behind the counter at subway i would have screamed bloody murder and called the health department. i would not want him anywhere near anything that i would touch let alone eat.
Leo says
Kurt Wild, is one of the nices people i know, and so are the rest of the guys mentioned in this article. It disgusts me how quickly one is to pass judgment on someone or something they know nothing about. The guys here are nothing short of being STARS, the rest of the jokers who want to talk trash are just hiding and scared, cause their lame, over weight, and overly painted faces will never grace the face of any magazine let alone a feature film. Don’t get it twisted it’s an industry that gets a lot of shit, but guess what… your all still reading and watching. and that’s what puts the money in the pockets…peace xoxo
ricky says
@leo. they have sex for money with men on film, and kurt claims to be “staight”. they are whores. nothing more.
Leo Forte says
Honestly what does it matter to anyone? gay, straigh, somewhere in between, we have the sordid lives, aand have fun while doing it and making an adventure of our lives. While most people like the ones here live lives of queit desperation; wanting so bad to be where we are, but always falling short, in many ways.. cause i know for a fact if you were young, hung, and good looking.. you would be doing the same thing. It’s hypocracy to bach on people who are doing only one thing, and that’s to entertain the masses. The funny thing is tha tmost people out there are too scared of their own sexuality to attempt anything at all. Having sex with multiple peopl doesn’t make anyone of these fine men “whores” it makes them MEN, so don’t hate on them because they are doing something you only dream about doing. Either way it’s ok, all you people are still on my friend’s site. You still come checking it out, and you still drool over the men you claim to dislike so much… if so why do you waste your time on this site?? Common sense really is not commen in fact it’s escaped you all.
ricky says
@leo forte. you are so full of shit you almost reach the moon. what are you his agent? i was young, hung and good looking and it never crossed my mind to pretend to be a straight boy and do porn. he is a whore and it doesn’t make him a man any more than it makes jenna jamison a man. i loathe him because he claims to be this straight family man and he is nothing but a cum dumpster. he has no class, he has no style he is just a fucking whore. HE HAS KIDS FOR CHRIST’S SAKE! THAT IS ONE OF THE MAJOR REASON I HATE THIS STUPID FUCKER. WHAT KIND OF PARENT DOES THIS?????????? A WHORE THAT IS WHO. he has no defense or excuses. this little fuck head can get married and have kids and he is to be admired and respected by a gay person? THAT LITTLE FUCKTARD HAS MORE RIGHTS THAN I DO AND HE CLAIMS TO BE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST BECAUSE PEOPLE DON’T WANT HIS FILTHY BODY TOUCHING THEIR FOOD! i got kids to feed he claims. HE IS FUCKING INSANE. and i do not have a sordid life and i never have. SOME OF US FAGS ARE RESPECTABLE.
ricky says
@ERIC they usually just cruise you at the park, not do movies.
ricky says
not all white trash are junkies. and some white trash are respectable. kurt wild is not respectable but he is white trash. i don’t know if he is a junkie or not. i don’t know any junkies and i never have. i don’t run in those circles. but i have known straight boys who have shown up at my door with a six pack and a wnating for some man love. those i can deal with not a whore like him.
jan says
So Kurt Wild is a whore.
So what!
You,Ricky,are a sanctimounious hyppocrite.
I know whose company I prefer
eric says
@ricky. Calm down mate. Although I don’t entirely disagree with what you’ve said about Kurt, how does any of it really effect you in any way (in any aspect of your everyday life) for such hatred or judgment? Don’t you think you’ll enjoy porn so much more if you didn’t delve into labels (if they’re gay or straight), their private life, or how they behave off-screen? I’m sure a lot of people were better off not knowing that he is doing gay porn to support is wife and three kids.
Holden says
@Leo, none of these guys are “stars.” Christ, how that word is abused on this site. Most of the porn actors I have met in person are average at best, occasionally with a good or better body. A star is unique, talented, has beauty and charisma; I love porno but if thesey guys had talent they be working in Hollywood and I don’t mean on the streets. The porn indistry thrives on the down-and-out, the homeless, drug abusers, runaways, and it always will. In the past thirty years of porn movies probably only Bill Henson had what it takes to have been a star. Nowadays with the interent virtually anyone can be in porn.
Mark says
It really is better not to know anything about porn performers’ private lives. ‘Cause that day I saw Kurt Wild on Tyra, all I could think about was those three little kids, and how, living in a small Missouri town, he has put his own quest for fame ahead of their well-being. It ain’t Berkeley, and now everyone knows their dad does gay porn. There’s also something to be said about someone so irresponsible that he would father three children without being able to provide for them. I guess he gets some credit for trying to work a real job, but if being a Subway cashier is it, maybe he should’ve waited before starting a family, and certainly before expanding it to three. I feel sorry for those kids in every respect.
Billy Blue says
Kurt did a scene for a site with a fat, old dude fucking him like his litlle bitch! He cant get lower than that.
Leo says
you guys crack me up… live and let live. We all have skeletons in our closets some far scarier than others, there should be no one casting any stones at any one’s glass house. take it for what it’s worth and enjoy, but to get so upset over someone else’s life…why? It’s not you.
ricky says
i habe no skeletons in my closet. they are buried in the backyard.
ricky says
have. i swear when i wear my carpel tunnel brace not only does my typing suffer but also my editing skills.
eric says
“but to get so upset over someone else’s life…why? It’s not you.”
