It’s a growing trend in gay porn in 2017 with the scenarios where wives, girlfriends, sisters, even mothers walk in on their husbands, boyfriends, brothers & sons having gay sex. But it looks like MEN.COM is pushing the limit further (a little bit too far?) now that they include the full on Straight Porn in one of their upcoming gay porn videos.
This scene in question is called “Better Than My Sister” it’s directed by Marc MacNamara and will be online next month on January 11th. The scenario: Jordan Boss walks in on his sister and Connor Maguire having sex. The scene shows straight sex with Connor fucking pussy. Check out the XXX trailer below.
And don’t forget to check out Part 3 and Part 4 of Battle Buddies where Ryan Bones fucks Kit Cohen and Bellamy Bradley gets gang-banged by Wiliam Seed, Alex Fortin & Morgan Blake.

+ Jordan Boss Walks In On His Unsuspecting Sister and Connor Maguire Having Sex [Coming January 11]
+ More of Connor Maguire | Jordan Boss
+ Ryan Bones Fucks Kit Cohen in Battle Buddies Part 3
+ Bellamy Bradley Gang-Banged By Wiliam Seed, Alex Fortin & Morgan Blake in Battle Buddies Part 4
Eric says
I’ll admit, I’m not turned on by this scene at all. I don’t want vagina or boobs in my porn. I thought we could count on to be 100% gay content. But times change and some companies just wanna expand their content. I know that the straight scene is brief, but still. And I wouldn’t wanna see my favorite stars, especially the ones who do identify as gay, to do straight sex for the money. But it’s their call not mine and I will just continue to enjoy the gay sex. Hopefully this doesn’t ruin the company.
andrewhatesG4P says
Count on Are you serious?
This straight owned site prides itself with their g4ps and hetero-worship scenes. Are we that surprised that they would not go there?
Gay hoo la la and corny fishy have been doing it for years, which I am sure are dead man walking and dying to look for porn blogs to promote them.
They just could not wait to shove it to our face with vaginas!!!!!
Isiah says
They are fucking taking to far I do not want to see heterosexual sex in gay porn what’s next are they going to force their openly gay porn stars to fuck with me and I need to stop forcing this bisexual and homoflexble and sexually fluid on gay man and you know who are the blame what is shit straight women who watch gay porn straight women are the biggest consumers of gay porn straight women are ruining everything for a gay man 1st gay clubs then the sex app grinder and now this why can’t we gay men have something for ourselves
Isiah says
They are fucking taking it way too far I do not want to see heterosexual sex in gay porn what’s next are they going to force their openly gay porn stars to fuck with women and they need to stop forcing this bisexual and homoflexble and sexually fluid on gay man and you know who are the blame what is shit straight women who watch gay porn straight women are the biggest consumers of gay porn straight women are ruining everything for a gay man 1st gay clubs then the sex app grinder and now this why can’t we gay men have something for ourselves Siri mess up What I said in the top comment
Charles says
How do you know this has anything to so with straight women?
FieldMedic says
This is too far. The idealization of straight men in gay porn has gone too far if MEN thinks that this is ok. If I wanted to see pussy in my porn I’d watch William Seed or Arad Winwin scenes, as they’re pussies who won’t bottom.
nohetero says
LOL Good One!
sammy1023 says
…because the way to a gay man’s wallet is showing me vagina. Connor Maguire and Jordan, awesome if that was it…maybe 2018 is the year they invent MORE ways to mess up their scenes the way they did in 2017!
Devin says
Men. com is not only a racist studio, but now they they’re pushing heterosexual porn on Gay men. You guys keep supporting them, though. The only way to shut a company down is to stop opening up your wallets
Isiah says
ramesh says
Yes !
ramesh says
Yes !
ramesh says
I So Disappointed Several Gay Porn Studio Have Straight/Bi Scene!! I Wanna 100% Pure Gay Porn!!
WillnSYV says
Just another reason not to add Men. back into rotation. The Not in front of my salad was a cute one off, but sorry too many women are in their gay products.
