July 15th, 2016 is a very special date for me and my website. On that date, 10 years ago, it’s the day I created this blog. Time flies! I can’t believe it’ll be Queer Me Now Blog’s 10 Years Anniversary next week. I started this blog on Xlogz blogging platform. The original URL of the website was queermenow.xlogz.com. It’s no longer exist. I had to moved Queer Me Now to the current location queermenow.net.
You have no idea how much my life has changed since I launched the blog. I was a horny 20-something gay guy living in a developing country in Asia who watched too much gay porn. I love porn. I was (and still) intrigued by gay porn industry. There’s no such thing as “porn star” or “porn award” or “porn event” where I live. Little did I know, by launching this blog, it took me around the world to meet all these porn stars, directors, producers & fans I used to only watch and read about online.
Many people asked me why I call my blog Queer Me Now. Well, it’s a line “Can You Queer Me Now?” said by one of my all-time favorite porn stars Jason Ridge in one of his porn movies Getting It Straight from Jocks Studios.