Thank you so much xXxHomo, one of my eagle-eyed readers who pointed me to this amazing news. It must be a wet dream comes true of so many gay men.
Popular male fashion model Benjamin Godfre just shot a jerk off video with Falcon Studios!
I used to be fashion model, but now I’m a porn star! My Inner Sanctum is where I share my most elite, special content. Here are some reasons why my Inner Sanctum is the hottest erotica website on the internet:
First of all, you’ll get premium access to my debut scene, shot for Falcon Studios, COMING VERY SOON! The scene is called “Erotic Photo Shoot.”
You can join a member section on his website BENJAMINGODFRE.COM called “Inner Sanctum” for preview.
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dio says
oh. my. fuck. gawd. Is this real life? I used to have SUCH a school girl crush on this guy! His dick is… interesting, but, w/ a face like THAT who gives a screw? Raging Stallion/Falcon wins the internet!
dio says
posted so fast I didn’t even read… if this is just a wank vid, then I can’t really care too much. -_-
markzzbr says
Delusional guys saying that he is gay-for-pay in 5,4,3…
Mike says
Well, I think the studios and the actors are already starting to leave behind this gayforpay babbling. It never made sense anyway.
Peter says
Reminds me a bit of the late, great Joey Stefano. Hate the tattoos: they destroy the canvas. They’re ugly and distracting, and I’ll never understand why these beautiful guys cover themselves with that shit.
toddles says
OMG – This makes me SOOO happy! And the fact that he says he “used to be a fashion model” but now is a porn star… and this is his “debut”…. dare I dream there is more to come? Gay, straight, bi, gay-for-pay – I don’t give a shit what he calls himself – I just wanna see him in action! (And isn’t Paddy O’Brien at Falcon, too… hmmmmm!)
Res says
Another straight. Yawn.
fuck my ass raw says
Ooh my…the fellow comments are
ceem says
Another g4p. And not that good looking even!
SbNy says
He’s straight or gay4pay? Please, the moment he opens his mouth the biggest hand bag falls out.
mich says
Finally another g4per. There are so few of them left now that this new addition to this nearly extinct species is more than welcome. Hooray!!
Medievalbrad says
Mr G has managed to do gather quite a lot of attention with minimal assets (in my view), but good on him for going to the next logical step – proper porn.
There are some photos on the net of him on his back with his legs in the air – in my humble opinion, the butthole does look as if it has been stretched, so the g4p thing doens’t quite ring true.
boscoz says
I think Ben is gay like us
he provides escort service to man
Jeff says
a few weeks ago he posted pics of himself with simon dexter aka sean cody’s harley …if only they could do a vid together
charlie_jack says
Interesting that he has spun a career just from showing his cock, that he gets a porn career out of it
But honey a wank scene does not a porn star make
scotch says
Quite a good month so far! Before Rocco Reed and now Benjamin Godfre! If only Leo Giamani made a comeback and Johnny Castle jumped back to gay porn, my list would be complete!
crakpot says
I knew this was coming.
Also many straight guys doing escort service.
Anderson says
His dick is so thin!
manu says
Don’t see anything special in this guy really, and he talks like Paris Hilton? ” Hot , epic hot!” LOL , good luck to him but I hope people focus more on actual porn performers like Alex Marte below this entry than some mainstream “famous” dudes with very little to offer .
Give it time says
He’s very average looking, even with professional photography. But when he opens his mouth, so much stupid comes out.
Dannyboi2 says
I’m a huge fan of Benjamin from day one but, this is sub-par. I can’t believe Falcon Studios put this out. The Photography is Horrible, Lighting, Composition. This is one of the most Beautiful men out there and this was the best they could come up with? This is a joke right? I know Ben’s a prankster and this ones pretty cruel Ben… Not flattering in the least, in poor taste. Very disappointing.
Croy says
No offense, but why are white people so quick to sell their souls for money? If he’s straight, why is he doing gay porn? Money? Isn’t there another way he obtain that?
Ty says
He is sapiosexual (One who finds intelligence the most sexually attractive feature)
His interview for Manhunt Daily he said is “pretty open minded sexually and doesn’t classify himself”
Link’s Interview
Anderson says
What’s a fashion model for you? Did this guy work for Versace, Armani, Zegna, GQ or others? If yes, point me the links!
MarcoManuel says
I always knew that Benamin would eventually make gay porn.2 years ago,when i saw some naked pictures of Benjamin,i was thinking,he looks like a gay porn star.Then,Benjamin was making more and more naked pictures.It was too much naked pictures for male model standards.Male models pose nude sometimes.But not that much.Benjamin made a lot of nude pictures.It was obvious that he would become a gay porn star.I knew it.I was right.He is a gay porn star.Will Benjamin become more overused that Marc Dylan? No! Its impossible.
MarcoManuel says
Anderson.Benjamin was not a fashion model like David Gandy.I dont think Benjamin did runway shows and being in Vogue Magazine.He was not a fashion model.He was just a model.By fashion male models standards,Benjamin would possibly be considered trashy.Because of his tattoos.In the fashion business,tattoos are are not very popular.So,if men wants to be a male model,its better for them to not have tattoos.Benjamin is making Falcon movies.Which means that he is automatically bi.
