Spanish power bottom Allen King meets hot hung top from Portugal Gustavo Cruz in this latest sex scene from the Begging For Raw Cock movie. Gay porn star Allen King gets fucked hard by Gustavo Cruz in this video. For more, you can check out Allen King’s bareback videos on his JustFor.Fans page.

Allen King rides Gustavo Cruz’ huge uncut cock on Lucas Entertainment! The rougher and more dominant a top is, the more Allen King wants to worship his cock and take bareback dick deep up his ass for as long as his little boy pussy can handle it. Gustavo Cruz is all about controlling his bottoms and showing them who is boss. Gustavo first asserts his dominance over Allen King by slapping him across his face with his huge 9.5-inch uncut cock before having Allen King gag on his meat and then pile-driving him between his tiny little cheeks. Will Allen King’s ass be able to handle all of Gustavo Cruz’s enormous cock?
+ Allen King Rides Gustavo Cruz’s Huge Uncut Cock
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Max says
Allen had a very impressive career as a pornstar. Unusual for european guys in the industry. There is something about his face that make him desirable. When he started he was a sweetheart, ideal for cockyboy type. He also appeared once (I wonder why) in TimTales. Then the exclusive career for cockyboys was over and he started amateur videos when he exploited himself to limits. His getting older, more tired of taking drugs and every time when I watch his face expression when being fucked I wonder is he in pain or pleasure? Difficult to say. He is still very attractive man with hunger for cocks and I assume still very popular. Will be interesting to see how he will end.
Hot guy says
Never liked him, never will. But I gotta admit you’re right, he’s had hell of a career in this biz. 🙂 Good for him. Also, never knew he was european! Now the BelAmi boys are #1 so, the world (those who spend their $ on XXX content) like them boys from Europe. A LOT. 😉
Max says
He is from Spain. First videos he recorded were from very budget spanish porn company, then he did one scene with Tim Tales (and I was wondering why not more, maybe he didnt want to take big dicks easily as he is doing now), some with UK company, later a few with Lucio Saints (when he tried to run some porn company), and later he started a sensational career in US. He was very popular in cockyboys. What is really very interesting, he was a boyfriend of Angel Cruz (latino), which for me was much more attractive, but Angel failed to make an impact in porn industry. That is another example where beautiful body isnt enough to make a success. Allen was never ripped but he’s body is attractive, cute, smooth, natural. What is special about him are his eyes. He is cute and slatty at the same time. Is the type of the boy, who is the one in the club that everyone want to fuck. And I think he is really passionate about doing his job well. Recently he is doing everything to make some money, and as we know, is the way to distraction. But I guess these days guys dont have a lot of options.
Mike says
Allen is still very hot to me, however my problem with him is overexposure. It seems like every time you look up, he’s in another video and always as a bottom. Allen has a big cock, so for the sake of a little variety, it would be nice to see him top once in awhile instead of bottoming for the 1000th time!
andrew says
Allen King is one of the sexiest looking and most seductive cock hungry bottoms in gay porn. Allen likes the big boys. I love the way he flirts with them and gives them awesome head before giving them a piece of his fine ass. IMO he’s the star of every scene he’s in.