I’m pretty sure all of Charlie Harding fans are waiting for his bottoming debut (Charlie Harding bottoms for Colby Jansen) in “Top To Bottom 5” from MEN.COM coming this November 22.
I just found out that porn star Charlie Harding just shot a bareback scene with Jake Cruise yesterday. His scene partner was muscular porn star Mike Dozer. Mike, Charlie and Jake were sharing some behind the scenes pictures from this scene on their Twitter including a closeup shot of Charlie Harding fucking Mike Dozer bareback. This scene hasn’t have a release date yet.
Note: About 4 months ago, Charile Harding and his boyfriend Scotty Rage gave an interview to Manhattan Digest, “How an HIV Positive and Negative guy can find love.”
Charlie Harding and Mike Dozer just shot a bareback scene with Jake Cruise.
Mike Dozer also filmed a scene with JR Bronson.
manu says
On his rentmen profile -Safe sex : “anything goes”. Wow…:s
Jordi Lim says
They are real gay men so I should loved them. PERIOD
manu says
I find Mike Dozer’s tank top extremely distateful, I knew it was only a matter of time before this bug chaser proselytism became a trend.
It’s very sad to BRAG about your HIV status.
Let people who want to protect themselves, their partner and their health do it. Not everyone has $22 000 to spare on medication every year.
JustMe says
Mike Dozer is not bragging about his HIV status, doing bareback porn does not equal being HIV positive. Still, I do agree that the tank top is distasteful.
I think if they don’t want to use a condom that’s their decision and that’s fine, I’m not gonna be some “holier-than-thou” idiot like so many that post here, but it just feels extremely insensitive and stupid to wear a shirt saying “Condoms are for pussies”.
I love Mike Dozer, but I do not support that attitude.
sxg says
You know most people pay a small amount of money for their HIV meds as there are many organizations that raise money to make them more affordable, which I actually find to be a bad thing. Back then it made sense for these organizations to exist, as the effects of HIV were never fully understood.
Now it makes no sense to have these organizations around. I say all this money goes back to researching a cure, or for funding HIV awareness campaigns. We shouldn’t have to support the reckless habits of these barebackers any longer if they succumb to HIV from their careless behavior. You can no longer claim ignorance on the subject matter. Maybe the financial burden of having HIV will make them think twice about barebacking.
sxg says
And as for this scene, I actually knew they were filming one together, I just didn’t know it was going to be bareback. I’m actually disappointed in Charlie. I mean yes he is in love with a man who is HIV+, and for that alone I commend him for not shunning away his man for having it.
But still, that doesn’t mean that he’s immune to catching it. Not only could he possibly get affected himself, he could re-infect his boyfriend and that HIV strain can mutate to become more resistant to HIV meds. I hope they trust each other’s test results 100%.
dvlaries says
The bareback outfits -to this point anyway, unless Lucas keeps at it- seem slipshod and wobbly. Can you name one that has built a lasting star from an unknown, and not an established one that has been convinced to now go without condoms? Morgan Black, Josh Weston, Adam Faust and Matt Sizemore eventually went all bareback but their names were built in safe sex first.
At this point it seems, without the full backing of one or more major established studios, any star going bareback is asking to be marginalized. After more than 20 years to get used to regarding sex with condoms on as hot, with still no real cure for AIDS, and other than plain greed, I don’t understand the urge to immerse in this risk again.
tom says
I agree – that tank top is so fucking dumb, I just wanna slap that ignorant smile off his face
Jeff says
Okay….having watched some of Dozer’s work, I do know that he has had on camera sex with a guy who is in fact +, because I know that guy. As to whether Dozer is in fact + is open to comment since he has put his sexual business on display. In regards to Charlie, I am more than a bit disappointed, since I always thought Charlie had a sharp mind….perhaps it is not as sharp as I had thought. In the end, they are adults and can do as they please….also, since they are putting their business in the public view, we as the public are allowed to comment, and they really do not have a leg to stand on in terms of bitching about it. When you put your laundry in the yard, the neighbors are allowed to talk.
