Here’s another reason to follow American Bel Ami model Mick Lovell. He shares nude photos with his Twitter followers @BelAmiMick.
And below are some more pictures American porn models Mick Lovell, Alex Waters and Brady Jensen share via Twitter during their stay in Cape Town and shooting porn with BELAMIONLINE.COM.
Alex Waters describes the picture above as “Austin @BelAmiMick and I went to the cablepark!.” Who’s Austin? Could he be the “top secret fourth” American model? Corbin Fisher’s Austin??
Halfback says
Mick has something I like and I can’t point out as he is not the type of guy I usually like…maybe is that he seems to be a bit dirty ;). I think he will get better looking with time, I like them a bit aged…
Dan says
I know queens are gonna go on about him being too pretty blah blah blah but that is a very nice piece of meat he’s got between his legs… Here’s to seeing him get better and better at using it!
Matias says
I just don’t get his appeal.
BradB says
Not a great face… Not sure what all the hype is about.
tom in portland says
Mick is a great new addition to Bel Ami’s stable. But George Duroy is doing him no favors by continuing to use pics to promote Mick’s clips on the BEl Ami website showing “action” that in fact cannot be found on any of those clips. Such “promotions” are at a minimum misleading.
JockBoy says
I like him lots …cause .. most whinners don’t……..
Isham says
Sorry but Mick is rather queeny….can’t touch Kris Evans or SASCHA , in face, eyes, body or dick.
Have to check the ass…but face is not butch.
Jose says
He’s pretty…so what? I like em pretty!!!!!
RawSlut says
Does anyone know if Mike escorts?
robbert says
Isnt Mick the same as Shay from Fratpad?
Boris says
Mick (real name not to be disclosed) is a great guy, 22 yr old, that has spent several winters at my home in Florida.
For sure he is not queeny at all, to begin, in Europe qe don’t tag men as gay, straight or biseuxal. To satify the curioisty of some members here, he fucks dudes same way he fucks girls.
We have had tons of fun and it is a pleasure to know him and be his friend….
tim says
Mick is cute, sexy, hot and gorgeous ain’t nothin wrong with him I’d love to spend some 1 on 1 time with him and his Belami friends there all fucken sexy!!!