Through a series of Tweets posted on his Twitter on August 12, gay porn star Clark Parker accuses photographer Jeremy Kost of sexual harassment.
“Dude is a total predator. Groped me and put his hands on me multiple times in the last two days. 100% an unprofessional dude.” Clark tweeted. He also mentioned that he has already filed a report with the LAPD.
Anyone approached by Jeremy Kost to shoot BEWARE!!! Dude is a total predator. Groped me and put his hands on me multiple times in the last two days. 100% an unprofessional dude. If I were some small timid kid I have no doubt he wouldn’t pushed harder with his disgusting advances
— Clark Parker (@ClarkParkerxxx) August 11, 2018
Being sexually harassed makes me a drama queen?
— Clark Parker (@ClarkParkerxxx) August 11, 2018
Jeremy also offered me cocaine. Something he probably uses to loosen up little boys he has staying at his house.
— Clark Parker (@ClarkParkerxxx) August 11, 2018
I’ve already heard some stories from other people. And have already prevented some from working with him which is the whole reason for me talking about the creep. I want everyone to know what he is. He legit needs to be a registered offender. I’m not the alone one unfortunately
— Clark Parker (@ClarkParkerxxx) August 11, 2018
Bro I would be scared for you to be alone with him. Real shit
— Clark Parker (@ClarkParkerxxx) August 11, 2018
I appreciate everyone’s support today. I’ve filed a report with the LAPD regarding Jeremy Kost and I encourage anyone who has had similar experiences with man to do the same
— Clark Parker (@ClarkParkerxxx) August 12, 2018
+ More of Clark Parker
Why people need to touch others when they clearly don’t want to? There will come a day that rapists will pay dearly.
Mrs.Krabappe1 says
Are you sure that Clark strongly resisted the temperament of the photographer? Maybe he is trying to play a very popular card of harassment now?
Let’s be frank – he’s a porn star and shows his sexuality for show without any embarrassment, he was fucked by a lot of people on the camera. How much he fucked in real life we ??can only guess. He earns it. He is sexy and the fact that someone perceives him as a sexual object is absolutely natural. For this, porn is done. To do this, put the ass and dick in the instagram and twitter. What did he want? To be cared for as an English lady of the 17th century?
He really likes me sexually, but now he acts like a bitch. I think so.
JK3 says
The classic “He was asking for it” excuse. You are straight up scum. If you’re not paying the sex worker, keep your fucking hands off of them. No one cares how many times you jacked off to his vids. You’re not entitled to a free sampling because someone chooses to do porn for a living.
Mrs.Krabappe1 says
Oh, so this is only a question of money and not of offended dignity? How interesting. Well, probably this sex worker just could not get to the price for his services)) But I do not understand what irreparable damage Clark suffered, that it had to be made public.
JK says
Groping is wrong and gropers should be named and shamed. Now given the way you are defending sexual harassment, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were one yourself.
Tony says
@Mrs.Krabappw1, you’re an idiot. When porn stars are booked to shoot porn, they know that they will be having sex with their scene partner, not the director, not random people. When they’re booked to be a model for a photo shoot, there’s no sex or contact involved, no matter what. Someone could sleep with 100000 dudes one day, that doesn’t mean anything regarding the consent required to touch them.
Mrs.Krabbape1 says
Thank you for the kind words.))
However, you have a bad understanding. I’m not talking about what a porn star knows or what is unexpected for him. Here speech is not transactions and arrangements. I’m not saying that touching without consent should be encouraged.
I’m talking about the fact that a person who shows sex in public can not be sensitive. The guy showing on the Internet a dildo or a cucumber in the ass hardly has such high moral standards. This work is not for the short.
I do not believe that such a person is deeply shocked because he was taken for a thigh or slapped on his ass, that he writes a denunciation to the police and gives wide publicity to this fact.
If you believe in it, then you are an idiot, not me.
Marko says
You’ve made several posts here trying to impugn Clark’s actions and motives, with no basis for it. Where has Clark claimed to have been traumatized or deeply shocked by this photographer’s actions? All he’s done is issue a warning to other models that the photographer uses professional situations to try and take advantage of them. The fact you think the increasing awareness and accountability around inappropriate sexual behaviour in the workplace is a bad thing says a lot about your character, and none of it is good.