Dan says
Posters like sxg are such hypocritical assholes. HIV+ people who can’t afford meds should receive no help? What a loser you are man. It is because of people like you that hiv is being spread. Your ignorant statement does nothing but add fuel to the stigma hiv+ people face. The more fuel you addd, the more likely people will NOT want to test themselves out of fear of having to face assholes like you later on. If you were as educated as you claim to be, the HIV+ you wish would all die without meds, get help from the government AFTER they prove they can’t afford it themselves. We should also get rid of unemployment/medicaid right? GTFO you loser. If you were educated you’d understand the vast majority of new infections comes from people who didn’t want to get tested, right? Those people won’t get tested out of fear of being stigmatized. The people who do get tested AND go on meds, are NOT spreading HIV.
As for bareback, all of you are being hypocrites or are completely out of touch. Bareback porn is the most popular and thought after. You guys want bareback porn to go away? Easy! Don’t watch it, don’t pay for it, don’t support it. If producers realize bareback porn =lower sales, I promise you they’ll go back to condom only. But you guys won’t. You’ll continue obsessing about bareback porn instead.
And please stop acting like any gay guy that wants to have bareback sex is a horrible irresponsible person. Here’s a hint. ALL men prefer bareback sex! Do you guys go around acting like judegmental bitches towards any straight guy that says he prefers bareback? I’ts only bad/wrong when those icky gays want bareback right? When a straight guy wants bareback sex= he’s just being a dude. But when a gay guy wants the same thing= how dare he!?
Condoms worked at one point. They don’t anymore. In cities, most gays with money have switched to Prep. Personally, I wouldn’t recommend it YET since it’s so new, but that’s where the future seems to be. Maybe Prep isn’t perfect but maybe the next pill will solve whatever “kinks” Prep may later prove to have.
But like I said, most of you bitching are complete hypocrites. Reminds me of the guy who wrote a letter to seancody saying how uncomfortable he was since seancody went bareback, yet he was still a paying member. Sorry but you don’t get to bitch about something then support it 2 seconds later. If all you anti-bareback people were serious about being taken serious, then simply stop watching, paying for, commenting, and supporting bareback porn. In the porn industry, no one has a bigger dick than money.
And assumng Dozer is + and Hrding isn’t. Well, like I said before, the vast majority of infections come from people who don’t know their status. If Dozer is +, hes most likely on meds. If he’s – like Charlie, then he’s most likely on Prep. And + people who are on meds, don’t get reinfected. Plus, he’s a top. 99% of + people who got it from sex, got it from bottoming for a vers + top. And yes, I made that stat up. JMO. Even if they did have sex with someone with a different strain, it won’t matter cause they’re already on meds. Getting infected and reinfecting pretty much only happens when the person isn’t faithfully on meds.
charlie_jack says
You can get reinfected even if you are on meds even get a different strain, or you could get syphilis, hepatitis and a number of other sexually transmitted diseases – dont think being on meds is a ‘cure’ for all
andrew says
Dozer’s tank top slogan and the smile on his face while pointing to it tells me that he is a completely irresponsible person.
Fudgy says
Feared this was coming. Well done Charlie, retard.
Billy Blue says
Being infected for being stiupid is for pussies Mike Dozer !
Chris Redfield says
pornobb says
So it’s from Top to Bottom to Bareback for Charlie.
nick says
Guys. Porn stars are not role models. They aren’t anyway close to it. This is not a place for judgment on life choices.
bloo says
This Mike Dozer ir really retarded…i used to like him, but now, i hate that stupid smile
Dean says
@nick Totally. Sex workers are NOT the ppl to be taking a moral lesson from about anything. Their only job is to get you off.
