This behind the scenes video is available for members of BELAMIONLINE.COM for quite a while now. And I’m glad they just sent me this funny clip to share with you guys. They know I love outtake video like this.
It’s nice to see some kinky and wild side of BelAmi. In this video, you will see Dylan Maguire walking around on set of his sex scene with Kris Evans and Kevin Warhol. Kris Evans’ expression is priceless when he saw what Dylan just bent over and pulled out of his butt hole! What the video below.
And don’t forget to check out the new video where Colin Hewitt gets fucked by Joel Birkin’s huge cock.
We have tried to convey to you all how irrepressible, boisterous, charming and unstoppable is Dylan Maguire. Today’s quickie is a moment the boys caught on camera before filming started… Luke is amused, Kevin is shocked and Kris is left speechless… so of course Dylan is very happy.
Kris Evans’ expression is priceless!
+ More of Dylan Maguire | Kris Evans
+ Watch Talented Gay Porn Star Dylan Maguire’s Sex Scenes on BELAMIONLINE.COM
+ Condom Free: Colin Hewitt Gets Fucked By Joel Birkin’s Huge Cock
Raelk says
The video is not loading
QMN says
What device and browser you use? I try it on my laptop (Firefox & Chrome) and iPhone (Safari & Chrome), the video loads fine for me.
Mike says
It loaded for me. Dylan had a roughly 9″ dildo fully inserted into his hole.
When he reached into his anus and pulled it out, Kris Evans was speechless.
It wasn’t gross, but was really hot! Dude has a very nice hole!
DJ says
Kris Evan’s expression is priceless
DJ says
Kris Evans’ expression is priceless
Will Blue says
And the award for Power Bottom of the Week goes to…
ididthatonce says
Ha is it strange that this video made Dylan more endearing to me? He is THE best performer BA has had.
Eric from Sweden says
@Will Blue:
Power Bottom of the year, more likely. Or the century.
I maybe would have expected this from BA model Marcel, but not from Dylan. Who knows what else he might be hiding up there.
Jason says
And did you say “tight butt hole”? Sure…
JP says
He’s got one hell of a strong sphincter to hold that dildo inside. Kris Evans is super hot looking, but don’t think he’s the sharpest tool in the shed, totally dense expression.
kurt says
I can’t even see where the video is posted – just the pre- and post- screencaps.
QMN says
What device and browser you use?
Scott says
This is fucking hot and fucking amazing. I’m subscribing now to Belami!
andrew says
Isn’t it risking damage to the colon putting something that long and thick so far up inside of the body?
crakpot says
@kurt Are you using proxy server? Cause same thing happens to me and I’m using it.