GayHoopla just released the trailer of this scene right after Kellan Hartmann announced he’s leaving GayHoopla for Helix Studios. For me it’s always hot to see bodybuilder Collin Simpson as a bottom. He recently received a new nickname, the Muscle Snowman. Don’t miss this hot sex scene Collin Simpson gets fucked by Kellan Hartmann.

+ Kellan Hartmann Fucks Bodybuilder Collin Simpson
+ More of Collin Simpson | Kellan Hartmann
Proud Nerve says
Collin is a homophobe who supports Trump. That’s not sexy.
Jim says
Now, are you saying he’s a homophobe just because he supports Trump, because that’s b.s.
No says
The majority of gayhoopla guys are. They always drop f-bombs. “I’m no f–” blah blah money money blah blah. Their gay fan base doesn’t care. It’s probably why the gay director left.
Alex says
What is the purpose of gayhoopla? Why don’t they just close that part and focus on hotguysfuck?
Brian says
Meh. Supporting Trump is akin to supporting homophobes. He ran with a staunchly bigoted VP nominee, installed anti-gay judges and Cabinet members, visits rallies sponsored by hate groups, supports anti-trans legislation and basically reneged on all promises he told to all the incredibly foolish gays out there who thought he could ever have their backs more than Hillary would.
Kevinnnnn says
As long as he is getting his beautiful ass fucked who cares what he supports.
No says
Don’t see how getting penetrated for two seconds by a flaccid dick qualifies as “getting fucked.”
andrew says
Nothing hotter than watching the muscular snowman Collin Simpson give up his muscle butt to a hot guy.