I enjoy this new video from ITS GONNA HURT. It contains two combinations I like – “Big Muscle” and “Huge Cock”.
The Rock is the new bodybuilder porn stud I just mentioned last week. But this time this beefy dude proved that he’s quite a talented bottom getting fucked by Castro’s huge cock. He takes it like a man!
And it case you get tired of watching blacks guys banging white boys. Check out this new site, THUG HUNTER. This site features masculine black thugs with big butts getting fucked by white boys.
[flv:http://trailers.hazecash.com/itsgonnahurt/igh7890/public/trailerx/trailer_1500.flv http://www.queermenow.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Castro-Fucks-The-Rock-trailer.jpg 580 327]
+ Can You Smell What The Rock Is Sucking!
jules says
“And it case you get tired of watching blacks guys banging white boys. Check out this new site, THUG HUNTER”
NOT SURE WHAT THAT STATEMENTS MEANS .. you don’t seem to get tired of posting white guys banging white guys
QMN says
I NEVER get tired of watching white guys fucking 
manu says
I think QMN meant that most black guys in gay porn play the usual dominant top role ,especially when they are paired with white guys, Thughunter reverses this tendancy a bit and it’s a nice change
I loved the previews!!
Dawgpound ,Tagazz and Blackmen.net are also great , mostly black/black or black/latino pairings , the models look awesome .
NOw a
manu says
Now about this precise scene , The Rock looks great but Castro , even though he has a big dick is a laaaaaaaame top , it does look good in pictures though
jak says
I know I’m old-fashioned, but I prefer the black guys to be on top. I just don’t enjoy seeing them in the submissive role.
jules says
I NEVER get tired of watching white guys fucking :-)”
i guess thats your preference! say it with me: WHITE POWER!!
Luca says
I never get tired of seeing white guys fucking either. The Rock is so hot. @QMN: uh, are we going to get to see Cayden Ross fisted soon? Please.
Halfback says
I’m a top so penis size is not a big deal to me…but if I go home with someone that end up having the size of Castro’s, I probably ask him, very nicely, to leave. I think it is gross….
Halfback says
I like white men being fucked by black dudes….but I like even better when they fuck each other!…love my Latinos and Asian too! speacially Korean’s!
mel says
IGH always has the same top. Castro always has distant look like he is waiting for the half hour of taping to be over so he can leave. The bottoms usually are slopy and overly submissve. Even though Rock is nice body he just lies there and is very unanimated about the whole process. I do like black guys either fucking or getting fucked There is just a lack of hot black guys in gay porn. Usually the black guys are rather ghetto nasty and untractive and/or are wanna be thugs. Eddie Diaz, CF’s Carter, and SC’s Landon are example of hot black guys.
brian says
To me, “It’s gonna hurt” is lame!
brian says
REAL bad news:
take care, QMN!
Ben says
I don’t care what black guys are doing, I just wish they’d stop being treated like low class criminals. Why are they always part of crude, thuggish, racist sites? Like everyone else they deserve the respect of looking hot and being treated in an acceptable way. Stop demeaning them!
QMN says
@brian Happy April’s Fool!
JVC says
Maybe I need to see more than just his previews but Castro’s performances seem to be completely devoid of passion. No kissing, no sucking, no chemistry. His cock is enormous but he is almost boring to watch. Plenty of hot black gay porn performers out there, I just don’t believe he is one of them.
fordmodel26 says
CASTRO is da shit & I hope he gettin paid good from dis company but he Mos Def makes a better bottom!
waht! says
Castro’s dick is a thing of beauty.
Kyle says
I like black guys but hate black thug porn. I’ll stick with titan, raging stallion and Hot House which seems to have some decent quality black performers not thugs.
doxiesf says
I thought this was a white guy site?
Allicide says
@ Luca….Cayden was JOKING about being fisted. Even if he was serious, Randy Blue would never film it. I don’t think he would consider it. Travis James’s dick tore him and made him bleed so don’t expect to see it at least not a RB and considering he only film with them I would say never.
vegni says
Wonderful Castro and The Rock. Please return Vince Ferelli.
Suggestion: Vince Ferelli and Castro…uau.
Luca says
@Allicide, “Travis James’ dick tore him up and made him bleed…?” How do I miss this stuff. Poor Cayden. There really is no way to keep one’s dignity in gay porn anymore. LOL. Where did you read this? Apparently I am not as informed on porn as I thought. Damn day job!
Luca says
Alright! Thanks, Allicide, I found the pic of Cayden Ross’ bleeding asshole. Great. That was almost as disturbing as the video of the guy shoving the glass bottle up his ass which then shattered in his rectum. Talk about a bizz kill. And as someone who works in the film industry I have to ask why wasn’t that photoshopped if it is real? They must have realized Cayden was bleeding and apparently bleeding badly so why not edit it?
jose says
Castro come fuck me an let me suck that monster cock