MEN.COM is about to release the scene Top To Bottom Part 1 where Tony Paradise makes a bottoming debut today. But two of my eagle-eyed readers, Ropper08 and Zwight has discovered some more hot scenes coming soon from MEN.COM.
It’s Paul Walker getting fucked by his best buddy Paddy O’Brian! The scene is called “Mates Part 4.” And Tony Paradise bottoms again. This time Tony gets fucked by Tyler Hunt in a scene called “Lawful Entry,” all coming next month!
Great job Ropper08 and Zwight! I’m sure his fans would be delight to watch Paul Walker‘s bottoming debut and it’s by his best friend Paddy O’Brian. You can prepare yourself by watching Mates Part 1 / Mates Part 2 / Mates Part 3. Can’t wait to tell you guys who’s the famous “top only” porn star getting fucked for the first time in “Top To Bottom Part 2” this July.
For now, check out this scene Top To Bottom Part 1, Tony Paradise gets fucked by Colby Jansen.
[UPDATE] You can watch the preview video of the scene Paddy O’Brian fucks Paul Walker here.
Tony Paradise getting fucked by Tyler Hunt [coming soon]
+ Top To Bottom Part 1 – Tony Paradise Bottoms For Colby Jansen
manu says
Yeaaaaaaah more Tony paradise bottoming scenes!! I hope they filmed a few dozens – this is good stuff!!
alex says
I hope this means Tony isn’t really going to jail. And as much as I love to see him bottom, I like watching him top as well — hopefully topping Colby in the near future!
sxg says
Well that certainly must be one awkward friendship. It’s one thing if two gay friends fuck each other, but 2 supposedly straight guys? It’s a bit weird lol. But then again if they’re still friends then they’re not affected by it at all since scenes are at least a few months old.
mad1048 says
Paddy and Paul – looks very hot! Colby Jansen is totally edible I’d love to have him for lunch and dinner.
Dan says
Holy fuckballs!! Paul Walker bottoming!! Love it! Now, for Mates part 5………..Will we see Paddy’s hairy butt absorbing some Walker meat?
GMan says
After going thru the list of porn stars that have worked there or did work there in the past and have never bottomed I would say IMHO it is one of the top five guys below and I threw in two wild card names in for good measure. Then again it could be a porn star that never worked there before. They seem to work with them all no matter who they seem to have an exclusive contract with.
Here are my top five in no particular order.
Cliff Jensen
Topher DiMaggio
Jack King aka Buddy Davis
Colby Jansen
Liam Magnuson
I decided to throw two wild cards in the mix
Jimmy Johnson and of course Paddy O’Brian
I think it would be a safe bet that it would be one of the 7 guys listed above.
JuanDiego978 says
I didn’t see this coming. Paul and Paddy, together!!!
Ed says
Interesting… I think I never see Paul Walker sucking a cock in a scene (I think I neither see him holding a cock), and now he is bottoming?! It’s a huuuuuuge step!
And about the actor who will bottom…
Who a I want: Colby Jansen (but I think that it’s very unlikely)
Who I think will be: Topher DiMaggio or Liam Magnuson
manu says
GMAN what about Zeb Atlas and Charlie Harding?
QMN said the next top to bottom guy was”even more famous” than Tony , so surely it’s neither Jack King nor Jimmy JOhnson (I have no clue who they are!!)
Cliff Jensen retired a long time ago I think, he has a girlfriend who posts pictures of her bleeding ass hole on twitter.
Whoever the next top to bottom guy is he’s gotta be beefy. It’s not worth the trade if the guy has no ass!!
Thankfully Tony Paradise has a generous backside, I can’t wait to see his scenes!!
SuckItBaby says
NICE! Just what I was waiting for. And after that they went out for a beer.
Chris redfield says
Woooooooowww finally Paul gets fucked! Cuming here hothothot
jeremy says
very hot,paul walker have a sexy ass,i have been dying to see a toy or dick in his ass
manu says
I want to see Tony Paradise, Colby Jansen, Charlie Harding and Zeb Atlas get fucked by… CUTLERX !!
He will get the job done and he will do it right!
Chris redfield says
QMN you´re the BEST!
sxg says
Hmm, more famous?
Then that means that it’ll be either Charlie Harding, Topher DiMaggio, Colby Jansen, Zeb Atlas or Liam Magnuson who’s getting their cherry popped on camera in the next Top 2 Bottom scene. Colby is “more famous” than Tony, but not by much so I don’t think it’s him.
If Paddy bottoms, it won’t be in Top 2 Bottom since that is under the Drill My Whole series, and he is involved in the Men Of UK line. Oh I hope that Harley Everett is the one who gets to pop his cherry. And being the pig that Harley is he should finish him off by pissing all over him
timucua says
Is Tony Paradise really going to jail or was that a plot device for the scene?.
GMan says
Manu both Jimmy Johnson and Jack King or better known as Buddy Davis have done way more porn work that Tony combined. Tony started at, then went to for a short stay and he was in his best shape then BTW. Then he ended up here. Check the other two names out in the porn wolrd and you will understand what I am saying. Also they both have done more work than Liam Magnosum as well.
Sorry I just pay too much attention to porn to admit to. LOL
Chris redfield says
I REALLY WANNA SEE Tpher DiMaggio and Paddy getting fucked… it would be so fucking hot!
