Those who follow Austin Wilde and Anthony Romero on Twitter know that they just flew to Las Vegas this past Sunday since they are no longer with Next Door Studios.
Today Austin announced on his new blog that they have partnered up with AUSTINZANE.COM!
ANNOUNCEMENT: Anthony and I have partnered up with our good friends Austin and Zane(from AUSTINZANE.COM) for this next amazing chapter of our lives/careers!
He also blogged about his experience partying with Corbin Fisher models and stopping by their porn shooting! You can see 4 CF models in the picture above Aiden, Connor, Trey and Cain.
We had the pleasure of stopping by the Corbin Fisher shooting….I’ll call it a compound. The Corbin Fisher shooting compound, which was massive. It was a bit surreal walking through the exact building in which many, many scenes that have gotten me off had been shot. Lucky for us, they were getting ready to shoot a 3-way so there were a few guys there. So of course we took pictures. And what happens when you pile 7 guys on a bed at the same time? Besides me getting pregnant, the bed collapses….twice.
A good friend of mine, Denz Williams (Men of Porn) also discovered that AUSTINZANE.COM will release a foursome scene with Austin Wilde and Anthony Romero this coming Thursday.
DD says
Hmm, which two don’t belong…?
BB says
ok… I’m confused… I thought Austin Wilde’s issue with Next Door was the gay for pay guys… Doesn’t AustinZane promote themselves as “straight” guys?… so what’s the difference here?…
Nat says
I don’t understand…
I thought they left BECAUSE they wanted to escape this whole gay-for-pay bullshit? I mean sure, NDS takes their G4P stupidity to the next level but studios like CF and AZ are not too far behind if you think about it.
I find it ironic how Austin Wilde said something about “integrity” when referring to NDS’s president and how he has none. How can one have integrity if they continuously work with companies that harbor such innately hateful feelings towards the gay community?
Continuously needing to reinforce the fact that you’re NOT gay and that you only have sex with men on camera for the money… yeah not fun to watch because clearly they are either lying to themselves+us or are just using gay people to make a living.
And I don’t even have a problem at all with bisexuality; if you like both, then you simply like both! But it just gets tiring and discouraging to hear the G4Pers imply that they are grossed out by what they do on the inside, no matter how much they try to hide it.
But it’s okay–as what many people say: “If you don’t like it, don’t watch it.” Damn right. But at the same time, I’m not gonna take this BS that comes from some actors who left NDS because of G4P issues only to go to another G4P company.
Nikos says
The problem with NDS to austin was that they were treating Gay For Pay actors differently to gay actors. They wouldnt force g4p to do anything they didnt want but expected austin to do everything for them. CF and AZ are different, CF especially from what ive seen has openly G4P actors getting into the scenes and trying new things, unlike NDS, which has the same G4P actors just constantly doing nothing but recieving blow jobs
Woohooboy says
I agree with everything you said Nat. My attitude is this. If you’re a guy working on the gay side of the porn industry but maintain you’re straight, yet you can:
A) Achieve and maintain arousal through sexual contact with another man
B) Achieve an orgasm as a result
C) Do this without being forced or coerced aganist your own will
then you are not STRAIGHT!. Bisexual perhaps but not straight. Now even taking into consideration that you may prefer the company of women in your personal life (ie: girlfriend, fiance, wife etc) the thought of any sexual contact with another guy is something you could not do if you define yourself as genuinely hetrosexual – regardless of how much money is thrown at you.
Johnny Castle who made a brief splash in gay porn back in 2006/2007 (doing only solo scenes) was offered a ton of money by studios to do guy on guy stuff and refused because he said he was straight and couldn’t do it. Not surprisingly he left shortly afterwards and moved over to the straight side of the business and has been an in demand straight male performer ever since.
But getting back to Austin Wilde. It does seem very odd that his stance about working with G4P guys has taken a backseat since he’s hooked up with other sites that promote this attitude and this kind of performer…..
biff says
Give em time, these two are troublemakers with an attitude that will show itself all too soon.
