That’s it. The movie “Awake” was wrapped. LUCAS ENTERTAINMENT team said good bye to Mykonos. And I’m on my way back home. It’s the week that I won’t forget. It’s quite rare for a blogger like me to get a chance like this to hang out with so many hot porn stars, hot crews and watch them at work Director Marc Macnamara and crew allow me to be there and see every steps of making a porn movie. Who knows, this might start a trend. Porn studios might allow more bloggers on their sets to report behind the scenes stuffs like I just did.
Now I learn that making porn is a real hard work. I hope that some readers would complain less. It’s much more harder than I imagined to create a hot porn movie. These people are working hard for your pleasure. They are trying their best to please you.
Today I would like to highlight sexy porn star Adam Killian. This guy is a real pro. He does everything on the set, from directing, shooting and performing. It’s not easy to try to cum while your head have so many things else to worry about, from camera to crew. I’m glad he finds a time to talk to the readers of Queer Me Now in this exclusive video below.
Adam Killian will co-host The 2012 Grabbys Award this May 26th in Chicago. And for now, you can watch this hot scene from Open Bar in which Adam Killian and Vito Gallo Flip Fuck!
+ Adam Killian and Vito Gallo Flip Fuck
+ More of Adam Killian
kaike says
Is this Vito’s first time getting FUCKED on camera?
almatolmen says
Whimper! Gallo and Killian leave me begging for MORE.
Peter says
Well done QMN. I am so happy for you now that you have become such a successful blogger. Great work.
QMN says
Ahh… Thank you so much Peter.
Tripp says
Killian certainly keeps up with Dylan on the number of fuck scenes.
Darkhog says
Mr, Blogger,
Thank you so much for all the hard work that you do to bring us closer to the world we so much would like to be apart of, but too shy to enter. Any job well done is hard work, and I truly admire all the performers, big and small, in front of and behind the scenes for the work that they do.
I was taught to look for the good in the work that a person does, and build on that, and that is what QMN is trying to do. So, I will continue to read your blog, I may not comment all the time; but it is my morning paper, and is read faithfully.
And, Thank you Adam Killian, for your time and hard work that you do, I have been crushing on you for a long time.
Thank you all;
Borko says
Well he seems very nice, he looks very hot in the shades. His butt and hole are beautiful
Borko says
LOL what is going on with the cameraman at 0:58 ?? Behind the scenes action?
Luca says
I don’t like him. Tranny face.
JockBoy says
This is the only blog I get a email from. It must be good or either there would be others LOL
Fre says
Time to confess QMN!
Did you get lucky with one of the porn stars?
David says
Adam Killian looks like the missing link.
sandublu says
Now, if only we could proof read our postings… Great job on the blog pictures, but the actual blogging could use some grammatical work (just a thought)…
kaike says
I guess Lucas Michael is the next to fuck Vito’s tight hungry hole
Anderson says
@Fre If was not with a pornstar, it was with someone of Lucas Entertainment’s crew!

QMN made many compliments to the staff guys!
Nunya says
@Sandublu – you DO realize that the owner of QMN is not a native English speaker right? This is a site for looking at hot naked guys fuck….not for discussing English syntax. How about you work on not being an asshole to someone (just a thought)…
Anderson says
There are some boring and repressed queens for here. Anyone has problems to understand about hot men, asses and big dicks?
sxg says
@Nunya really? I just assumed he was a bit jetlagged or tired that’s why the grammar wasn’t all that great this time around. But good to know.
skx says
I think Adam is on the verge of overexposure… people are beginning to show annoyance at the prevalent amount of scenes he is shooting at one time.
Dude, I think it is time for a side job to reduce the amount of performances you have to make a living on. This getting to be too much.
And what of the production at Lucas Entertainment, don’t they have a larger stock of performers to choose from?
timucua says
@ Luca the only reason not like because you not physically attracted to him not for his persona, how materialistic conceited are you?.
sxg says
I love Adam! Can’t get enough of him. @skx Adam Killian is “overexposed” because he is a great performer both top and bottom, he knows what to do and he’s easy to work with. If he wasn’t all of this, then nobody would want to work with him. And he does A LOT besides porn. He was first a go-go dancer and still is as well as backup dancer, and before he was a “porn star” he worked behind the scenes doing a lot as mentioned in the video. So I’m sure he’ll have a fruitful career if he ever retires to being a pornstar
and Luca I guess it takes one to know one right? I honestly don’t know why ppl give so much shit on Adam’s looks. His body is smoking hot, and I personally love the facial features that everyone criticizes him for. I’ve heard ppl call him a cyclops because of the closeness of his eyes, and his lips. Personally I don’t know what the story behind his lips are, they look completely normal when he did his The Hole cameo so a botched lip injection could be a result of that, or maybe an accident seeing as he has other facial scars too. I love the uniqueness of his face.
It’s funny how people criticize so much of Adam Killian on looks that he was born with and are out of his control, when a guy like Spencer Reed rarely gets any shit for an abnormal body that has been fucked up by steroid abuse.
gayhunk says
Hi, QMN, you only reply those questions or statements which make you feel in heaven.
You should know we are very jealous to you .
Now you should answer FRE
manu says
The scene with Vito Gallo is scorching hot!Vito is a good bottom and Adam pounds him good , although I wish adam stopped shaving so much , it’s not cute
Luca says
@timucua I shouldn’t even answer, but:
thisi is a fucking gay porn blog. what else is there beside looks? his persona? please shut it.
Luca says
@sxg “it takes one to know one?” what are you on? Why do I care about his looks? Again, this is porn, not fucking Sundance. Jeez…
Tommy says
Why did he shoot his lips up with all that shit. They look like a cross between a blowup doll and a butthole…