Indeed. Why people concern themselves’ over it just baffles me. Especially over porn actors…
Kurt says
@ eric.
Simple. Two words: No life.
Leo Forte says
to Ricky & Eric; you guys get it and are cool as hell in my book.. let me know if you need help burying those skeletons in the back yard…
Take care, and thanks for being cool in a world of duche bags.
Leo Forte
eric says
er I think there’s a typo there since my stance was different to that of ricky’s…
JohnDeere says
It must be wonderful to go through life so blithely, to see and hear all kinds of news—say about the Balloon Boy, Octomom, that little boy in Brazil finally reunited with his dad, a gay porn “actor” with 3 babies from a conservative community who goes on national TV to talk about it, all sorts of things that come down the pike—and to have a mind so blank, so incurious that you don’t ever have an opinion.
Rand says
I think eric is an idiot, maybe retarded. Be nice to him.
Rick says
@eric, no actually ever says “indeed.” It baffles me why your name begins with a small e. But I don’t give a fuck and I let it go.
eric says
@Rick. I am all about not giving a fuck. Much like I don’t give a fuck for Rand, why you seem to think you have some authority to declare what people say anymore or why it baffles you how I choose to spell my name on the net. I can let go that QMN is swarmed by self-righteous idiots…
Stefan says
@eric, do you ever bother to go back and read the crap you have written? You have so much hostility. It can’t really be the guys whose comments you dislike or disagree with that have made you so miserable. Let somethings go without the need to bicker so much. It’s so meaningless.
ricky says
the skeletons btw are the reains of my beloved dogs and cats. no hitch hikers, thems is for the side of the road.
toeman says
I love seeing Kurt Wild getting fucked hard and fast by Daddy Muggs and also by Jake Cruise. Those two old fat fuckers know how to ream his tight pretty little boy ass hard and fast. I love the way he rides daddy muggs dick and cums hard. Kurt is hot. Don’t judge him.
Kurt Wild says
Wow, I really understand Ricky’s point in only 1 way. That honestly feels like he knows so much about my life and yet knows nothing in any degree except for his own fear. First of all, he’s wrong about calling me trash and actually getting so worked up about his thoughts of me. Second, I didn’t choose to tell everyone I am straight just for the grins, it’s a question I would hear every day of my life at work. My heart belongs to a woman and my body is just a tool of the trade. If I think so low of myself, why would I bare my white ass to the entire world and except that my job as a performer will never be a perfect job for anyone? If I did straight porn would that prove anything? It would only prove I really don’t care about my family or my wife and if you don’t see how then look up the facts in pay, safety, and behind the scenes clips. I’m not done with this……
Kurt Wild says
Continued: Long story short, if not too late. Hollywood is no better and hardly different from adult films. A Lot of them were actually shot in Hollyood and the Hollywood Hills. According to Ricky, Hollywood really likes white trash…lol
Whoever typed ” Simple. Two Words: NO LIFE” Is almost correct, but I have two words of my own left to say.
lol says
‘If I did straight porn would that prove anything? It would only prove I really don’t care about my family or my wife’
Oh, Kurt, that was already established from working in Gay porn. You are a sex worker, the ‘type’ of sex doesn’t make a distinction in whether or not you ‘care’ about your family. You make it known that you conceal this career from your children. I wouldn’t exactly clarify that working in porn as something that doesn’t harm your family, when you are aware the repercussions and don’t share that bit of info with them. I assume you don’t leave the dvd’s lying around the house for them to see as well. Yet, appearing on television shows to proclaim your hetero stats doesn’t really help them either–considering many people will see the show and know your children. Eventually, it will be known to them. A Shame.
As for the assumption that sex on a Gay porn production is any less or more safe than a straight production is laughable. But I guess it is that type of logic, that suits your need to provide an explanation to work in gay porn. If you are really straight, and have “NO FEAR” then what is the point of explaining yourself to complete strangers on a blog or even on a talk show… sounds like your a big ball of anxiety about what others think about you, and have concern over being labeled as gay. Really, what is the problem here? So what, people think your gay, as if it is something more to be ashamed of, even worse than being known as a sex worker– isn’t it what you think that counts? Ahem. Maybe it is a matter of you needing the convincing on your sexual desires.
People are drawn to the type of work they are into. It is who they are.
As for for your points of making it about someone not having a life–pot calling kettle, you are visiting a blog post about yourself. I’m sure a truly responsible parent like yourself wouldn’t have time to visit gay porn blogs to look up what it says about you.
lol says
‘Hollywood is no better and hardly different from adult films. ‘Ah, yes. Keep telling yourself that.
Bullshit says
That’s grand. I’m sure you have a good source for Kurt’s rhetorical questions and you’re knowledge of what he is talkign about…….. Kurt seems to have a very good life and people need to back off about his kids all the time…. a good parent does what it takes and he seems to also protect his kids from all this. You said so yourself…. have a great week.
Derek Williams says
KW – best thing ever to happen for gay liberation IMHO. He proves that there is nothing repulsive about gay sexuality or gay sex, an excellent foil for so-called ‘straight’ homophobes who keep calling it and us “disgusting” and “unnatural”.
I would love to meet him one day, not just for sex, which would be as unbelievable as it would be unlikely, but just to be in the presence of someone totally unfucked up about sex.
Charles B says
I think more gay, Republican dads in America should suck cock to keep their kids off welfare.