Mrs.Krabbape1 says
to Marko
It’s only your fantasies about me and my moral qualities. I was called an idiot here. It’s okay, I’ll survive.)) I’m not a saint of course and not a prude. MrsKrabappel is not Ned Flanders
In turn, ask you, and where I argued that the words about the deep shock belong to Clark? I said it’s hard to imagine that a guy showing a public dildo in the ass will have some kind of psychological damage from touching or slapping on his ass. At first..
The physical damage is all the more unimaginable. Secondly.
If the question is money, as some here claim (say they did not pay, do not touch), then you had to bill for sex services.)) Or leave the studio without having agreed on the price. In general, solve it in a businesslike way. Thirdly.
Thus, we can confidently say that no significant harm was inflicted. Then why make a fuss and address the authorities?
And now, to finally get it over with, I’ll say that I’m so deeply antipathetic in Clark’s act. Perhaps all will finally understand what I was trying to say in the posts.
Given the insignificant gravity of the offense (if the offense actually took place), Jeremy will receive an absolutely disproportionate and unjust punishment. At best, reputational damage and public harassment.
If Clark did not understand that his ass was not worth the broken human destiny, then he was a fool. And if he understood, then he is a cynic and a scoundrel.
Marko says
No, your moral qualities read loud and clear. Read your own posts – you referred to his “deep shock” at 10.31 on August 15. Please provide some proof of Jeremy’s “disproportionate and unjust punishment”. And, once again, please provide some proof that Clark is claiming psychological or physical damage. If the photographer is sexually harassing models in the workplace, some reputational damage is completely justified. The @shitmodelmgmt blacklist received more than 3 submissions from models about Kost’s inappropriate behaviour, so Clark is not the only one. You are completely misrepresenting what Clark has done, you are clearly not arguing in good faith, and you are not worth engaging with.
Mrs.Krabappe1 says
Marco, I do not know what the problem. I did not claim that Clarke was profoundly shocked. I wrote that “I DO NOT BELIEVE that such a shock could have been.” Feel the difference.
We are not in court, I have no duty to you to justify myself and prove anything. But for that matter, the prosecution’s side presents the evidence. But they are not.
Since when “@shitmodelmgmt black list” has become a reliable, convincing source of facts? Where is the guarantee that the messages are not made for reasons of vengeance? The danger of public hysteria over so-called sexual harassment is that our time to spoil a person’s life is that any scoundrel can simply claim harassment. And that’s all, nothing else needs to be done. More than three “submissions” in the black list?) It’s terrible! Probably their 4)) Yes, Kost is a real sexy maniac.))
I have deliberately omitted the aspect of the evidence or the questionability of the harassment itself. About that it is doubtful said a lot of people and without me. I wanted to show that touching and flapping on the ass are not so eerie misconduct that they had to be addressed by police and wide publicity. In conditions of mass insanity on harassment, this will unduly harm a person. A hypertrophied attitude towards harassment is the fruit of the work of politicians, activists and the media, because they can not fully exist in an unstressed society. So they are creating unrest in society using the most insignificant reasons. I guess they will soon be chasing the outstretched hand for a handshake. As an outrageous gesture, suggesting a personal physical contact. Absurdization of the rules of behavior and massive insanity are what bored media, politicians and activists need.
Mrs.Krabappe1 says
And further. I would propose producers, directors, photographers, etc. create a black list of models and candidates for models that should not be used because of their inflexibility and high risk of getting accusations of sexual violence and harassment. And this list should be non-public.
So it would be fair. Since the evidence has ceased to be a necessity, let everyone have the right to blame each other and complicate each other’s lives.
Marko says
Wow, you’re really something. You wrote several posts saying how unbelievable it is that Clark was so shocked and damaged by this incident he had to do what he did, but Clark NEVER said he was damaged. Once again, all he’s done here is warn other models and filed a report (not pressed charges – filed a report). You don’t have to provide evidence but your opinions are unsupported nonsense full of empty strawman arguments without it.
The @shitmodelmgmt list is far more credible than anything you’ve written on this site – it was a list compiled from model submissions for the purpose of warning other models. No police action, no ruined lives for those poor, poor sexual harassers you are so invested in defending – just a warning to other models. You write of “public hysteria” and “mass insanity” but there’s no evidence of any of that in this instance, except for your hyperbolic strawman bullshit.
