For those of you who missed watching bodybuilder Collin Simpson as a bottom (He topped Tristan Hunter in his previous scene), GayHoopla just released another sex scene from its archive where gay porn star Collin Simpson and Caden Carli take turns fucking each other.

Caden stumbles on Collin jerking off in the morning… as the sun slowly rises the guys get into a very impromptu flip fuck scene.
Sam says
Please stop trying to make this homophobe happen. Those within the industry that spew racist remarks are removed, lose their contracts, and are shamed into the shadows. Why is not the same for those that work in gay porn and make homophobic remarks? Are we as gay people That shallow that we allow these types of people to continue to work and get your dollars?
The Bitchy Eric says
Colby Keller was cancelled after admitting that he voted for The Fucking Dotard in the White House. And gay porn studios blacklisted his traitorous ass. And rightfully so. So the million dollar question is- After repeatedly showing how homophobic he is and even being exposed as a MAGAT, why is Miss Collin I-Hate-Seeing-Dicks-and-Asses-of-F@ggots Simpson still kosher…? Are we gays so vapid and thirsty to overlook such vile flaws from Miss Thang just for a wank…? Why are studios still giving him work…? It is bad enough that he is G4P. But his repeated insulting remarks and disdain towards gay and bi men, the primary consumers of his work, is unforgivable. And before a basic ass bitch calls me intolerant of “different opinions”, save it. You side with my enemies(MAGATS) and you are tossed off!
WildPn says
Wow so you think the Democratic/Socialist party is all that? I used to think so but they are so fucked up these days, what a fucking train wreck. Blacklisting someone for their political affiliation is also fucking crazy. Porn is fantasy don’t dig into people’s personal lives especially when they don’t support the fucked up Democratic/Socialist party!
R47 says
Can see where your trumpster head is at. If you’re a straight troll, go the fuck away. If you’re lgbt and voted for trump. I pity your sorry self hating ass
WildPn says
R47 I’m gay but where is it written gay people must support the Democratic/Socialist party no matter how fucked up they become? I must not have gotten the memo. I have my eyes wide open and brain functioning when examining the different parties.
Larry says
It isn’t written anywhere that if you are gay to have to support any particular party. But gay people also don’t have to support anyone in favor of a party that to this day fights tooth and nail against gay rights. Also, if you had your eyes wide open you wouldn’t be calling them the “Democratic/Socialist” party.
Reed says
Collin is not gay for pay. He himself said he is bi.
The One says
When the hell did that happen? because he may say he’s bisexual but all that homophobic shit that he spewed after that weird ass Chaturbate show last year, speaks otherwise.
Terry says
whatever happened to that gang bang scene?
The One says
The problem is this, either Colin is in the closet and can’t come out privately and is fighting internalized homophobia or this guy is just a ego filled douchebag who wants the gay dollar but not the gay attention.
I personally feel like his scenes aren’t as good as they were when he was with GH. I don’t know if it has to do with his increased muscle or what but he’s boring. It almost reminds me of the downfall of Brandon Cody. Prolific freaky boy when with SC and the minute he left, he wanted you to know about his GF and tried to push his str8 content. Then his scenes with were forgettable.