Luca says
Paddy O’Brien, sounds like a leprechaun, must be the worst performer ever in gay porn. Even fucking the amazing huge ass of Marcus Ruhl he has absolutely NO expression whatsoever. None. Complete turn off when a model isn’t emotionally involved. Sadly, Marcus Ruhl didn’t have much emotion in that scene either. I don’t know what it is, maybe the models don;t like each other. Say what you will, usually at Sean Cody the guys seems to be really in to each other and the sex is amazing as a result.
trevor says
So with this scene between Paddy and Paul Walker is there any oral? Maybe both will finally suck dick?? I was originally thinking it was going to be Paddy getting Fucked in Top/Bottom 2, he did do a video for another site where he took a fairly big dildo up his butt, so he could definitely handle it. If I had my choice, I would really like to see Tyler Hunt finally give in and suck dick, get fucked and jizzed!
manu says
Great scene with Colby and Tony Paradise!! Tony’s squealing the whole time, I really enjoyed it. The piledriver was a good idea , I hope they made Tony gape a bit ( haven’t finished watching it yet!!).
I really recommend it if you’re into beefy guys getting overpowered!!
It's me again! says
gay 4 pay guys having mechanical, boring sex with absolutely no chemistry. Uhm, no thanks.
Give me passion, guys who act like they actually enjoy it and are into each other(even if it’s fake, if they can make it look real), hard cocks and LONG takes, not the 3-10 sec clips pasted together SC, CF style, kissing, mutual oral at the minimum, and a good long anal scene!
Chris redfield says
QMN chek it out! MEN UPCOMING SCENES!! Paddy fucks Paul so loveley, ROCCO REED gets fucked in a HOT orgy with Lian Magnuson and Connor Kline and take it up Jack King´s ass with nice close of his ass getting filled and Jimmy fucks Lance so hot!! I CAN´T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!
Chris Redfield says
charlie_jack says
I shouldn’t find it a turn on, as the fake straight macho attitude is so lame, but boy I want to get that Paddy fucks Paul scene
Topper35 says
Wow thats the first time i have seen paul walker with an actual hard on boner in a porn seen, he usually manages to top a loose bottom guy with his usual semi soft/hard on!! Paddy must know him well!!!!
manu says
Not enough kissing in these MEN scenes though!!
Kissing while fucking is crucial.
I hope Tony Paradise cums WHILE getting fucked in his next scenes.
He is now on my favourite bottoms list :p
sxg says
@Topper35 many medical experts will say that prostate stimulation gives you an erection, and one of the best ways to massage your prostate is through your ass, so clearly Paddy is hitting the right spots.
litper says
Now that it’s legal they can marry each other and live happily ever after!
alex says
I stayed up way later than I should have and streamed half of the Colby/Tony scene. Very hot. This is what I want from porn (and so rarely get). Two dudes who are good-looking in a guy-next-door kinda way, very masculine (but not overly so with the gay leather and straps — ugh). If could feature just one scene like this per month, I’d probably sign up for a year’s membership. Now I have to download the entire scene so I can watch it later. And I’m changing my guess from Liam to Charlie Harding (hope, hope, hope!).
alex says
Manu, we’re usually in agreement, but I actually don’t like kissing in these scenes. I’m more into one guy being kinda helpless while the other piledrives him — not really a scene that calls for kissing. Kissing is for relationships, porn is for sex. My two cents…
Olaf says
It’s not Topher. I’ve met him he says no way. Not Liam either. Charlie admits to being versatile. It’s him
George says
Retail Porn is a business and the normal rule of all retail business is to give the customer what he wants as that’s what pays for everything and makes the profit. However it is strange that often in Porn it doesn’t work that way and customers are left frustrated and disappointed. Tony Paradise bottoming is very popular and is definitely giving the customers of what they want. if Topher and other models could ease up and give the customers what they want to see that would be hugely popular with customers with resulting rewards for the models. Many of these “permanent tops” have already of screen done exactly what customers want to see on screen and if models are in porn for the long term they should be prepared to be flexible.
litper says
George, I agree, gay porn should say big NO to top-only guys. There is straight porn for them where they can always top.
ropper08 says
I hope Paddy goes hard with Paul just like he did with Darius Ferdynand on “Mates 3”
Also, Liam Magnuson MUST bottom. If you watched the “Stippers” video where Liam gave Colby Jansen a lap dance then you’ll definitely agree with me.
Brazilman says
I want to see Tony Paradise, Colby Jansen, Charlie Harding and Zeb Atlas get fucked by… CUTLERX !! Yes, I agree Manu.
I prefer Colby Jansen, please, please, please, or Charlie Harding.
Steven says
Paddy fuck me too !!!
JuanDiego978 says
Are we gonna see oral action in the scene of Paul and Paddy?
skyfall says
“Breaking News”? Lol! Everyone knew it was coming. We also know what’s gonna happen next. These obvious porn patterns haven’t changed in all these years & they won’t anytime soon.
Edward M. says
Love watching Tony Paradise Top and now bottom. I hope he doesn’t go to jail cus that would be a waste of talents. I think it’s part of the scene… Love to see more of Tony Paradise’s videos whether he’s tops or bttms.
Great job!!