And now you try to cast doubt on whether this incident happened at all, but you have absolutely no evidence to support you so all you are doing is victim-blaming based on nothing but your own conviction that calling out sexual harassers is a bad thing. Classy. The amount of effort you are expending trying to argue that sexual harassment in the workplace is no big deal and nothing to speak of publicly is revolting and shows you to be an repugnant person indeed.
Marko says
So you’re complaining that “evidence has ceased to be a necessity” (despite the fact that Clark has filed a police report which would count as evidence) and yet you feel no need to provide any evidence to support your utter bullshit arguments. You just look like an idiot troll now.
Mrs.Krabappe1 says
))) Monsieur the neurotic, I just assert or reason on the basis of public data.
Instead of a well-reasoned objection, you present an ad hominem scream, i.e. banal and toothless transition to personality. Now they have completely fallen into hysterics. Helpless.
As for my efforts, I have a desire and a motive to apply them. This correspondence is not difficult for me. By and large, I am concerned not with this particular incident but generally with public discretion. Well, why so tugus you?)
@shitmodelmgmt list is not proof, like Clark’s report to the police. To your regret. Because it’s just a message about some event, perhaps invented. And this message needs careful verification. In the meantime, this is a factual nothing. Just bullshit. Like your blacklist too.
On what grounds does your confidence that this resource is not used for revenge and does not contain defamation? On nothing.
I am extremely unhappy with the side effect of Weinstein. Some unknown boy saw the light a hundred years later and stated that Spacey had flirted with him. And that’s it, there is not Spacey. Destroyed. No evidence, just a statement of the victim. But Spacey no longer exists.
This I call public hysteria and harassment. No law is needed, procedures are not needed. It’s enough just to say something. From the addressee of these charges after that nothing remains.
NB In every case I say that I’m not a producer, not a director and not a photographer. My work has nothing to do with beautiful girls and cute boys, whom I could induce to or touch with sex. So for my part there is no bias
Marko says
Lol. You come in here complaining about people making sexual harassment complaints without evidence to support them, and then in the very same thread you publicly accuse someone of fabricating sexual harassment complaints without any evidence to support you. You are a hypocrite and not nearly as smart as you think you are. Keep trolling though – you’re only making yourself look stupid.
You do realise that Kevin Spacey had DOZENS of incidents and complaints around his behaviour in the workplace. I knew of his reputation years ago.
On what grounds do you assert there’s no basis to any of the sexual harassment claims you’re so upset about? You have nothing, troll, but keep trolling and I’ll keep showing you up for the moron you are.
Marko says
And if you have public data to back up your bullshit, please show me the evidence of your claims that Clark has fabricated his claim, that Jeremy’s life is going to be ruined, etc. You have no public data to rely on – just your own facile reasoning.
So just one person complained about Kevin Spacey, hey?
Marko says
LOL. You complain endlessly about people making sexual harassment complaints without evidence to support them and in the very same thread you publicly accuse someone of fabricating a sexual harassment complaint without any evidence to support you. You are a hypocrite and not nearly as smart as you think you are.
Please show me where I’ve been hysterical or have resorted to ad-hominem. I’ve directly addressed your arguments, which is easy because they are weak.
One complaint about Spacey? There have been dozens of complaints about his behaviour in the workplace. I knew of his reputation years ago.
This is too easy.
Marko says
LOL. You complain endlessly about people making sexual harassment complaints without evidence to support them and in the same thread you publicly accuse someone of fabricating a sexual harassment complaint without any evidence to support you. You’re a hypocrite and not nearly as smart as you think you are.
Your problem here is that you’re bringing your complaints about ‘metoo’ to an argument about a particular incident, and none of your complaints stack up against this incident. There is no hysteria, no media frenzy, no witch hunt. No charges are being laid, there are no calls for anyone to be fired, noone’s being shunned. One model has recounted his experience to warn other models. He didn’t hashtag ‘metoo’, he’s not claiming to be part of a movement.
In doing this, however, you’ve also made a dozen posts trying to publicly smear Clark, his actions, and his motives, with nothing to support you but your own gripes about a social movement (a social movement that probably hasn’t affected you at all), just because he dared to speak about his experience. You should be embarrassed but I suspect you’re not capable of the introspection required for that.
