Lucas Entertainment just released the first scene from the new porn movie GENTLEMEN 08: POWER PLAY. This movie marks the return of hottie Adriano Carrasco to gay porn after his last movie The Last Day about a year ago and the porn debut of sexy newcomer Kayden Gray.
In this first scene, you can watch hot Lucas exclusive porn star Fernando Torres getting fucked by Adriano Carrasco.
GENTLEMEN 08: POWER PLAY stars Paddy O’Brian, Fernando Torres, Adriano Carrasco, Mathew Mason, Kayden Gray, Gio Cruz, Esteban Del Toro, Maikel Cash and Toby Dutch. Check out some behind the scenes pictures here.
+ Adriano Carrasco Fucks Fernando Torres’ Ass
sam says
Between Gio Cruz and Kayden Grey who’s the bottom? The guy that bottom look hot..
WildPNW says
Gio Cruz is the top and is GORGEOUS, never seen him bottom but hoping…
Anderson says
QMN!! 6 post in a single day?? Man, I need work too! LOL
MarcoManuel says
Power Play. Men At Play?
They often pair feminine men with Paddy.
They should always pair Paddy with hot masculine men.
Paddy is masculine.Some contrast works.
But,the masculine men with feminine men doesnt.
Why all men in straight porn are masculine?
Why gay porn have a mix of masculine men and feminine men?
Most gay men are masculine.
Most gay men likes masculine men.
Only show masculine men.
Reese says
@MarcoManuel. I completely disagree with most gay men are masculine. I believe there are more gay men who are MUSCULAR today with some have more feminine tendency than others. It doesn’t really matter to me, I’m all about accepting and appreciating all types of gay personalities. However, I do find your comment about gay porn should only show masculine men discriminatory, borderline ignorant to at least half of gay men population.
ayankalla says
QNM please tell me where is adrian long ? is he retired ?
Nobweld says
Most gay men are masculine.
Most gay men likes masculine men.
That is just a ridiculous statement. As Reese said there are a mix of personalities and a mix of people who prefer different types.
MarcoManuel says
You are basically saying that at least half gay men are feminine.Its totally false.
I watched a tv show about homosexuality.
The sexologist even said it themselves.
They said that most gay men are masculine and feminine gay men are a small minority.Feminine straight men are also a minority.
They also said that the reason for stereotypes is that feminine gay men are louder and more noticeable.Unlike masculine gay men who are more low key and subtle.
This is what gives the illusion that all gay men are feminine.But they are really not.
Now,you will possibly say that sexologist doesnt know what they are talking about.Dont you?
MarcoManuel says
The media doesnt help either.Movies and tv shows still portray gay men as negative stereotypes.
How many times they still need to show feminine men saying (you go girl!) ?
TV show like The A List New York is not representative of gay men.This show his very scripted.
You should know by now that producers asked them to fight each other for drama.This is a reality show.Hallo!
Some reality shows are less scripted than others.Big Brother.
Some reality shows are more scripted.The A List New York.
It needs to stop.
Those who says that most or half gay men are feminine,its because you are feminine yourselves.
If you would be masculine,you would never say something like that.
I hate when straight people all look surprised when i tell them im gay.
Because,they tell me (You are gay? No way!)
(You are gay but you look straight)
(You dont look gay)
It piss me off evertime they tell me stupid ignorant things like that.
Stereotypes is the reason most straight people believes that all gay men are Chris Crocker clones.When in fact,most gay men are not at all.
Masculine gay men are still the most closeted gay men.They needs to come out.So,they can show visibility of masculine gay men.So,straight people can finally realize that most gay men are really masculine.
So much masculine gay men doesnt want to come out.Because they doesnt want to be linked to stereotypes.
Im really not the ignorant man here.
I state the obvious.Its true.
Any of you ever watched the show Playing It Straight?
This show was spot on and should never have been canceled.
This show is so needed for a comeback.
Most gay men are masculine.
I stand with my point.
I know im right.
Reese says
I didnt recall saying most gay men are feminine. I believe I said most gay men have feminine tendency in varied degrees. I will never claim to be an expert on the subject. I simply based my opinions on my experiences traveling and living in the gay community around the world, not on some reality shows and movies. Yes, I agree the media leans towards portraying gay men in one point of view, however if we let the media defines who we are, then I guess we, gay men are rather weak. And the theory of most closeted gay men are afraid to come out because of the feminine stereotype is far from the truth. I believe it has more to do with self denial, religious belief and family acceptance. You sir, is trying to make a generalization of our diverse community. If anything, think about this, those feminine gays that you detest so much tend to be the ones who are fighting for our human rights so that we can freely and openly enjoy our lives as gay human beings, or even enjoy more porn as an indirect outcome, so for that I am truly grateful. I came from a country where homosexuality is punishable by law, and I promise myself when I got out from that country I wanna be a person who is appreciative of human individuality and void of closedmindedness, whether i’m feminine or masculine should never even matter.
Reese says
Oh yeah, one sexologist opinion doesn’t necessarily represent the entire sexologists perspectives. We have seen way too many scholatic views are refuted by another expert opinion and the chain of rebuttal continues. I suggest do our own reading, research and educate ourselves in the subject matter and then make our own conclusion