Austin L. Young (aka Austin Lock aka Austin Armstrong) is a Carnal Meida exclusive model. You saw him getting fucked raw on porn sites like FUN-SIZE BOYS, GAYCEST, and BOY FOR SALE. He is in the middle of the rising trend in gay porn, somewhat controversial “family-themed” gay porn these past few years. Learn more about twink gay porn star Austin L. Young in this interview below.
Let’s start with who you are, and how old you are?
I’m Austin L. Young. I’m 22 years old. Believe it or not, I’ll be 23 on January 20th, 2020! Of course, no one believes me… It’s not the first time! Actually, I probably could walk into a high school tomorrow, sit down in a classroom, and other than wondering who the new kid was, no one — and I mean no one — would ask any questions about my age!
Do you mind that people think you look super young and ask you to prove how old you are?
No! I’m of legal age. I ignore the haters. I am who I am! I love being small and young-looking. Why shouldn’t I? I’m an adult and I do porn legally, and doing porn is fantastic. And I am okay with who I am and what I look like… This is my body, it’s the only one I’ve got, and I think it’s healthy to feel good about my own body!
Where are you from? Or where were you when you first started doing porn?
I’m from several places, but I spent my teenage years in Oregon. I met Legrand Wolf and his Carnal Media guys there in Oregon, so that feels a lot like home.
Tell us about your day job?
Well, I actually love my job. As far as I can tell, I’m the luckiest boy in the world. My job literally consists of me looking at porn all day long, deciding which porn is hot, and then sending the pictures and images that I selected out of thousands off to the Carnal Media editing team… And those are the pictures that sell the Carnal Media products! I spend most of my days naked… Really! Sometimes I post pictures of myself goofing off (naked), lounging around (naked), playing games (naked), having sexy times (… of course, naked). And what else? I’m jetsetting back and forth to different fun locations every month. Imagine that your day job revolved around sex, only occasionally involved boring business stuff, and you got to look at porn, and make incredibly hot sexual fantasies. I’m using my body to have fun and create sexy images and videos… And Carnal Media creates an incredible product! What is that product? As Legrand and his husband say, the product we create results in orgasms… Thousands of safe, private orgasms! Who has a job that gives people something better than that? Yeah, I have a dream job! I do other things at Carnal Media too, and I’m a Carnal Media boy forever! Okay, that was way too long of an answer. Next question!
How’d you come up with your porn name?
To be honest, I didn’t come up with my name. When I was filming for the first time with Legrand Wolf, he and his husband came up with the name. And I liked it… It’s changed a little bit over the last 3 years, but always Austin. Austin Young makes the most sense. I keep the L in there because it references the last name ‘Lock’ I had for a while.
How did you get into the adult industry?
I got into the adult industry because a boyfriend thought I’d be great in porn. But after shooting my first porn, he got upset. So he encouraged me to do it because he thought I would be great! But when I said I loved my experience, that was too much for him and he freaked out. Totally weird… Needless to say, that relationship didn’t last!
Apparently there’s controversy around gay incest fantasies in gay porn. Assuming that is true, what do you think about any controversy around “family-themed” gay porn?
I hadn’t really given it much thought. I don’t pay much attention to non-controversies. I ignore lots of things on my twitter. Haters, etc. I encourage others to do the same. Who needs to pay attention to them? No one. But since you asked here’s what I have to say, and the answer is simple: it’s just a fantasy! You say there is a controversy. Is that true? I’m not really sure I believe that there is much controversy. We’re talking about porn, right? Porn isn’t real even if the boners are! Are people actually confused? Do they really think dads are fucking their own biological children in videos? If they are, I feel bad for them. They probably think that the Living Dead is a documentary… Yikes! They probably think the actors in Texas Chainsaw Massacre actually gave their lives. [laughs] And of course incest-themed porn has been around for as long as gay porn has been around… Here’s a couple of other things to consider:
+ Do you think anyone cares about straight incest “family-themed” porn out there? Nope, I doubt it. But leave it to the finger-wagging church ladies in the gay community to create a controversy.
+ Is that worse than kinkster fantasies of getting kidnapped, beaten, and whipped against your will? Where’s the outrage about sites like I’m sure they’d love the publicity! Is it even worse than a teacher persuading a student to be sexually involved in that teacher/student porn you jerked off to last night? Of course, the answer is a resounding ‘NO’!
+ Finally, people are entitled to their opinions. But you know what they say about opinions being like buttholes? Some are loose and sloppy… Or something like that! [laughs]
What kind of guy turns you on?