Sam says
It’s pretty obvious they just needed a job and this site was probably the one that offered something up. They didn’t stay on the high road to long, did they?
jeremy says
i love see gay for pay guys.the guys look so hot.
it good to see a straight doing gay sex
austin want all the guy to suck & kiss him
Sam says
Also, I never heard od before today, and I thought I had heard of evry site out there! Guess they were smart to jump on this drama bandwagon and get some free publicity for their site. It looks like another gay4pay site.
trex says
Austin Wilde has always been very clear that his issue was not with the gay 4 pay guys per se. His issues were with the gay 4 pay guys, and the studios that promote them, who actually refuse to do many or most gay sex acts. He objected to having to service a “straight guy’ who refused to reciprocate or even touch him. There may have been one or two models in the history of Corbin Fisher who fall into that category, but most of CF’s models, even if they claim to be straight, are fully versatile and kiss, suck, fuck and rim in all of their scenes. I’m not as familiar with Austin Zane but I think the same is true for that site. Austin Wilde thinks there is a pretty clear difference between James Huntsman and Cody Cummings on NDS and Connor and Dawson on CF. I agree and if those commenting above don’t see that they are pretty dense.
Joey says
Totally agree with trex and Nikos. CF and Next Door both use gay 4 pay guys but the difference being the CF guys aren’t total homophobic assholes.
Anyway, goddamn Connor looks so fucking sexy even with clothes on.
samwise says
1. Austin has a great body, but he’s rather ugly. Anthony is hot though. He should trade up.
2. Tyler Torro had a recent scene Connor Maguire. Tyler massaged Connor pretty well. I’m thinking that some G4Pers just didn’t want to touch Austin.
3. I like the models and scenes in Austin Zane but this is a total step down. AZ is small potatoes.
4. So glad that they didn’t join CF.
Sam says
All this gay4pay nonsense is nothing new. Austin apparently worked under contract for years and then suddenly he gets his panties in a bunch because someone turned their nose up at him? I guess the question is WHY NOW? He was happy to go along with it for quite a while. These two should be happy to get hired anywhere now….look at them in comparison to the other guys they are photographed with above….there is absolutely nothing special about them. They are a dime a dozen. Sounds like sour grapes and a couple of troublemakers.
manu says
not looking forward to it
James says
OK, I guess I am in the ‘confused’ column as well! I, too, thought the reason they left NDS was because of the gay for pay guys. Now, in their ‘next chapter’ they go to…a site that is run by two ‘straight’ guys? What? Sometimes I am slow, but this doesn’t make any sense. I am glad they found a new place, and it seems like it took them no time at all, hummm, but their reasons for leaving the old site seem sorta invalid now, at least to me. Oh well, it’s not my life. I am just tired of the ‘straight’ guys; if you have had more dick than me, a gay man, um, you are NOT straight!!
Austin Wilde says
I’ll keep this short and sweet. I only have an issue with “straight” guys doing GAY porn with lists of restrictions. Austin, Zane and all of the CF guys are NO different than performing with a gay guy. It’s not about sexuality, it’s about pulling your head out of your ass and PERFORMING.
Have a great day everyone
eve says
I agree with the comments that says there’s no such things as jew for pay or black for pay, Sexuality is a serious topic just like religion or race, but unfortunately there are some people who refuse to respect gay people… sad
Tom says
Does this mean they’re going bare?
raul says
EdWoody says
They better not go bare, or they are dead to me. That is NOT acceptable.
Bull says
Both Austin and Anthony have stated that the issue ISN’T gay for pay models. The issue is gay for pay models who WON’T perform anything but receiving oral and fucking. Read Anthony’s blog, he’s quite clear about that.
Sam says
@Bull. So what? Why is this an issue for them NOW? Nothing has changed with the gay4pay performers over the years. It’s always been that way. ….and then they go back to work at another gay4pay site?! Doesn’t make sense.
