Last month Kristen Bjorn introduced a new gay porn model from Egypt. How about India? When was the last time we had an Indian gay porn star? Thanks to website like JustFor.Fans, people from around the world are now sharing their hot sex tapes. Check out Charan Bangaram. This gay porn stud is from India and he loves sharing his hot sex videos with the world. Be sure to follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

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TJ says
Considering the state of how gay men are seen as in india, its nice to see an open and happy hunk from the region of the world doing what he loves.
jay says
gay men are not treated any better in the U.S. so stop looking down on others and get high sniffing the gas from your ass
Evanescent says
Lmao what ? Looking down at others ? The state of gay people in the West is considerably better than the state of LGBT people in the rest of the world, that’s undeniable, stop playing the privileged moron thinking you have it worse than gay people in India or the middle-east/Africa.
TJ says
you need a reality check dear if you think the U.S, a country where gay men can marry, adopt and give blood opening, is somehow comparable to living in a middle eastern country where the only safe recourse gay men have in those countries is to get gender reassignment surgery and become women in order to not be beaten for loving someone of the same gender.
Gaurav says
India is not a middle east country. #Ignorance
JeffM says
That is an utterly ridiculous statement. LGBT are treated quite badly in most of the developing world. The US is head and shoulders above them in gay rights and acceptance.
Skandha says
why even try to say such nonsense
Don says
Damn he’s sexy
Kevinnnnn says
More Arab and Indian guys! Power to them.
Super Marco Bros 3 says
Actually, american indian gay porn star of the 90s Dino Dimarco is indian. He said it himself in a interview back in the 90s. For some reasons,the gay porn studios gave him an italian name. They possibly thought that an italian name was more marketable than an indian name. He doesnt even look italian. He looks punjabi indian. Dino is possibly the only indian man in gay porn. Keep in mind that sex is very taboo in india. In most indian movies,indian actors dont kiss each other on the lips like actors in Hollywood and most countries. Theres more middle easterners in porn than indians. Its says a lot. When it comes to sex,indians are at least 40 years late behind the west.
Even straight porn barely have indian porn stars. Sunny Leon is a former canadian indian straight porn actress. Ironically,she he now a Bollywood actress. Go figure.
Javk says
You should fix your eye sight Dino Dimarco looks like a caucasian male, I can see why they gave him an Italian name he looks Meditterenean. In an interview he gave, he says, he is of Irish and American Indian (as in Native American) descent.
Link for American Indian Definition
Link to interview
bucko says
Thanks for that link Javk! Dino was one of my faves and I do recall that he was partially American Indian and not what one poster claimed of the South Asian kind! Kinda wonder what ever happened to these stars from the 90’s…
Meow says
I think you are thinking of Gianfranco. He is Iranian, but the studios tried marketing him as Italian. Dino is definitley Italian American.
Rogan Richards is of Indian decent.
Super Marco Bros 3 says
Charan is a hot man. Gay men tends to prefer the aryan look. Indian men with fair skin from north india. Which is not surprising coming from gay men. Since we all know by now that gay men have a preference for light skin. Shocker!!!
Dravidian indian men from south india are underrated. Dark brown skin is sexy. Too bad that most gay men choose the predictable way. This is their loss.
Charan and the other man are packed. Which is quite rare for indian men. Indian men who have a big cock are a minority. The average indian men have 4 inch cocks. The statistics says that indian men are the second men in the world to have the smallest cocks. It doesnt matter. Because if you really love cocks,if you really really love cocks,you love them all.
STFU says
Sorry, but I have not read a more racist. prejudiced and quite honestly DUMB post in a while. And we are in the age of Donald Freaking Trump. If you could only hear yourself… My God…
kaike30615 says
Fresh meat from India!!!!! great
Charan Bangaram says
Wow! I never dreamt I will make it to Queermenow!!
Thank you team to give me the opportunity to feature on your website, which it’s the number one reference when it comes to porn reviews
Looking forward for more collaboration if you are interested
Charan Bangaram
damian says
You are Hot!
airbrushed says
I hope you bottom in future, sexy man!
Felix says
Charan, you are beautiful, passionate, highly desirable. I long to see more of you. You take pleasure in giving immense pleasure to your partner. With experience you will learn never to look at the camera. It would be highly arousing to see you kissing.So good to see a proud, sexy, lovable South Indian. Nandre!
Mahesh says
Hey will please make vedio with me
manworshipper says
Very sexy man….Can’t wait to see more. Absolutely delicious!!
kaike30615 says
Yeah more scene bottoming!!!!!!!!!!
bucko says
Thanks for that link Javk! Dino was one of my faves and I do recall that he was partially American Indian and not what one poster claimed of the South Asian kind! Kinda wonder what ever happened to these stars from the 90’s…
asdf says
Not my cup of tea. Hard pass.
Jmac22 says
Great! Thanks for sharing. This just means that there is more of this beautiful hunk for me 😉
Mr. X says
“…gay men have a preference for light skin”? Really? Where did you hear that myth? Did you make it up or are you just basing it off your own personal preferences?
Suri.bangaram says
Charan Bangaram super super fantastic your videos and pics I love you so much you my favorite person charan I’m your big fan love you charan