It’s awesome to see these two musclebound gay porn stars getting together. Colby Melvin and Sean Cody’s Axel Rockham look so hot together and you can watch Axel Rockham fucking the cum out of Colby Melvin in this hot bareback sex scene on JustFor.Fans.

WATCH: Colby Melvin @ JustFor.Fans | Axel Rockham @ OnlyFans
JR says
Colby Melvin is a hard pass from me. Thanks no thanks
Pat says
10 years ago I would t have believed anyone if they said I would see Colby Melvin do porn and be completely unmoved. But something about his persona feels cheesy, the way he feels spare in all those three ways with his ex, the way he’s gotten puffy as he bulked up, the way his eyes bug out during sex… I am cured of my infatuation from when he was a big tease in his youth.
JR says
100% agree with everything you said.