Setien says
I think you exaggerate. I started watching straight porn when gay porn was hard to find, at least in my country. It does not shock or displease me. So I do not mind a brief scene while it is essentially gay. Also the girl is not bad… And I love Connor, I forgive him hehehe. I’ll watch it
Linic says
Can you imagine if they did this to their straight audience though? they would prob be bankrupt the next morning.
Matt says
Never ever. Just don’t buy this scene. Just don’t buy porn from EVER. Remember people – they’re straight owned and don’t give a damn about gay men – we are just a cash cow to them.
Isiah says
We gay men are not the cash cow to them anymore str8 women are the cash cow now to them straight women are buying and watching more gay porn then gay men
nohetero says
No, Just NO!!!
andrewhatesG4P says
Well, apparently gay men love vagina and gay-for-pay (hi, andrew)
mick says puts one good scene out of 20.i also think paddy has left men. com.
Ben says
I wish William Seed would stop shaving off his pubes! It really pisses me off!!! There, I’ve said it…
TJ says
This is why I don’t watch porn companies anymore. You can’t trust them.
ramesh says
Me Too ,TreasureIslandMedia Already Have Straight Scene!!
Duong Anh San says
It likes you mix fish sauce and milk together and drink it.
Jack says can fuck off and the sooner the better!!
Devin says
@ Setien, that’s wonderful for you….but most Gay men don’t want to see pussy. #duh
Kevin says
I simply do not agree that corbin fisher is doing the same thing. Corbin fisher does not worship heterosexuality, and the boys are never “top only”., with this move, has completely ruined itself. Fans and peopla have already bored about “heterosexual crush things”, “hiding from wife stupidity” “idiot parodies” etc. Thanks to their “top only LADY” Diego Sans, its been months since i disactivated my account. This straight owner website is a total insult to our community. People who has some kind of honour should immediately stop watching this useless noneless things.
gooffy1963 says
im not a member of cause i dont like g4p and wont give my hard earned money to companies promoting it. we dont want vagege in gay porn either. gay men should cancel their membership and write them so they know why.
Johnzz says this isn’t the 60s, keep that shit out of gay porn. You will never find gay sex in straight porn. This trashy site and others need to go with their shitty hetero worshiping. Sick of it.
GopherTuna says
Oh no, there’s a minor straight scene in the gay porn! Goodness, no straight man would ever have to endure gay sex in a straight porn! The horror, o calamity! All those poor women having to do same-sex scenes in straight porn, oh woe!
Really, people? You’re all drama queens. Almost as if you’re personally offended that a performer doesn’t fit your fantasy of them.
andrewhatesG4P says
Really, missy.
I am dying to see how the drama queens from Brazzers react when TWO MEN FUCK, real fucking for say 5 seconds then drill pussies, on their scenes.
That is one fantasy you and I would not want to miss.
Make it happen Brazzers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Linic says
IKR, If this happened in straight porn, they would prob have to flee the country with the amount of “drama queens” gunning for them.
And BTW, OF COURSE porn is a fantasy, WTF are you talking about @GopherTuna?!
Radek says
MEN is trash. They should be concerned about improving the quality of their scenes instead of this garbage.
Deec4 says
I like it. Need the models to take better care of their skin tho
Marshal SS says
as a bisexual i don’t find this hot or even funny
if i want to watch a guy fucking pussies, i’d rather watch coed porno or even that websites that made straight porn to gay people like SG4GE or Hot Guys Fuck
they need to stop this trend, is homophobic, mysoginistic and not funny.
and i’m astonished how there are people who get horny watching a guy fucking a girl and 5 minutes after cheatting on her
ramesh says
Please Protect MenAtPlay Studio ,!MAP My Favorite Gay Studio!!!!
ramesh says
Gay Guy’s Please Stay Away From Straight/Bi Scene(Women) In Porn Movies!!!!
Damien says
Biggest Turn off in porn for me is having to see naked females and pussy, As a Gay man I want men in my porn and dick.