How about what doesn’t turn me on? I’ve found guys who turn me on in almost every category, with very few exceptions. If they are smaller than me… I don’t know. In that case I haven’t really met anyone in porn who is smaller than me!
What was it like filming your first porn scene?
It was amazing, actually. And I look back at it, and as corny as it sounds, because porn is porn, but it was an eye-opener for me! I was doing something that felt so natural and wonderful right from the start. When the cameras were rolling, everything just felt effortless! I had so much fun doing it. I don’t know how to describe my first experience with porn, but right after, I knew I didn’t want to do anything else!
What is it like filming for Carnal Media?
They are the best studio I’ve ever filmed with… I wouldn’t want to film for anybody else!
What’s your favorite sex position and why?
My favorite sex position is me laying down on my stomach with my butt up in the air. The ‘why’ is maybe TMI, but this is a porn interview with QueerMeNow, so that’s probably a given! Anyhow, for a very long time I fantasized about just laying in bed, totally naked, with the door open… Then some guy walks by the door and sees me. He comes in the room, shuts the door, and has his way with me. It’s the stuff of fantasies I know, but I love that position! And it wasn’t like I was thinking about somebody in particular. I just kind of fantasized about it happening. I love lying on my stomach, boner pushing into the covers with my butt up in the air, imagining that someone’s going to come and slowly, expertly stretch me open with their massive cock. Ok… Now I’m hard just thinking about it. [grins and blushes]
Where’s the craziest place you ever had sex since you were 18?
In the gym showers of the men’s locker room. The only thing that was separating us from all the other men who were showering in this really nice locker room at this fancy gym was a frosted glass door. We put one of our camera phones on a ledge and I got him hard, then I got fucked until I came! Luckily we got the whole thing on camera. Two weeks earlier, it was in an airport bathroom with Jay James, one of Carnal Media’s models who just recently shot with us. I was the top. That was not what I was planning because if you’ve seen Jay James; he has a huge dick and I loved it when he fucked me! We went to the bathroom and he was like, ‘hey, you can fuck me.’ I was like, ‘okay!’ I was really turned on… I was having sex in the airport! That’s pretty awesome and pretty crazy…
If you could produce your own porn scene, what would it be about?
Easy. The only porn I ever let myself watch growing up was this one episode of an anime that was crazy hot. I would recreate that scene. It’s basically an episode of, which is my favorite fantasy site that I’m personally and forever connected to… Because I LOVE that fantasy! But anyway, this one particular anime porn where a boy was tied up in the closet of a wealthy businessman. At some point the business man hired another boy to come over and take care of a ‘bunny rabbit’ at the house. Like, he hired a pet sitter. The unsuspecting boy opens up the closet door and sees the boy tied up. He’s shocked at what he sees. The two have this interaction that leads to the boy who is tied up to having sex with the pet sitter. The pet sitter doesn’t even get a word in because the boy knows exactly what his master wants him to do. There’s no real dialogue, not really. For the boys like this, they have to have sex with whomever they are told. They are used like property and passed around. It was just awesome. It’s a huge fantasy of mine that makes my dick twitch and leak precum when I’m thinking about it… If I could be tied up in closet and my only thought in the world was ‘who is going to fuck me today,’ I’d be the happiest person alive! The anime, recreating it in real life, would be so much fun. I know it by heart! In a Christian family, it was the only porn I allowed myself to use to masturbate.
Tell us three things your fans will be surprised to learn about you.
Number one, I’m not just an Aquarius, I’m also a Capricorn. I was born on the cusp. [laughs] Also, I don’t believe in celebrating any holidays with gifts. I mean, I love it when fans send me things off my Amazon wish list, but I don’t love the idea of people being compelled to give gifts just because it is a particular holiday. It might be kind of surprising for people to learn that I don’t really like holidays. Oh, and people seem to be surprised that I really do love being small! I love being picked up by big guys. It’s not just fun, it’s also economical because kids clothes are so much cheaper!
What do you like most about your scene partner, Legrand Wolf?
What I like about him? If we’re not talking about him personally, but as a scene partner… What’s not to love? I love that he is about two times my size. Actually he’s exactly twice my size! Also, have you seen his dick? It just continues because he keeps going deeper and deeper; the base of his dick is thick and stretching you out, and the mushroom head is rubbing your insides in all the right spots! Ugh… I’m hard again! He’s a very sexy ginger and his hairy chest is soft. This is hard! I can’t help but think of sexy things when you ask that, but I love that he is a health nut and keeps me focused on my health. I mean, bottom line is that I really care about him.
