Next Door Buddies and Next Door Male are celebrating 10 years of bringing the world the hottest “guy next door” porn. In honor of this major milestone, we are having a $10 Anniversary Sale!
Starting today until September 4th, NEXTDOORWORLD.COM, NEXTDOORBUDDIES.COM, and NEXTDOORMALE.COM will be on sale and you can get a 30-day membership for $10.
Just in time for this offer, they release this hot new video muscle hunk Arad fucks Colt Rivers.
Arad is the hot and muscular newcomer to keep an eye on. I wrote a blog post introducing Arad last week and it received very good responses. Now you can watch this gorgeous stud Arad in his porn debut.
Check out preview pictures from this scene “Greek Massage” Arad fucks Colt Rivers below.
+ Greek Massage: Arad Fucks Colt Rivers
Cam says
I like Arad arm… So big, muscular and sexy… Arad go sign exclusive contract with HH…
Orestes says
Wallstdouchebag says
Um.. Arad better bottom.
Louis says
Arad: another stunning guy in every possible way
Is that beauty gay?
Matin says
Arad is so Sexy, QMN plz make an interview with him.
QMN says
@Martin I’ve already submit my interview questions. Waiting for him to reply.
SuckItBaby says
Arad, a true perfect specimen of manhood.
sxg says
He is really a beautiful man. I do hope he bottoms though he’s got a sweet ass. He’s not as endowed as I hope he would be, but I still want to see his topping skills. Size isn’t everything!
sxg says
Also, does the $10 include access to ALL sites including NextDoorEbony? I remember either doing a one-month membership or looking into getting one and for some reason NDE was not part of that.
Matias says
Arad is so hot, great smile, abs, just add hairy chest and he looks even better.
sxg says
@Matias he probably shaves/waxes it off sadly. If he’s from Iranian or at least that part of the world like another commenter mentioned, then he might be naturally hairy. He more than likely shaves it all off so his muscles could show better, but damn I wanna see the hairy version of that!
danny says
He is indeed a very hot sexy man. I wish he would let his hair grow out a bit. And, maybe get a different hairstyle. Colt is a lucky guy! So is Arad.
andrew says
Two good looking guys with great bodies, especially Arad. I think they would both look better without the facial hair or maybe just some scruff
micky says
I seriously am going to take that top picture of Arad and make it my desktop background
atella says
Love to see Arad topped by Austin Wolfe!
Eric says
Cock is too small
MarcoManuel says
Next Door!Pass.
Arad must ignore those who wants hair on his body.Shaved men are the hottest.Shaved men looks good.Mostly on muscular men.Arad must stay shaved.
Arad butt is kind of Rafael Alencar style.
MarcoManuel says
Between the 2 recent hot muscular men Arad and Flex,Flex is the hottest.Both have the plastic look.But,Flex have the more solid plastic look.
Arad facial features are kind of feminine compared to Flex alpha masculine face.
If you would ask anybody,who is the gay man and the straight man between Arad and Flex,lots of people would most likely say Arad is the gay man.
Flex might be the least popular out of the 2 man.Because he is bigger.Most gay men will go for the leaner men.Arad will possibly be more popular.
Kev says
ARAD should be next on Tim Kruger’s list!!!
mitch says
small cock? holy baloney, his cock is just PERFECT for me, don’t want sloppy shlongs in my mouth.
Immensely hot guy with beautiful face, would like to see him bottom too
Matin says
Sexy ARAD, I’m sending you So much LOVE from IRAN, hoping to see more scenes from you. xx
Orestes says
Poor people..Iranians are so handsome…
balfo says
His -handsome- face reminds me of a guy I know. But Arad definitely has a better body! Another super HOT guy! yum yum
Almatolmen says
Now, that’s what I call a masseur! How do I make an appointment?
You guys have the silliest quibbles. Coiffure? Who cares? Hairy? It’d be nice to see him mix it up with his chest, or even facial hair, but I’m not about to refuse his ministrations over it. Not a giant cock, but it looks nice and thick.
I wish I was so lucky to have a lover with his “problems”. There’s a lot of fussy old hens posting here.
Lebanese guy says
Shame Persian guy dick anyway should be bottom he got not bad ass . Lebanese here with my love
KingOfTheWorld says
Arad is really muscled! I love his red nipples! Is Arad from Middle East? Ooops!!
Gay says