Mike says
You bitches DO NOT READ! He never said his issue was with Gay4Pay…his issue is with Gay4Pay models that won’t do their job…like have actual gay sex. Corbin Fisher’s models and AustinZane most certainly have gay sex.
Sam says
again….why is this an issue NOW? Did gay4pay models suddenly all stop getting fucked and giving head to the gay models?….no, because they never did it before. That is what is weird about this. Anthony is crying wolf over something that he has put up with for years with no previous complaints. Suddenly it is a problem and he has to quit and then goes right to work for another gay4pay site? Something else is going on here.
Sam says
oh, and @mike, we’re not bitches
bernardo says
Um, I read the article and it never said that austin and anthony are joining corbin fisher just austin and anthony are going to a site where the guys kiss, rim, suck and fuck with no whining or crying about their sexuality. won a grabby award which pissed off riley price. I have seen a couple of their scenes and their are hot.
Shon says
love it!
sxg says
I don’t know about the scenes, but the collection of guys on AustinZane make the site look like a poor man’s SeanCody. At this point their next stop after AustinZane is SXVideo. This move will hurt them in the end if they expect to be in porn awhile longer. RB would have been a smarter decision if they were offering since the models not only get paid for scenes and appearances, but they also get paid for webcamming.
Cody D'Amico says
hmmmmm well, i too was confused and said the same thing to austin on twitter. his response was that he only has issues with g4pers who don’t perform and enjoy gay sex. while i understand his explanation you can’t help but find it humorous: a guy who desperately clings to being “straight” but “enjoys” gay sex? really? how enlightened of us all.
if sites/studios/guys are going out of their way (which austin zane and cf – esp connor – do) to point out how “straight” they are and use it as a marketing ploy then THEY are the ones making an “issue” out of their sexuality. they can’t then turn around and say that their sexuality or the sexuality of their performers is “private” or “shouldn’t matter”. they’re the ones making it an issue through their very marketing bullshit.
my suggestion to austin was that if he’s going to insist (anthony as well) on working with these sites/performers who insist on constantly asserting their claim of wanting to be considered “straight” perhaps they can compel them to just fucking stop doings so. either stop trying to market yourselves as “straight in a gay industry or just leave the industry. with the amount of effort/money tied up in the g4p marketing ploy i doubt that’s going to happen. however, i think it’s hypocritical for these guys to constantly declare their “straightness” and then feign offense when we point out that straight guys don’t “enjoy” sex with men and, while they might not be totally gay, wanting to label themselves straight soooooo badly just smells of pathetic internalized homophobia.
it’s a shame austin and anthony didn’t use this whole debacle to further remove the stigma of being “not-straight” from GAY fucking porn.
i for one think connor comes across gayer than a bag of tinsel. i genuinely feel bad for his “girlfriend”. with the sheer energy she must exert to deny his sexuality to herself you’d probably be able to squeeze pearls out of her brain like a fucking oyster.
I have completely lost any interest of watching anything Austin Wilde performs in. Sorry but his performance is as boring as the gay4pay performers. You leave a gay4pay horrible company and then repeat history with gay4pay performers. I am so sick of this whole gay4pay crap. I want to see gay men fuck gay men not desperate straight men fuck gay men then blogging that “Oh my god, gay sex is the worse experience” then blog “I only have gay sex for money but I’m straight”. Seriously, what happen to the gay porn industry, it has gone down the drain. I much rather watch 80’s gay porn than this whole new gay4pay crap. Sorry but no matter how hot you are it is a disgrace to the gay community.
TipOfAForeskinOnly says
N.O., NO!
Jason says
How about GAY porn actors with many restrictions like RAFAEL ALENCAR??
