Here’s some preview videos of bareback sex tapes gay porn stars Billy Santoro and Michael Roman share on LEAKED AND LOADED and JUSTFOR.FANS.

Billy Santoro has giant nuts for dinner

Michael Roman needs dinner

This video will make you sea sick – Billy fucks hard

Billy Santoro and Michael Michael abuse Andre’s gaping pussy
+ Watch Gay Porn Star Billy Santoro’s Bareback Sex Tapes on LEAKEDANDLOADED.COM
+ Watch Gay Porn Star Michael Roman’s Bareback Sex Tapes on JUSTFOR.FANS
asdf says
Billy is very convincing as a top with that effeminate voice. lol
pornlvr says
I hope sanitation is getting release forms from all these models…
South OC says
I appreciate people being honest about their “whoreness”. Haters gonna hate, fakers def gonna fake 🙂