BelAmi is giving away one month free membership with 2 months for the price of 1, Halloween Sale. They also just released a sneak peek of Blake Mitchell‘s upcoming sex scene fucking Sven Basquiat in a kitchen (full video will be online November 30th).
Don’t forget to check out these hot scenes: Andrei Karenin fucks Derek Caravaggio, Henrik Bjorn fucks Benoit Ulliel and the solo video of super cute Alan Mosca.
Our 3rd scene in our newest An American in Prague series will see Blake paired up with Sven Basquiat. As these days Sven can always be found in the Kitchen, we decided to make this a culinary experience…
+ Cumming Soon: Blake Mitchell Fucks Sven Basquiat
The spooks are out around the world to celebrate Halloween, but of course there is nothing scarey about the festivities with our boys… just very messy. Join our boys as they do their best to carve some suitable designs into their pumpkins, and also spare a thought for our poor cleaning lady, who has the unenviable task of cleaning up after them.
+ BelAmi Halloween: Helmut Huxley, Kevin Warhol, Adam Archuleta, Hoyt Kogan & Jerome Exupery

It’s hard to believe that it has already been almost a year since Derek made his debut here on BelAmiOnline in a scene with Serge Cavalli. Time flies. Today we have him back again with master lover Andrei Karenin. There are a couple of things to note about the introduction… Firstly we know this is staged, as we have never seen Kevin cleaning of his own volition, and 2ndly, we’re not sure what Derek means by wanting to join KA. Given both these things, I’m sure we can actually credit Kev for the screenplay, even though the scene is filmed by Luke. When it comes to the action, everything is exactly like you would expect with Andrei taking charge and showing his young protoge exactly how its done.
+ Andrei Karenin Fucks Derek Caravaggio

Following on from Sunday’s casting, we stay in Budapest where Eliot has invited Czech model, Alan Mosca to show off for us a bit. Alan is a stunning young man with a natural look about him… no gym pumped body here, but just what he was gifted by god. His olive complexion sets off his twinkling brown eyes and everything comes together for a great set of pictures. The next time we will see Alan will be as part of our Summer Loves series starting in January.

When it comes to our boys, they definitely fall into 2 camps. The early risers and the perennial sleepers, and when 2 of the from opposite camps decide to pair up, there can be certain… timing issues. Today it is Henrik’s turn to be slightly frustrated. At first he makes breakfast, then showers and when Benoit is still not awake, decides to take a more hands on approach to waking up his buddy. While Benoit is always very sexy, there is an extra something special vulnerability to him when he is just waking that is very sexy. Although he like to sleep late, he also wakes up very horny, as Henrik is about to find out.
+ Henrik Bjorn Fucks Benoit Ulliel
Jack says
The only good reason to fly Blake Mitchell out to Bel Ami is for him to bottom or flip flop with Kris Evans or for Joel Birkin to top him.
manworshipper says
Disagree. I didn’t expect this….but Blake really turns me on in this scene….hard to explain but…..
ai says
I cannot tell the difference between these men. Belami is so boring.