He NEVER bottoms or gets rimmed, barely sucks dick or kisses. He follows enabling MR.PAM (girls can’t direct GAY sex !!) from Lucas to Naked Sword doing S & M BS cuz she asks nothing from him but to show up, fuck, get paid. “Look at dee lighthouse.” “Gay boys r my BFF’s. I turn them on.” PLEEEZE! Get a real Boyfriend, Fat girl !
Persa says
Your own personal issues with guys who call themselves straight but work in gay porn are clouding your ability to think clearly or comprehend what you read.
Which is sad given how aggro so many of you are.
Porn is not life, it’s PERFORMANCE. It’s sexual theater. It has nothing to do with people’s real lives. Not every two people who perform in a scene are attracted to each other, some of them don’t even like each other.
The job of a porn performer (just like any other actor) is to PERFORM! To act as if and convince the viewers that they are completely into the scene and having the time of their life.
People here seem to have confused PERFORMING with sexual orientation.
Why do you care what a performer does in their real life? why are you so invested in a stranger’s personal life?
Just like other kinds of sex workers, what a porn performer brings to table is fantasy, believability, a convincing performance of a sexual situation. Beyond that, they don’t owe the viewers anything else.
Austin and Anthony had a CONTRACT. Just like anyone else with a job who had bills to pay, you put up with it until you can’t anymore then you leave.
The issues isn’t so-called Gay4Pay, the issues is ANYONE who is hired to do a job who will not do it properly (their reasoning doesn’t really matter). There are plenty of porn performers who identify as straight who bring their all to a scene and don’t hold anything back you’d never know what they do or don’t do outside of the scene.
Sex is sex, we’ve all had to “fake” it at some time and there are plenty of ways that movies help performers to make their scenes believable because it’s ACTING! It’s no different than stage kissing or kissing someone in a movie. Yes you are actually kissing but you are ACTING like someone who enjoys it, which is the job of a performer. Orientation isn’t the issue, performance is. Why is that so difficult to comprehend?
You can’t be a life guard who refuses to swim, get wet, wear a bathing suit or be near water and still call yourself a life guard.
And if y’all really believe that a man having sex with another man is so taboo, so strange, bizarre (I don’t know what) that a man must be gay to do it, then you don’t know much about human sexuality or male anatomy. People have done and do far more complicated, dangerous, unusual things for money every minute of every day.
It’s not real life. It’s porn. It’s a fantasy, a performance.
MissLewis says
LOL! @ Persa. Yeah good luck getting anyone in the real world that you are straight after you have taken multiple dicks in your ass, ate cum, and had raw bareback sex.
Only a dummy would compare stage acting to having sex on film. Yes someone taking a dick in their ass for a few hundred dollars is the same thing as Meryl Steep playing Margaret Thatcher. Persia less on the verbal gymnastics on more on the reality check. I love how Persa completely dismantles any kind of eroticism in gay porn. Yeah I’m sure knowing these guys don’t like having sex with other men, don’t want to be there, are supporting a habit or have money issues and have to take drugs to get through a scene is really going to bring people in. Thank you Persa for illustrating why so many gay porn companies are on the verge of bankruptcy and why no one is paying for porn anymore.
@Jason- Rafael Ancear like Arpad Miklos saves his ass for paying clients. Hit him up rentboy sometime.
Cody D'Amico says
Again, you miss the point completely for a couple reasons.
One, the studios/porn stars THEMSELVES market these guys as “straight”. It’s their whole ploy. So for you to ask “why do you care what a performer does in their personal life?” or to imply it’s none of our business or doesn’t matter completely ignores the fact that this entire debate is predicated on the way they market these guys in the first place. It’s completely hypocritical: “Hey, here’s some ‘STRAIGHT STRAIGHT STRAIGHT STRAIGHT’ guys having GAY sex…but don’t dare question their sexuality, it’s none of your business and it’s private….just enjoy these ‘STRAIGHT STRAIGHT STRAIGHT STRAIGHT’ guys having gay sex.”
