Remember hot Canadian bodybuilder Christian Power? He got his muscled butt fucked in multiple sex scenes from Men of Montreal (now part of the Bro Network) between 2013-2015. He has returned to gay porn after almost a decade since his first scene. He is one of the tops in Aaron Allen’s gang bang scene called ‘Breed Dirty Hole’ from SketchySex. The scene also features Renato Lorusso, Wess Russel, and former GayHoopla model Tony Romero.
+ Watch Christian Power’s Bottoming Scenes On MEN OF MONTREAL | BRO NETWORK

Truth says
Steroids take a toll on the face
Anthony says
i work in a rehabilitation center, thats More than just steroids, It would not surprise me to see him getting gangbanged, out of his mind in one of those hardcore pornsites soon.
Jim says
It’s really sad. He was an absolutely gorgeous man.
VegasJack says
What do you think is going on? Do you think he has some type of addiction problem?
Super Marco Bros 3 says
Meth is guaranteed with gay men. As it is the drug that is the most common with gay men. Meth is known to be the worst drug and the most dangerous. Steroids is guaranteed with straight men. It can be dangerous only if abused. But he is not gay. So he possibly dont use meth. So he might use crack or steroids. Two drugs more common with straight men. His face could also just be the result of aging. He is possibly in his mid 30s. He might look better if you would be in front of him. He does look tired in that picture. He clearly have some issues.
Bobby says
Must be crack
Dogfufu fufu says
He looks bad. Is he a addict?
Hristo stoyanov says
oh my, i couldn’t recognize him.
David says
Is Christian Power a drug addict? The before & after photos are stark. This could explain why he returns to gay porn given he is supposedly “straight.”
Jibbleyjabbley says
Will watch if he bottoms in the future
Verouge says
He will.
Jim says
He doesn’t look good, like he’s done a lot of drugs.
Lev says
All these people leaving comments he looks ugly would probably kill to look like him. He aged and these pictures don’t do him any favors. But he’s still sexy.
Jim says
The issue is he looks like he’s on drugs. looks like meth to me but I could be wrong.
MelanosKhiron says
I met him 2 years ago. Although he didn’t have the smoothness of his Men Of Montreal days, he was still fucking hot as a bodybuilder in his late 30’s and didn’t strike me as a heavy drug user, except for steroids and maybe weed. I don’t know if it’s hard drugs, aging & terrible lighting. I hope that he is OK.
VegasJack says
Your comments actually make a lot of sense!
Satani says
You guys sometimes are so mean, commenting on a persons aparece like that.
Why not follow the old and wise ideia of “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say it at all”
He looks good, and is still very hot and you guys are mean, just keep scrolling if you have nothing useful to add besides horrible speculation and false rumors.
jeff says
I agree with you. A lot of these gay men like to make fun of people’s appearance and bring others down. Just move on if you don’t like the way he looks and leave the guy alone. Everyone ages. No one stays young forever.
Henry says
Among the fisrt time in a gay shoothe fucks bareback!
Henry says
Wanted to say: Among the first time in a gay shoot Christian Power fucks bareback !
justiceseeker says
I’ve connected many times with Dave Mitchell over the years since he first started stripping at Campus in Montreal way back in 2010 > He’s never been a major drug-head, but the huge amount of steroids since his later teen years has definitely taken a toll on his aging face and higher hairline!:( The major year-round tanning also has sped up the normal aging process
VegasJack says
Your comments actually make a lot of sense!