And about their status, just because one person may be HIV+ does not mean the other one is too. In this case, I believe if Dozer as a bottom is +, Charlie as a top could likely be – too. It’s not a guarantee for him to be + like it would if the roles were the other way around.
alex says
Is Mike Dozer’s asshole really that sensitive that he can tell the difference between a condom-free dick and a condom-covered dick when it enters him? The condom versus bareback argument is about as silly as the classic Star Trek episode where the guys with white on the leftt side of their faces hated the guys with white on the right. It’s all perception.
Iverson says
I find Mike Dozer’s tank top slogan to be irresponsible & foolish. Mike Dozer is clearly not very bright. I expected Charlie to know better. What an embarrassment.
Iverson says
Mainstream porn now is the pits.
Joe T says
I wonder if, since that story about Charlie was published, he has sero-converted, and thus is no longer concerned about HIV infection? Or, perhaps Dozer is positive/undetectable like Charlie’s boyfriend, and maybe if Charlie tops bareback at home, he does the same here (having decided it is an acceptably low risk)? Or maybe Dozer is just so hot and eager to take his raw dick that he can’t resist?
Anderson says
@alex Mike Dozer’s asshole must be so sensitive that can differentiate is the coffee is sweet or not!
Butch Harris says
Mike Dozer responds to T-shirt comments via Twitter:
Eric says
Bug chasers mystify me…porn that glamorizes bareback sex, though hot, does not do much for those who are ignorant about HIV transmission…
Jordi Lim says
Jake Cruize is the old guy, OMG what he is doing in gay porn? He’s a grandpa now.
Jordi Lim says
I love Mike Dozer sense of humor.. what a funny big guy..
Carl-c says
Joe-T, from Chiarlie he’s still negative
Carl-c says
I meant Charlie sorry
griffrag says
checked with JakeCruise/Cocksuremen.com and this is schedule to be released and on line in 2 weeks supposely.
Butch Harris says
Charlie Harding Tweets About T-Shirt-Gate:
Butch Harris says
POV: Gay Porn Star Charlie Harding on Condoms, Barebacking and an Announcement
mes says
Sweet baby Jeebus, some people just want to get riled up for the sake of being ornery. For one thing, as someone else pointed out- porn is a fantasy, and ‘porn stars’ are not required to live their life according to YOUR standards. They are adults, as are the people watching porn, and it’s up to each of us as CONSENTING ADULTS as to what we do in our private life. Mike Dozer is hot as, and I would gladly watch him fuck or get fucked, condom or not. Anybody who gets that freaked out over a silly t-shirt probably needs to be on meds for their blood pressure. PORN IS A FANTASY, NOT A DOCUMENTARY.
mick says
A stupid fool who is incredibly insensitive to those who are hiv+. Shame on you Dozer. Hope I never have to work with you.
MarcoManuel says
The T shirt of Mike is insulting to gay men.Mike clearly wants to encourage gay men to have bareback sex.Mike basically said condom sex is boring.
Condom studios should never work with Mike Dozer.Mike clearly hates having sex with a condom.So,Mike goes against their will.Condom studios really should stay away from Mike.
If Mike Dozer makes Colt,Falcon,Hot House or Titan movies.Then,it would show that gay porn studios only cares about the look.
Fudgy says
Yeah, so much for the porn stars not trying to influence young men to go bareback. They couldn’t give a shit.
pornobb says
Lighten up. The shirt is just a bit of fun.
pornobb says
You watch porn and you moralize on someone’s shirt ?
BLACKjack says
The shirt is just a bit of fun did I not get the memo ? Since when did HIV/AIDS become such a big joke ?
manu says
It was not “scene appropriate” to try and shame people who use condoms to avoid spreading diseases and worsening an epidemic that has cost millions of lives already.
I’m really starting to despair about the level of intelligence of some people here or in these videos.