BTW, Kevin Spacey has had more than a dozen complaints made against him. His behaviour has been widely known for years. He wasn’t the best example to use to support your case.
QMN says
Not block but any posts that contain links will be held for manual approval
Mrs.Krabappe1 says
ZzzzzZzzzz yawn
More. Even more. I really miss your expression. More insults and information about me. It’s so exciting. Your credibility and persuasiveness of arguments grow with every post. Telling me that I’m a fool, you obviously raise your intellect in the eyes of the eyewitnesses of this conversation.
1. I did not say that only one person accused Spacy. I meant that it all started with one guy who saddled well # MeToo.
2. Even if 2000 people on Spacey will complain formally this will not become a proof. He contacted a huge number of people and probably not everyone was pleasant. He directed the theater and could not give someone a role, be rude or inattentive with someone. At last he is a celebrity and get warm in the rays of his glory, even if bad now, many people may wish. Occasions of the sea.
3. So, there is no evidence yet, there are complaints. But the disastrous consequences for Spacey have already come. Without completed investigation and trial.
Mrs.Krabappe1 says
4. But we will omit the legal formalities. I will return to my maximalist assumptions and assume that this is still a fact.
And as I have already said, the consequences for Spacey and his like are absolutely disproportionate to his actions. Yesterday he was called a genius and was showered with prizes and awards. And today he has already lost his talent and merit? Because I felt someone’s ass or chest?
What happened to the people with whom he allegedly behaved obscenely? Do they undergo specialized treatment for a terrible neurosis? Have they been maimed? disfigured? they incurred reputational costs? creative collapse? contracts with them are broken off? their personal life was destroyed?
What happened to them that could be compared to the fact that Spacey made a wave with Spacey # MeTo?
Let me remind you that many of those who joined the hysterical squall # MeTo received good money under closed agreements. That’s why they appreciated their human dignity and they have nothing to complain about.
Actresses who have been silent for many years about the desecrations that have taken place actually went to a deal with their conscience. They accepted the terms of the game for the sake of a sea of ??money and fame. They received both money and fame – what should they complain about now? It was really better to be silent about this shame.
And now it looks like if the whore had rendered a favor, took money from the client, and after a few years declared rape to the police.
Weinstein is certainly a dirty beast, but these “ladies” are no better than him. They, together with Weinstein, are unworthy of public respect. They are not victims of Weinstein, but of their own ambitions and greed.
You, Marco, continue to live in your monochrome world, without shades and differences. Where there is only bad or only good. Where there are only rapists and their blameless victims. Where for what you gnaw your fingernails it is supposed to break your fingers. And I just say what many do not dare say. Best wishes to you.
Eric says
Rapist…. This prick is a porn actor,,, rapist. Huh???
jay says
They do, however only in muhammadin countries. It is called death.
Ken says
What?!! You want to play religion card in his issue? Ignorant Trumpster…
jay says
I guess facts do not exist in your World mate. Perhaps you should see more of the real World before you comment.
Ken says
What?!! You want to play religion card on his issue? Ignorant Trumpster…
The Porn Emperor says
I’m not saying it didn’t happen, but Clark Parker BITCHES and COMPLAINS about EVERYTHING. He insults and chastises his fans on Twitter. It’s hard to be sympathetic to someone who is so consistently negative and bitter.
yadigg says
So you are perfectly okay with some being sexually harassed even if they are negative?
Erik says
this guy is a big girl.. Man up if he was harassing you why didn’t you take things into your own hands you obviously didn’t mind it at the time.. Right?
SaintX says
The typical ‘man up’ comment people use when men are being harassed. This is what perpetuates the idea that men can’t be harassed or that they’re weak because they choose not to resort to violence. This further incites the toxic masculinity in our culture.
What you are suggesting is for Clark, and other men, such as Terry Crews, to commit assaults of their own. What does this achieve? Soothe the bruised male ego? Make you feel like the big tough man that we are made out to be and live up to the skewed masculine standards set by our society?
Legal actions are the only viable options to bring these assaulters to justice and prevent others from being victimized.
Your attitude is what has contributed to decades of abuse and complicity by men in powerful positions.
Mrs.Krabappe1 says
Delirium covers the masses.
What legal solutions do you see besides repression and public harassment?
