Billy Santoro posted this on his Facebook:
Lol. America! Lol you let your blacks loot as a way of protest. Wake the fuck up. Shoot first
It was shared on Twitter and needless to say, it triggered a backlash on social media. JustFor.Fans, one of the platforms Billy shared on sex videos, just responded on Twitter that they have removed Billy’s account.
His account is gone. Policing is a slippery slope and we won’t be puppets to cancel culture. This was not debatable though. It was vile. BLM.
JustFor.Fans also just added Black Lives Matter to its Charitable Donations Program.

And here we had a good day so I put my phone away to actually take a night off. And then I checked the phone to see all the messages. His account is gone. Policing is a slippery slope and we won’t be puppets to cancel culture. This was not debatable though. It was vile. BLM.
— JustForFans (@JustForFansSite) June 2, 2020
Billy Santoro denied he has a Facebook account (which is not true. He does have a Facebook account):

And he’s not a racist:

Billy Santoro then deleted his Twitter and Facebook accounts.
WATCH: Austin Wolf’s video response:
U nasty. Nasty. son of a bitch. Every. Write @onlyfans @JustForFansSite u keep this fuck on ur platform and ur just as bad as he is! #BlackLiveMattters
— AUSTIN WOLF (@austinwolfnew) June 2, 2020
Cee says
Never liked him anyways. He can take his 3 inch dick and disappear.
pornlover says
I really hope my comment wasn’t censored on here. All of the things he did in my comment can be sourced with news articles.
Billy needs to face the consequences
J says
Yup–you were censored.
Rizz says
Karma! Then again he doesn’t care about anyone else but himself. Who the fuck knows if his “friend story” is actually true, exaggerated or just an attempt at misdirection or sympathy.
Lanu Pongen says
Lies about not having a fb acct….the story about his friend is likely to be a lie as well. Trash human being
Dave says
Hope this is the last we ever hear of him. Good riddance.
TheRealestTea says
Sadly, racism, murdering, intentionally infected people with HIV wont stop gay men from watching the porn stars who do this. We are all the problem with this world. Each and every one of us.
Sanahkan says
LOL Wut??? How can gay people be racist?? thats a contradiction… but then again, gay people are human so yeah.
Sir.Anon says
U joshing me? U srsly thought gays can’t be racist too until now? Welp at least u gotten that eye opener
andrew says
I am disgusted by all the looting scenes that I’ve seen on TV and I’m disgusted by people like Santoro calling for people to “shoot first”.
sammy1023 says
I mean, we all hear douchey things that people say, but this is just insane douchey. I think we can all agree that destroying other people’s property and livelihoods is ABSOLUTELY not ok under any circumstance, but to be so unempathetic and militant, I can’t quite figure it out yet, but I agree with another post on here: never much liked him, so buh bye forever.
Glyph says
His defenses of and excuses for his post have not been at all convincing.
I am through with him, and hope the studios and sites no longer choose to work with him.
Enough is enough.
kevin says
I am glad he is gone and supporting BLM is a good move
Minos says
He (Billy) is an idiot! But, there’s much racism in (gay) porn industry, too. Websites with just one or two black (or non-Caucasian) guys…
Peter Schmitter says
All lives metter. And this lefish madness is a great lie.
Milo says
All lives can’t matter if the justice system treats black lives like they don’t matter. You’re welcome.
Gaurav says
Honestly, I never liked Billy Santoro… But why is Austin acting “holier than thou”, he’s a despicable human being himself… Austin should stop trying so desperately to be in news…
TheRealestTea says
Damn, I think the crystal meth went straight to his head, lay off it bro
Mike says
Ironically 4 of the only 5 Billy Santoro scenes I still have on my laptop are interracial.
Justin says
People of all backgrounds (including white people) are looting, but he makes a comment about black people. Hmmm…. wonder why? Racist! I’ve honestly never watched a scene of he’s because I don’t find him attractive so he won’t be missed
Ludo says
Gay men should only be allowed to say what Antifa allows them to do.
Austin says
Wow Billy. So you black on white videos were all fake.
Consuela says
Mister Billy needs a trabajo. His dick is now reemplazando a su cabeza, no no no. I need more limon pledge .