Jeremy says
Great! Now I am waiting for Todd Sanfield to do the same (though Todd has a average-sized peen). And wishful thinking Chad White and Kerry Degman please! LOL
Bull says
JockBoy says
Get a kick out of all the negative comments. Ppl with these comments would be ppl. I would not wanna be around.
Daniel H says
I love Benjamin Godfre unfortunately Falcon neuters all male sex appeal. That is the worst photo shoot of Ben I have ever seen. He should have gone with a first class company like Cockyboys not a has been studio living in the 90’s!
MarcoManuel says
Jeremy.Todd Sanfield gives a bi vibe.He is a model.So much male models are bi.Todd in porn would not be surprising.But i dont think he will make porn.As for Chad White and Kerry Degman,you can forget about it.Theres no way they would make porn.They are way too popular male models.They would never degrade themselves with making porn.I actually think that its kind of sad that a model like Benjamin would choose porn over being a model.Lets face it.Being a model is a better career than being a porn star.It pays better.At least if you are a popular model.Lets hope Benjamin doesnt do the same thing as Marc Dylan.Which means making porn with every gay porn studios possible.I think that gay porn stars who only makes movies for 1 studio is better.Because it makes them look less whorish.Gay porn stars who makes lots of videos for all gay porn studios looks whorish.We will see if Benjamin will have a good career in gay porn or if he will be just another gay porn star who makes few movies and dissapear of gay porn.
Broko says
He is HOT
That face is 100%
but yeah he has a Pencil dick, not good
Broko says
OK I just watched the video – girl please – there was so much whistling and turbulance in his speech my goodness – if he says he is straight, who am I to argue
MikeP says
Benjamin is a very sexy man. Before his website got redone he had multiple still from various photo shoots that really showcased his beauty. I have to agree that Falcon dropped the ball on this, but in a way I’m not surprised. These porn studios just follow a formula for producing all these pictures. Just search for any of his pictured by Rick Day or other popular photographers and you’ll see what he has to offer.
boscoz says
BenG has no 6.2′
he just a underwear model
his face is A+++ but he has no big chests big dick I don’t think he will be big at porn
clark says
Nice – but I am waiting for ‘fitness model’ Brock Yurich to show up in a few vids — then i’d become VERY interested
He’s yummmmmm!
AlwaysHard says
I like big ears, and his are big. Manly. Woof.
Danii says
He’s really desperate, isn’t he?
toddles says
All the negativity is sad (if not unexpected), but Marco, why would someone who considers gay porn “degrading” and porn stars “whorish” be not only consuming gay porn, but reading blogs and commenting on it? Sex-negative comments in a space like this seem out of place. But I guess we all come from different places…
MMDD says
OK, I’ll admit right now that his killer ass is what caught my attention first; but upon further investigation…geez, what a turn-off. A totally self-absorbed gay-for-payer who wants nothing more than to be worshiped (i.e., financially supported) by gay men. Wish I could say I was surprised, but I wasn’t. The hottest ass in the world can’t make up for that. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going back to lust after Jack Mackenroth’s genuinely gay killer ass, which is an ass I would unquestionably support…not to mention do lots of lovely things to with my tongue and other swollen appendages. Give me an out-and proud real gay man any day over all this fake bullshit.
dd says
linares delmar says
Ben is the perfec bottom boy for paddy!!!
he´s ass is most hotttt
Dannyboi2 says
Apparently, he’s only doing a J/O scene for Falcon and not going to be a Porn Star… It’s just another way to catch your attention and I guess it worked. There is only one Benjamin Godfre and he’s a Media Whore but, in a nice way. I suppose he’s an entertainer of sorts and thrives on being idolized as He is sapiosexual (One who finds intelligence the most sexually attractive feature) like Ty Said… in other words a Tease…
Bull says
sapiosexual = pretentious bisexual
MarcoManuel says
Even if Benjamin only makes a jerk off scene and stop making porn,Benjamin will always be considered like a gay porn star.As soon as you make porn,even if its only 1 movie,you are a porn star.People will always see you as a porn star.Any men who only made 1 gay porn movie would have a hard time finding a job.His movie is on the net and anybody can see it.When you are a porn star,you are a porn star forever.Even if you make only 1 movie.
MMDD says
Pretentious? Oh yeah. But to call him bisexual is an insult to bisexuals everywhere. He’s a self-absorbed straight boy, no question about it.
Francis says
You know, peeps, not everyone is one or the other. Benjamin is probably more narcissistic than anything else. But there is no indication he’s 100% straight, nor gay.
yannos says
pas mal com mec j’aime les mecs avec des tatouages sans poiles sa doit etre joli s’est sa bite que j’ais romarke sa finesse joli
Sammy says
Holy Falcon! I’m sure Big Ben’s gonna stir up the gay porn world with his twizzle stick!