What kind of content do you plan to produce for your JustFor.Fans?
I plan on getting more with Legrand. Oh… And Dallas Steele and I have some content to make. How about this; TONS of content will be made!
What’s next for Austin Young? Do you have any plans? Do you have a year plan, two year plans, five year plans? Do have any big goals?
I have one year plans and five year plans. I’m a boy with plans! My plans have everything to do with real estate. I’m going to take Austin’s profits and invest. I don’t know what the future holds, but I have goals, and having a real estate empire is the goal during — and if there is an after — then after porn.
FieldMedic says
I was struck by his eloquence, not that it came out of a porn star but that it came out of a man so young. Great interview and read. I’m so glad that he came back to porn and love watching the scenes that he’s in!
Darron Bluu says
It’s funny because I know the exact hintai he’s talking about I watched it a few times over the years lol
XXXopher says
Please share the name of the hentai you are talking about.
Steven says
What is a hintai??
Steven says
What is a hentai?
SJ says
It’s called Sensitive Pornograph. It’s in two parts; the part he’s talking about is the second part, although the first part is worth a watch too.
Brendan says
Feel like those incest themes are not actually a trend but pushed by these websites for some reason.
Realistic says
Whatever raises the eyebrows is whatever will happen. There is neither rythme nor rhime. Porn isn’t to serve the brain so don’t try to use intellect to figure out its themes.
paedodaddy says
i was straight till seeing him i n porn, my mouth drools for teenage cock now
Austin says
I see his age, even older. I don’t really see him young. In a few years this boy will not know what to do with his life, because he has little left twink. I wonder what he will do next? LOL
Razor X says
Totally agree! Young boy body when an old man face won’t cut it! ????
We can’t always stay fresh and young.
Razor X says
Totally agree! Young boy body when an old man face won’t cut it! ????
We can’t always stay fresh and young.
Ant says
Why must he try to retain his youth? Lots of twinks grow up to be hot daddies. Look at Zac Efron! Believe me, lots of guys start off in porn and keep doing it for decades.
Brian says
He might suprise everyone & look young well in to his 30ies…I did…I would get proofed in bars in my early 30ies…being small bodyed helps…& if he does pron into his 30ies…& is smart with his $$$….he can do what ever he wants…best of luck to him…sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders…
Ljot says
I agree with ALL what he said about the porn he works on.
As I commented weeks ago, no-one complains about the same kind of fantasies on straight porn, no-one complains about violence on films and TV shows, but if some gay porn studios does step-incest or old-young fantasies NOOOOO. Embarrassing double-standards.
alex says
That is utterly false. These sites are not step-incest sites. Many of their scenes are FULL FAMILIAR INCEST.
This is the exact wording of one of Carnal’s press releases:
“Gay incest fantasy content is nothing new. The thrill of seeing something that you shouldn’t see (especially when it’s culturally taboo) is part of the lifestream of porn. Porn fantasies like sex between family members including dads and sons, uncles and nephews, brothers, etc., is where real life ends and fantasy picks up.”
There’s nothing in there about step families. These people are promoting incest. Full stop.
If incest doesn’t bother you, how about human trafficking? Their “Boy for Sale” site is literally about the glorification of human slavery.
Human beings should never be sold. Full stop.
Ljot says
You know that is not real, right? They’re not related, you know?
“How about human trafficking”? I assume any movie or TV show you like don’t deal with sensible matters. No murder, no drug use, no sex working, no kidnaps… I bet the opposite. To be coherent to your judgement, you should boycotting all Disney classics too. I don’t think that consensual incest is worse than kidnapping a baby, forcing her to spend all her life in an isolated tower and forbidding her to meet anyone (Tangled).
Double standards. But okay, I got it. It’s because sex – especially porn fantasies – have to be stigmatized, always…
alex says
You are truly deplorable. Yes, I will boycott any TV show that presents drug use, murder, or kidnapping as a positive thing.
Anyone that gets off on incest, slavery, and/or human trafficking needs to seek help. That’s not normal.
I have zero problem with adult material. This isn’t about me being anti-porn. I’m anti-incest and anti-human trafficking. No one should be making money by glorifying either of those things.
Razor X says
Boring!!! Snoring!
Ant says
Yeah lots of people have these FANTASIES. That’s what they are: fantasies. It’s not REAL incest or slavery. Stop being a prude.
Luvit00 says
seems all of his answers are scripted by his studio or him for the sole purpose of generating press
John says
I personally don’t get off on incest fantasies, but I don’t know why it is so taboo in gay porn. It’s not as though they are going to procreate inborn offspring. But when a very small porn actor looks like he is only 12, has his public removed, and is paired with giant men to make him look even smaller; I would say that this is another kind of fantasy, which is taboo for a reason.
