Big Ryan, that tall top from Fun-Size Boys is back and in his latest scene you can watch him fuck cute bottom boy Austin L Young bareback.
+ Austin L Young Gets Fucked Raw By Big Ryan On FUN SIZE BOYS
12 CommentsCategories: Paysite Spotlight
Big Ryan, that tall top from Fun-Size Boys is back and in his latest scene you can watch him fuck cute bottom boy Austin L Young bareback.
+ Austin L Young Gets Fucked Raw By Big Ryan On FUN SIZE BOYS
Froyo queen says
yikes this is not cute at all. this is like when anime artists draw toddlers in hentai porn and justify it by saying they’re 500 year old vampires or something.
Paul P says
This is kind of sick really
Zombieking says
Haven’t they fucked like 8 times now?
kaike30615 says
It seems tp me like a rape………
Donald Horn says
Big Ryan can barely stay hard in any scene I ha e scene him in.
Ljot says
Austin is 22, so what’s the damage?
andrew says
He looks like he’s about 16 that’s why he’s chosen to appear in all these scenes. These scenes promote fantasies of men in positions of authority having sex with minors. That’s the damage.
Ljot says
I know, but there’s no way a porn video with a 16-yo-looking twentysomething and a much older man as his mentoring figure is rape promotion. It’s consensual, they’re both grown ups and there’s no reality in this.
What about films and shows with murder scenes? Should they be censored? I think everyone has some favorite film or series in which there’s a homicide. No-one from finctional media wants to legitimate murder.
And don’t forget about Jordi El Niño Polla, that popular straight porn actor. He debuted at 18 and 6 years later still has a teenage look, but no-one said Brazzers promotes sex with minors, probably because he’s straight and doesn’t bottom. Let’s talk about double standards.
If it’s not your cup of tea, doesn’t necessarily it’s illegal or immoral. I really don’t like coprophagia underground porn, but I don’t say it’s illegal nor that it damages human kind (even if many think so).
Rocket says
Well stated Ljot
MJY says
You seem to be missing the point. Straight porn can get away with using a young looking model – gay porn can’t. We are instantly judged as pedophiles when this sort of porn appears. It is a double standard, but it’s true.
Images for this scene could very easily be taken out of context and used as ammo against gay men. Its this sort of stuff that the religious right cite as evidence of their beliefs about homosexuality and pedophilia being one and the same.
The photos make it look like the bottom is not enjoying it at all. It doesn’t look like the bottom is moaning in pleasure, it looks like the grimaces of someone who’s being fucked by an uncomfortably large cock.
The reactions on here clearly show that the average person is uncomfortable because of how close to child rape porn this scene looks. The top looks much older and clearly in a position of power.
I don’t have a problem where scenes show guys of differing ages, but this site goes too far on this scene – this crosses a line – it looks like child porn and could easily be mistaken as such. It shouldn’t be being promoted full stop.
Ljot says
Double standard is wrong, always.
Porn is an incredibly weak way to attack gay community. Like those internalized homophobic gay guys saying “effeminate” guys put them in a bad light.
Graphic violence is okay in fictional media, but some perve fantasy in porn NOOOOOO
I mean, I don’t feel attacked in any way if some straight homophobe points out the wrongness of gay community from these pics he “casually” found.
Does heteros feel defined by their porn? No. Should gays feel defined by their porn? No. Should heteros feel ashamed by pedo porn? No. Should gays care or feel ashamed if some homophobe say their porn promoted rape? Absolutely not.
Austin L Young says
Thank you