Two, no one is saying that Gay4Pay guys are completely gay. We’re saying, by the very definition of the word “straight”, they can’t be straight. Being straight and having sex with men are mutually exclusive – by very definition of the word “straight”. While you’re right in saying they’re “performing”…they’re performing SEX. By definition, a “straight” man doesn’t perform sex with other men. If we’re going to use words and their commonly shared definitions then we should use them correctly. The commonly shared (by 99% of the population) definition of a “straight” man is one who doesn’t perform sex with other men. Ask any of your straight friends/brothers. Ask any straight men. Ask the friends/brothers of these Gay4Pay guys. Straight men are men who don’t perform sex with other men, period. They don’t get to have it both ways either out of convenience or because they hate any kind of non-hetero label being applied to themselves.
Which brings us to the third point you miss. We’re not saying that gay sex is so taboo you must be “gay” to do it. We’re not saying they’re gay. We’re saying they shouldn’t imply being seen anything other than non-hetero is so deplorable that they’ll go as far as performing sex with other men on a regular basis and still claim to be “straight”/hetero, as if admitting they are ACTIVELY CHOOSING to perform sex men is what is deplorable. You see, a “straight” man simply would not actively choose to willingly perform sex with another man, for money or not. Having sex with men and being completely “straight” are mutually exclusive.
This does not negate the fact that all of this stems from the STUDIOS and the PERFORMERS being the ones to again and again and again throw out the “straight” label. So for people to come and argue against those who take issue with that seems pretty misguided. It’s like defending self-proclaimed Christians who use their religion as a weapon instead of pointing out how they’re behaving like anything BUT Christians. They’re marketing these guys as “straight” even though they’re behaving like anything BUT straight guys and WE’RE the ones in the wrong? Now, that’s quite rich.
NutBuster Blog says
NDS is laughing right now.
Zane Michaels says
The word “straight” is on our site twice. Sorry for throwing it in your face so much. To each their own, have a nice day
Cody D'Amico says
Wow, THAT’S their response? They’re going to claim that they’re not aware of how their studio is portrayed and think we’re ignorant of the shit they say in interviews? It’s not just on your site twice douche bag, it’s the entire marketing ploy of your studio. “Look at these two straight friends have sex. And look at their straight friends join in.”
I had more respect for Austin Zane than NDS, Corbin Fisher, etc up until now. Throwing it in our faces? Throwing what in our faces? The fact that you claim to be straight while sucking dick and getting fucked? Wow. Throw that in people’s faces all you want and then keep on being a douche. No one with half a brain believes you anyway and if someone does then at least you’ve found someone dumb enough to give you money…so that you have an excuse to suck the dick you were going to suck anyway.
Excuse me, I have to go wipe your imaginary heterosexuality off my face now. It smells of denial and douchebaggery.
Sam says
well put Cody ….yet we keep paying for these sites. Why? if everyone stopped their mebership for a month imagine the damage it would do to them. There are other sites out there that don’t pander to the belief that all gay men want to watch “str8” men have sex. These gay4paysites, and their performers, are on a slippery slope.
Zane Michaels says
No, my response it that everyone is entitled to their own opinions which we respect -to each their own. I know how our studio is portrayed and I am well aware that many people don’t believe it and that’s okay too. We have gay sex on camera, we are okay with being perceived that way. I was just pointing out the irony that this blog promotes us as straight (used 51 times here before I commented) more than we say it. We don’t even say it in our scenes so I found it comical. In a few days, you will see how many of your comments are factually incorrect and a lot of your comments were drawn from quick assumptions, however, I would probably have thought the same things… stay tuned and I apologize if you were offended by my last comment, I was just having fun with it
Jeff says
Some of you guys are so busy bitching, that you get in the way of your own enjoyment. The guys at AustinZane may have said at one time or another said that they are “straight.” And they may even self identify as “straight.” But, their only mistake early on, was to to to not give the answer, “we don’t use labels to identify our sexuality.” This is a no in situation for those of you of who believe that sexuality comes in absolutes.
