I featured this hot Aussie gay porn star Jake Sydney (JakeSydBoy) in his bottoming scene with Rhyheim Shabazz last November. Now he stars in his first scene from CADEMADDOX.COM. Check out the XXX trailer of this scene where Jake Sydney gets fucked by gay porn star Cade Maddox below. For more of hottie Jake Sydney, go to his JustFor.Fans and OnlyFans pages.

Jake Sydney and his Boyfriend Dylan hosted me, and man was it ever a hot fuck! Damn, I can’t wait for you all to check out Part 2 in a couple of weeks! Check Jake out on Twitter @JakeSydBoy.
Jason says
Jake is hot. In my opinion, it’s too bad he has those ass tattoos.
Jorge says
Yea those ass tats are awful.
What’s up with Cade’s shoulder tat? Is it make up covering it up?
Lean says
I think he used laser to remove his tattoo, but it only works on dark color ink, and the area he got his tattoo removed can’t get tanned anymore.