It is incomprehensible. Why do we need excessive, absolutely grotesque measures? After all, it’s enough just to say to the “rapist” about his intolerance to such behavior. And that’s all.
Those who stood in Stonewall r. turned into a coffin from your totalitarian habits. It seems, in your opinion, they also showed toxic masculinity.
They just fought with the brutality of the legal system that suppressed the way of life “criminal”, offensive and unacceptable for public morality of that time. Such as you have discredited all the efforts of humanists of the 18-20 centuries. And they continue to do this with the persistence of religious fanatics.
Instead of humanization – repression for misconduct is not worth a damn egg. Instead of public self-regulation, involving state institutions: police, courts. Yes, there to argue, let’s immediately burn all those who hand, put it on someone else’s hip. It is so in the spirit of the present time.
There are new moralizers that will tell us what is possible and what is not. And the same rage that more than half a century ago will punish “not such.” Searches, investigations, spitting in the back from the “progressive society.”
We have a wonderful future.
somecharge says
This fraud lies about his sexuality everyday. Why should we believe him?
pornlvr says
Jeremy Kost has been accused by countless other for sexual harassment.
Clark does not lie about his sexuality either.
You’re a perfect example of rape culture.
Erik says
So if his photoshoot guys know he is like this why fo they keep doing photo shoots with him.. Hum????
gmmchu says
Seems strange that he acts this way, yet he has so many models that have done shoots with him multiple times. And CLark definitley isnt the best looking guy that has worked with him.
I’d like to hear from someone with a little more credibility than this Clark guy, who seems like an “attention whore” most of the time
Silver64 says
I had been following him on Twitter, but it got to the point that I couldn’t stand his “I’m so hot I can say anything” bullshit that I unfollowed him and blocked him. A real Psycho/Drama Queen.
That being said, If it did happen, the the Photographer should be nailed.
I’m wondering if there’s been any other complaints against Jeremy Kost. If not, the I’d question the validity of the complaint.
pornlvr says
Jeremy Kost is well known to be a creepy photographer in the LA area.
He is on many blacklists so models won’t work with him.
bigrawtop says
Straight guy cockiness; typical of gay4pay guys who think we worship the ground they walk on. Gay guys probably brush it off.
Mrs.Krabappe1 says
So-called harassment is not the same as rape. I do not see a problem or a crime in harassment if they do not concern children. An adult can stop any harassment. Politely or more brutally, depending on the situation.
But if Clark feels like a little defenseless girl, then of course we must protect him.))
I think it’s stupid to make an elephant out of a fly. Although, of course, you can take a dramatic pose and take it out to the public. But in my opinion this is notoriety.
Erik says
Well said man??
A says
You’re an utter idiot. No more no less.
A says
You’re an utter idiot. No more no less.
Mrs.Krabappe1 says
Hmm… Maybe.))
But do not imbecile this is to say.
JK3 says
Thankfully, idiotic harassment apologist like yourself don’t come up with the laws. Please don’t breed. The universe would be better off without your thoughts spreading.
Mrs.Krabappe1 says
)) Yes. Laws come up with aged donkeys for sheephead eaters of popcorn and hamburgers.
And the fucking mass media are injecting into the minds of these zombies terrible stories about unhappy boys and girls who could not stop harassment.
OMG! Rape is understandable. It’s a crime. But harassment? What it is?
OK. For the most troublesome I will explain:
1. Clark is a hefty bull, on which you can plow the whole of Arizona and Texas into the bargain.
2. Clark had a photographer for 2 fucking days. OK, suppose he was harassed. And he just whimpered.
Maybe he even fucked, but he whimpered and shouted “my mother will scold!”.
Two fucking days.))))
Are not you funny yet? If not, then you are an even bigger fool than I thought.
You can punish, prosecute a crime, but you can not punish bad manners or low morals. It is possible and necessary to condemn, but not to punish. Otherwise, you need to punish and porn actors and prostitutes and all of us. The body trade or public demonstration of sexual intercourse was also never a respected, highly moral matter. And we are all considering this and buying these services, which is also not a sign of high morale. So what? Why has not anyone issued a public condemnation or a statement in the LADP? Why no one is shouting – “save / help! This is porn!” It’s so bawdy! The children can see it! “))
Where are all these fighters for morality?