The fact is that AustinZane is the new face of porn. NICE guys that started their own porn company that features guys having sex. They have great chemistry, put on a great show and have been absolutely drama free.
While other companies have stalled or rip off customers by recycling content or just turning out crap (C1R, Active Duty, etc), AZ deserves credit for leading the new generation of porn.
For fans of porn, Austin and Wilde and his partner leave NDS, films a scene with AZ and it’s already posted for our enjoyment. And it’s a pretty good scene. What more do you want?
Sam says
“AZ deserves credit for leading the new generation of porn” ?? That statement, along with the rest of the above comments, is contradictory when referring to a website that is cookie-cutter and borderline cliche. I have nothing against the guys who created this site, but there is nothing “new” or unique about AZ. They are following a genre that is already well established by other sites and performers and they are definitely not leaders or innovative. It’s not a bad site, but I think calling them the “new face of porn” is quite a stretch. It sounds like you work for them.
Cody D'Amico says
right because the “new face of porn” consists of two guys who are riding the coat tails of the g4p industry they started out in by starting their own website. we can just ignore the fact that dean cox did the same exact thing.
it’s not that their mistake early on was refusing to label themselves. they positioned themselves as two straight friends who decided to do gay porn independently. that was their gimmick. to turn around later and say that was simply an oversight or mistake for them is a joke. if they want to themselves make a statement that they’ve since grown and decided that it’s hypocritical of them to label themselves straight and then remove that pretext from their site that’s all on them. i know i for one would respect the hell out of them for doing that. however, they’re not doing that. instead they get on here and try to make some bullshit claim that since they only use the word “straight” twice on their site they are exempt from the criticism of g4p. it was a spit in the face.
there are guys who started out as g4p and then publicly stated they couldn’t identify themselves as “straight” anymore (even if they consider themselves to be) because they are having sex with men all the time and that would be hypocritical. THAT is respectable because it’s honest and it’s insightful. when guys like austin zane, connor and austin wilde reach that level of honesty and insight rather than pandering to the homophobic dollars then maybe one of them will have a leg to stand on.
samwise says
@Persa. You’re 100% correct. Thanks!
Broko says
Its not so hard to understand as long as the G4P’ers are doing everything the gays are then its fine, so lets see what happens!
Broko says
But I don’t believe that whole G4P if you are doing EVERYTHING, I mean while I might consider doing a girl for money when it comes down to me going down WHEW! My facial expression alone would not be able to be used, don’t know if I could do the act…
If I want to watch a straight guy fuck then I’ll watch straight porn. Sorry but I won’t waste another dime watching anything Austin Wilde makes or any gay studio that hires gay for pay.
Sam says
@ZaneMichaels is just back peddling.
It’s good to see that the gays are finally catching on to the BS of gay4pay sites and performers. Maybe the str8s will eventually just go back to their straight porn sites so we can watch actual gay men enjoying each other, as opposed to wannabe gay men faking it for our dollars.
Mino4 says
Wow, I just see the same few people bitching repeatedly in every post about G4P. It’s like a pet political cause or something.
Drew says
Real straight men know these assholes are full of shit. Just go by the definition of homosexual in the dictionary it says the truth. These austinzane pricks even admitted that there are things they like and dislike about gay sex when they are doing it with men(in another blog). Even contradicting themselves by saying that their “willingness” to perform gays sex acts is very different meaning than what they “desire” in “real” life… newsflash! willingness and desire are SYNONYMS, good try though! Since male erections, orgasms, and ejaculations cannot be faked in any way, since they are having erections orgasms and ejaculations while fucking other men, guess what! you are homosexuals or bisexuals by any modern dictionaries’ definition. Also you are two obvious gay queens with a gimmick looking to cash in. Real straight men would tag these austin zane losers as fags on the spot. You even look gay and have gay face and you are just gay all around. Real straight men don’t look like you faggots.