BLACKjack says
@ Mike Dozer the only thing that is more FUCKED UP than that t-shirt is the FUCKING ASSHOLE who would pit it on.Anybody who would wear such a t-shirt have GOT TO BE out of there MOTHER FUCKING mind !!!
pornobb says
No one would go bareback after seeing that shirt. People are dumb.
Cosmic says
Mike and Charlie are textbook definitions of money grubbing whores.
ollie says
the only explanation why Charlie did bb porn that I could figure out is that Charlie’s finally bugged by his partner
LB says
If QueerMeNow is still around in 10 years it will be nothing but an obituary site.
BT says
The problem with this kind of porn trash is they put the health of HIV neg porn stars like JR Bonson at risk. Even if condoms are used asses are getting rimmed and cocks are getting sucked without barriers allowing the spread of other STD’s these POZ porn stars open themselves up to when barebacking.
pornobb says
@ollie Charlie is neg.
pornfreak says
There are an awful lot of tired high horses! Mike Dozer’s shirt can be read a couple of ways. Those of you who are so vicious and mean spirited must be really secure in your glass houses.
Dean says
@pornfreak Exactly. Mike’s shirt could actually be read literally…as in you use condoms for pussies, you know…. to prevent reproduction! In the str8 community, that would be seen as a joke and reference to going raw for anal sex, as opposed to with a condom.
And perhaps the shirt is just part of the scene’s “storyline”.
manu says
You guys are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with your ridiculous “interpretations”. This shirt worn by an avid barebacker gay guy means exactly what everyone above has said. It’s a bareback apology trying to shame people who practice safe sex.
It’s a different thing to have ” OUr models have been PCR tested and we have taken as many precautions as we could to prevent the transmission of STIs during filming” as a disclaimer at the beginning of a film and “COndoms are for pussies”.
How ignorant can you guys get? HIV transmission occurs way more easily during anal sex . In the US in 2010, straight people accounted for 27% of new cases of HIV infections, 4% of infections occur from injectable drugs . Guess where the rest comes from??
Butch Harris says
Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM))a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV. In 2010, young MSM (aged 13-24 years) accounted for 72% of new HIV infections among all persons aged 13 to 24, and 30% of new infections among all MSM. At the end of 2010, an estimated 489,121 (56%) persons living with an HIV diagnosis in the United States were MSM or MSM-IDU.
manu says
Gay men (MSM) 44x more likely to get HIV than straight people.
good2bgay says
Making a big deal because of t-shirt? Get a life f*cking drama queens!
andrew says
@good2bgay: There is no comment more tired than telling people who have different opinions than you to: “Get a life”. Get a new slogan!
ASD says
I thought Mike Dozer a hot man, but now I understand how wrong I was!
Instead of being hot, he is in fact no more than a pussy. Shame on you, Mike Dozer!
Dustin Peña says
Benster says
Personally I don’t give a shit about the shirt.
Somebody’s been a man-whore all his life and catches HIV. In order to come to terms, and survive with his self esteem intact, and to rid himself of any guilty conscience for not telling future hookups, he adopts the “bugchaser” persona just to help him sleep at night. “Hey all, I got HIV and I’m PROUD of it! In fact, I think everybody should get it so they can be REAL men just like me!”.
Such bullshit.
I just wanna say STFU to all you fucktards who bash guys for being concerned with HIV – which is still a very serious, potentially deadly disease. We’re not on “High Horses”, we just happen to not wanna be enslaved to super expensive meds for the rest of our lives just for enjoying one of the most basic human needs of recreation.
We all love sex, and many of us love to hook up. For many of us, that rush of excitement has been changed in to a dark cloud of worry. Because, safe-sex or not, it’s a fucking mine field out there, and too many POZ guys know their status.
This new added trend of “bug chasers” sure puts an even stronger dampener on things.
I really don’t give a shit it it’s your life goal to catch HIV so you don’t have to care anymore. What bothers me is that some of these people advertise it and glorifies it as if it’s a badge of homo-slut honor or something.
Seriously disturbing.