Below are news and info that George Duroy shared with members of BELAMI ONLINE. There are so many good news, You will be able to jerk off to 4 new Mick Lovell scenes by the end of August, Bel Ami is shooting more 3D contents and they have about 30 new generation of Bel Ami models waiting for release!
We are releasing 4 Mick Lovell scenes in July/August (one every two weeks, starting mid-July) – Mick/Vadim, Mick/Todd, Mick/Gaelan and Mick/Kris/Colin. You’ll get the rest of unreleased archives (including final scene with Keanu Faria) and every Sunday hardcore bonus from Robert Boggs (AYOR). We will also release the last two archival photo-shoots – with Tommy Hansen and Yves Carradine. Also the first photo-shoot with Ryan Kutcher. As for castings – the last few months I was cleaning shelves to make space for the new generation of models so you’ll have to have patience. It’ll be over soon. GD