Jessy Ares‘ new song, PORNPOP has been released on many internet portals. You can listen to the preview on Youtube. It will be available on Amazon September 14 and on iTune very soon. Pornpop has already been included in these compilation CDs – House Therapy Selection vol. 1 by Mofalco Recordings and Sexy House Impact 2013 by Baccara Music. The cover of PORNPOP was taken by GIGOLOS, The famous pornstar party that takes place in London and Paris.
Jessy and his friend D.O. also did a photo shoot for KARE-design, the international furniture and home decor brand. You can watch behind the scenes clip below. KARE-design is preparing to launch a new collection of furniture called “7 Deadly Sins” (Parallel to the Original Sinners production Jessy and D.O. did in Costa Rica for Lucas entertainment.)