Somedude says
Being completely honest, I just opened the interview to see his actual age. Skimmed its contents and now I can’t be sure of his age again, because the entire thing feels fake.
Milo says
I find Legrand Wolf incredibly hot.
Chipster says
Sheesh! The most overlooked aspect of Austin’s responses appear to be the most important: PORN IS FANTASY!
IMHO, the idea that PORN is somehow INSTRUCTIVE in how to live ANY PART of your life (except when you have your dick in your hand) is a GROSS MISUSE of the art form! Do you really pull-out for a “money shot” with your husband when there are no cameras present? (If so, I am SO GLAD I’m not YOUR husband! If you came all over my ass instead of IN MY ASS — or all over my face instead of IN MY MOUTH — we’d have a serious sexual problem!)
If any of these actors were ACTUALLY related, I might have a problem… but they aren’t, and so I do not!
I like to fantasize about space travel too! But, that doesn’t mean I’ll be volunteering to die on Mars anytime soon, though!
boydon says
it’s one thing to fantasize about having sex with your siblings or cousins but what these people are promoting is in fact pedophilia and statutory rape. the scenarios always suggest that the boy is underage and is consenting to having sex with his father or worse that he’s being passed around to his dad’s neighbors. it’s fucking revolting and no “double standard” argument could ever justify it. gays will however jump through any damn loophole to excuse their spank fodder so i’m not expecting any less deplorable behavior here.
alex says
Amen, boydon. For the record, I don’t expect anyone to stop being deplorable. But, I will continue to speak up every time this site promotes incest and human trafficking.
What’s next for Carnal Media? Will they have models play dead and sell it as necrophilia? If it’s just a fantasy, that would be perfectly okay with some people here.
Lukas says
If these videos do not excite you why watch them? It is pure porn fantasy, each one after in fact what he wants. By the way, everyone who watches gay porn repeats the movie in his head and puts in what he wants!!! Must he be judged too? This is probably the most interesting interview in a long time and by a young man of 22! He assumes these desires and fantasies and he is right. I do the same in my life and I enjoy every time it works….For a country where mass killings are common, prisons are full to crack, daily violence in the streets…I find it inappropriate to get carried away in this way for porn, very exaggerated …not even from the President!! Do not forget that Disney did not hesitate to kill the mother of a small fawn, a witch to kill a white snow that lived with seven dwarfs in a very small house….Gangbang ?
airbrushed says
I thought he was a tad older than 23 tbh
AJ says
Uh… I don’t think the incest aspect is the full scope of why FSB and Gaycest are controversial — especially the scenes involving the alleged 22-year-old who looks MUCH younger than that — but, go off.
Sunil says
Hi i think austin is the bomb he making dick throb here in SOUTH AFRICA
Razor X says
OMG! Get over it! You look at it if you get all bent out of shape. There are tons of 18 year old girls so porn who look 10 years old. Give this little guy a break. He only has a few years left doing this before someone else kicks him to the curb. You can’t stay looking like a twink that long. Happy masturbation ya’ll!
Razor X says
*Why look at it…
Razor X says
*Why look at it…
Fixing the error shit stain!
Davo60 says
awesome interview, Austin
holly says
I think what is turning some on here is that this man truly loves sex, so much that he even wants to be held captive by someone who will not stop fucking him. I don’t believe most see anything but a small man who truly loves sex when they watch his videos.
Shane Grifffiths says
Austin, you are so hot! I wish I could be with you. I fantasize about making hot romantic but sensitive love with you. I wish I could meet a boy like you to spend my life with (or at least an evening, lol). I admire your ability to perform in front of a camera in such an effortlessly fluid manner. You’re handsome and talented. Best wishes.
Ricky says
Austin is a living doll and a very talented performer, the ideal “boy” body, good looking, sexy eyes, puckered mouth, exquisite genitals, perfect anus, flawless skin and hair. Best when totally shaved to exaggerate his youthful appeal. He is in a league of his own and an inspiration to men of all ages.
Richard says
I think this young man is really open and honest and smart. I also enjoy his work immensely. Art is fantasy and fantasy is art.
remko says
What a nonsense. This interview is defenitely not written by Austin but some kind of marketing team.
Scott says
Austin L young is there any way we can talk I have Dreamed about you day and night
John says
I can satisfy that need if you want text me on FB John Henry using arsenal pic as DP