Sorry, but Clark’s girlish suffering is pure hypocrisy. And this is disproportionate to what Kost will receive – public discredit, harassment and possibly prosecution.
It’s funny and scary that the guys showing everyone who wants a dildo or cucumber in the ass will, with grieved faces, publicly argue how unprofessional and disgusting harassment. The world has gone mad, it seems.
Mrs.Krabappe1 says
)) Yes. Laws come up with aged donkeys for sheephead eaters of popcorn and hamburgers.
And the fucking mass media are injecting into the minds of these zombies terrible stories about unhappy boys and girls who could not stop harassment.
OMG! Rape is understandable. It’s a crime. But harassment? What it is?
OK. For the most troublesome I will explain:
1. Clark is a hefty bull, on which you can plow the whole of Arizona and Texas into the bargain.
2. Clark had a photographer for 2 fucking days. OK, suppose he was harassed. And he just whimpered.
Maybe he even fucked, but he whimpered and shouted “my mother will scold!”.
Two fucking days.))))
Are not you funny yet? If not, then you are an even bigger fool than I thought.
You can punish, prosecute a crime, but you can not punish bad manners or low morals. It is possible and necessary to condemn, but not to punish. Otherwise, you need to punish and porn actors and prostitutes and all of us. The body trade or public demonstration of sexual intercourse was also never a respected, highly moral matter. And we are all considering this and buying these services, which is also not a sign of high morale. So what? Why has not anyone issued a public condemnation or a statement in the LADP? Why no one is shouting – “save / help! This is porn!” It’s so bawdy! The children can see it! “))
Where are all these fighters for morality?
Sorry, but Clark’s girlish suffering is pure hypocrisy. And this is disproportionate to what Kost will receive – public discredit and possibly prosecution.
It’s funny and scary that the guys showing everyone who wants a dildo or cucumber in the ass will, with grieved faces, publicly argue how unprofessional and disgusting harassment. The world has gone mad, it seems.
Sinner says
Few questions here. If you are uncomfortable with a situation, why allow it to happen over a two day period? I’m not saying this didn’t happen, I’m just curious as to why you would allow something you are so clearly upset about to continue past the first time, let alone a two day period. Where you a captive in the house? Where the doors locked? Is there something wrong with your legs to keep you from walking out the door the first time this took place? Again not at all saying that this didn’t happen, I’m just curious when you actually told the photographer no don’t, and why you would continue to stay in a situation after the first inappropriate incident.
Mrs.Krabappe1 says
Thank you for saying this. I wrote about the same for JK3, but the comment was never published. Glory to the gods that apart from the hysterics on the ground there are still thinking people.
andrew says
Looking at Clark Parker’s massive muscles, it’s hard to imagine that he would allow a second unwanted grope.
Dannyboi2 says
Okay, if someone gropes and gets a bit touchy-feely doesn’t make you a predator. You ask kindly to stop and if he doesn’t you walk away and leave, but to accuse him after being at his Home studio 2 days? I’m sure Clark has seen Jeremy Kost portfolio and Jeremy Kost photography is borderline soft porn, Duh. Sounds suspect and like after 2 days of what? A photo shoot for regular photography is no more than 3 or 4 hours and that with a scene, location, and wardrobe changes. 2 days? Only if it’s some High Fashion campaign add agency for Calvin Klien. Come on… I bet some drinks and another mood enhancers were offered and not refused. I’d like to hear both sides of the story before I give my 2 cents. But, I wouldn’t be making accusations unless I had my lawyer present and he gave the okay because right now Jeremy Kost is being slandered and in this country, we are innocent until proven guilty.
Jay says
As stated by the Porn Emperor, Clark does bitch, moan, whine, and ridicule both co-workers and fans alike on social media to the point when i couldn’t deal with the constant negativity, and when i brought it to his attention, I was swiftly cut down to size with some charming language usage. I liked Clark and was just being real, but he has a very devoted base that falls on his every word… there you have it. But in this case its what I worried about…when real nasty shit like he describes happens, were kinda dulled to it after the previous 10 angry messages. He should be applauded for bringing this case out into the light.
kyle says
No one should be sexually harassed but I did stop following and blocked Clark PARKER DUE TO HIS I AM BETTER THAN EVERYONE ATTITUDE. If you complimented him you wanted sex with him, nothing that was said to him pleased hi he always found fault so I a done with him.