Gay porn star Austin Wolf is no doubt the most popular models on sex video sharing sites like 4My.Fans. He now uploaded almost 800 video clips of him fucking multiple bottoms, porn stars and fans alike. (That’s a lot of butts to fuck.) Here’s some highlights of those sex tapes he shared on 4My.Fans. You can also watch sex tapes of these gay porn stars Alam Wernik, Armond Rizzo, Gabriel Cross, Devin Franco, Roman Maverick on 4My.Fans too.

Fucking Alam Wernik
Fucking Alex Mecum on The Set of Falcon Studios
4-Way Fuck Fest with Gabriel Cross, Danny Gunn & Jay Alexander
3-Way with Griffin Barrows and Gabriel Cross
Fucking Roman Maverick and Blaze Austin
3-Way with Dallas Steele and Gabriel Cross
Fucking Former Sean Cody Model Aaron Savvy
4-Way Fuck Fest with Max Konnor, Devin Franco & Jackson Radiz
+ Watch Hundreds of Gay Porn Star Austin Wolf’s Private Sex Tapes
+ Alam Wernik | Armond Rizzo | Gabriel Cross | Devin Franco | Roman Maverick
So much hate for this guy, enough content worth the cost…..even if just a month.
FieldMedic says
Don’t really find this hot at all. All of them follow the same tired formula: Austin only rims and tops refusing to suck dick. The monotony is a complete boner killer.
alex says
I dont need the oral, but have to see a guy do anal. We know he does it when the camera’s aren’t on — which makes him nothing but a huge disappointment — unless you’re a bottom, I guess.
Grey says
Is Austin boyfriend ex pornstar?When I saw his IG with his boyfriend, his boyfriend look very familiar… If anyone know please tell me as it give me headache when I saw him and can’t remember a person…
Jamie says
His bf is or was a gogo dancer. I don’t think he did porn until he met Austin.
Jamie says
His bf was or is a gogo dancer. I don’t think he did porn until he met Austin.
Anon says
No tragic, exploited twinks?
Kevinnnnn says
800 clips and they are all the same damn thing. I don’t understand why anyone would pay to watch this. Just wow.
Scott says
I don’t find it hot either. Austin can barely stick his dick in the bottom before he grabs onto his own nipples and never lets go.
kyle says
I used to find his puppy eyed innocent look hot but 800 uploads?? And they’re all the same boring setup. This guy is fucking nasty.
RomanToddFan says
Not a fan. Sorry.
J says
I recall an interview where he said he slapped an escorting client for wanting to go raw…my my my, the times have changed. Some of these guys bottoming in these videos come close to qualifying as petri dishes or mattresses.
The fact he has a boyfriend just ramps up the “Ew” factor…
Kev says
Can’t stand Austin Wolfe. Never sucks cock, never bottoms & keeps stroking his own nipples.
Javi says
Austin is a dream for a bottom: handsome, big, muscular, always a top.
the guy always do the same in his 800 videos? who cares! Enjoy to watch that big and beautiful body
meduel says
ok it’d be perfect but he’s got a small dick…jejeje
David says
I agree with most of the comments here. Boring, very boring top who has a little penis and just keeps pinching his nipples in all the videos.
Lana Banana says
Who pays for this crap?
WildPn says
Zzzzzzz. Armond Rizzo probably was asking if his dick was in, is tiny compared to the massive dicks he usually takes. Austin was much more interesting when he would bottom sometimes with that huge ass of his.
johnjohn says
luckily for him the comments don’t reflect the fans, ha ha
hes the most watched on any of these sites, must be doing something right
Hugo says
Armond Rizzo is the best