I’m so addicted to bodybuilder Mitchell Rock right now. Hey, one can have many favorites, right? I don’t want to choose between Mitchell Rock and Vince Ferelli
In this post, I want to show you some more XXX photos from GRIDIRON GANG BANG since he received some positive responses in the previous post. This time, let me highlight his muscular butt, his ripped body and some shots of him getting fucked by Cameron Marshall!
You can watch GRIDIRON GANG BANG online now at C1R.COM
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Jens says
Mitchell Rock is so hot but why do directors insist upon big guys, bodybuilders, getting fucked by twinks, these much smaller guys? Is it supposed to show the big stud getting demeaned? Goliath taken down by David? I would preferred Mitch to give it up to a hotter, more masculine guy.
Evan says
I love absolutely everything about Mitchell. The guy is gorgeous, gay and has a boyfriend. Here’s hoping he doesn’t get caught up in all the shit that goes on in the porn world.
mike says
You should be Drap Slapped for putting Mitchell with all those Nasty Boney assed Twinks!
WHat….did you owe their pimps a favor!
Damn…the only thing worse then this….is that Mitchell went and did it instead of telling you to kiss his HOT ASS and head to another studio
Rick says
You said it, Mike! Mitch Rock has a stellar body but I actually feel sorry for him getting nailed by these twinks. Man was that skinny little twink one lucky fucker!
Jake says
Hey, I’m a bodybuilder and I have to say I love being fucked by twinks; it really turns me on to be submissive to much smaller, weaker guys for some reason. I think this looks hot.
J says
You don’t like the fact he is being fucked by a twink? Please! It would be boring if it was bodybuilder vs bodybuilder all the time.
robert says
One Question:
What is so “DEMEANING” about being fucked by a smaller guy? Not everybody in the world is a member of the Muscle Worshipping Fraternity!
I admit that I’m not a twink-lover [I have sex with grown men, and NOT with children :-)] but neither do want to give it up to Goliath [as you so colorfully state] Personally I prefer a normal [a.k. average] alooking guy.
But I guess it’s a question of preference! So go for guys just try not to use inflammatory words like “demeaning” it doesn’t help the argument and needlessly antagonizes many people!
Declan says
Wow, this subject really brought out guy’s passionate side. I’m a bodybuilder and I like all types of guys. Let’s do all try and get along, guys.
I do like that line: “not everybody in the world is a member of the Muscle Worshipping Fraternity.” Please remember, some of us pick sports because we love them, not to in anyway feel superior to anyone else. A couple of you guys are really quite clever. Oh, and if this is Robert from Amsterdam, I’m on your side.
Sherman says
The butt shot of Mitchell would have to be the best shot of any butt taken any time to date. That boy has buns of steel and a body to match. I like him cause he can mix it up from being a hot bottom to an awesome top. Me think he has talent to burn so here’s hoping his talents get used wisely at C1R. So far I am impressed with his 2 movies.
thraceguy says
What is your definition of ‘twink’? Albeit, compared to the muscle some of the guys are less, but hardly ‘twink’ category.
Lucas says
These guys aren’t anywhere near hot enough to fuck Mitchell Rock. Big muscle guys are what make gay porno worth watching.
Paul says
@Robert, no one wants to see “average looking guys” in porno. It’s supposed to be about fanatsy, the hottest guys having sex with the hottest guys.
Lou says
I only want real men, big bodybuilders, fucking and taking it up the ass like men should All other please go away. You suck. Im a bodybuilder and i cant stand skinny guys or fat blobs or twinks. its survival of the fittest in gay life, and we roid boys rule. Enough said bitches.
Erik says
I hear ya, Lou. LMAO. Let’s be real guys, if you could choose between seeing some hot bodybuilder get fucked or a twink or just some “average” guy, you know you’d choose the bodybuilder.
Mario says
Mitchell is a hot bodybuilder but I don’t care who he fucks or fucks him as long as there is chemistry on screen and the scene is hot and contains varied positions and quality camera work. Some of the bodybuilers around today make the most boring porn and come across as the slackest, laziest lays around, so why don’t you boof heads get real about what makes good porn! I’m a bodybuilder and I’m blah blab blah, what a yawn!
robert says
Thank you Declan! Yes this is Robert from Amsterdam
Also my sincerest thanks to Mario!
The only thing I wish to say in response to the comments made by Paul; Lou and Erik: To each his own! Have fun gentlemen and may you enjoy many more years getting off on huge body builders! I guess the bigger the better is your motto. You won’t get an argument from me. As I said before: “It’s a question of preference” and I refuse to assume the position of telling anybody what it is they should enjoy or class as being hot!
Declan says
Hello Robert. Het is Goed om van u mijn vriend te horen. Is that right?
robert says
That is almost perfect! The correct phrase would be: “Leuk om iets van je te horen!” You are being a tad too formal! A friend is always referred to in the jij- or je form instead of the more formal u.
How are you doing? May I conclude that you’ve been to the Netherlands? If you haven’t you really should. Maybe for Queens day [April 30th] or for the Pride week [Last week of July]
But not badly done at all
Take care,
Declan says
Hi Robert :),
Ja, ben ik aan Nederland vaak geweest. Prachtig land, prachtige mensen. Ik zal de achter daarna zomer voor Trots (?) zijn ik hoop.
Jeff says
twinks were made to service bodybuilders, and bodybuilder are what all gay dudes should aspire to.
robert says
Wow Declan
I’m impressed! You can actually express yourself in Dutch!
Have lived in the Netherlands? or do you have a knack for languages? I know that Dutch is a rather difficult language learn [not as bad as German that has many irregular verbs] but you are doing rather well!
ForgeAus says
oh yeah my fav, big musclehunk taking twink cock! awesome!
Declan says
Uh ForgeAus, I take it you are being sarcastic?
anon says
and what if he’s been sarcastic? i think he’s been sarcastic, and lol… everyone can have their own opinion…
Rahul says
I want bodybuilder is fucked by gang of bears