Gay porn star / bodybuilder Collin Simpson lets fans ask him questions on Twitter. He’s very open and gives us a glimpse into his personal life like: He’s now dating a nurse whom he met on Cinco De Mayo, his sexual activities with guy, how he got involved in adult industry, how he lost his virginity, and more. Read all his interactions with fans here on Twitter.
This week he breaks in another newcomer. The lucky guy this time is Ian Borne. It’s always hot to see big bodybuilder like Collin Simpson getting fucked by smaller guy like Ian Borne. Check out the XXX trailer below.
Rule number one, ALWAYS be yourself! #wierdo #nerd
— Collin Simpson (@CollinSimpsonGH) July 11, 2018
You know, I promised you guys that you would be able to find out more about me as a person, and I haven't followed through I'm very sorry. Go ahead and ask your questions, as personal as you want and I'll do my best to answer all of them! #askmeaboutmywiener
— Collin Simpson (@CollinSimpsonGH) July 11, 2018
No, I'm not, I've found my partner. I met her on Cinco De Mayo! Officially started dating June 5th. Shes a nurse! Very smart, works out with me, listen to the same music, and we've spent almost every day together since we met. Also likes my work!
— Collin Simpson (@CollinSimpsonGH) July 11, 2018
I've never dated a man, but I had a close relationship with one before and there were some sexual activities involved. I dont have emotional capacity for men, it's just not in my nature.
— Collin Simpson (@CollinSimpsonGH) July 11, 2018
I lost my anal virginity to Kyle Dean, actually! To be honest it was much easier than I was expecting!
— Collin Simpson (@CollinSimpsonGH) July 12, 2018
Not at all hahaha, usually I have a couple hours of free time to myself every day that I use to cook, clean, workout, and relax. On average I recruit for 3-5 hours a day, then do probably 3 scenes a month. As far as a 22 year old with only an associate's degree goes, I'm set!
— Collin Simpson (@CollinSimpsonGH) July 11, 2018
I had done a fitness modeling shoot, then got noticed by a recruiter and one thing led to another. Here I am 2 years and 3 months later!
— Collin Simpson (@CollinSimpsonGH) July 11, 2018
I have done one scene with a model I didnt exactly see eye to eye with, but when it comes to getting the material we need, I never let personal convictions get in the way. I developed a very professional, can do attitude through the Future Business Leaders of America in school
— Collin Simpson (@CollinSimpsonGH) July 11, 2018
I do and I don't; its human nature to notice but I don't pay them any mind since I'm in a committed relationship.
I'm always thinking long term; going to complete my college degree in kinesiology. Started out as biology then went to PTA school, now continuing my education— Collin Simpson (@CollinSimpsonGH) July 11, 2018
Dogs, finding people who share my passions, metal music, and comfort foods. Oh, and video games, chasing extreme weather, sports; many things! Top 3: dogs, family, music
— Collin Simpson (@CollinSimpsonGH) July 11, 2018
15th birthday, senior girl who I had a crush on since I was very young was going away to college and she invited me over. I was so nervous I couldn't get it all the way up at first, didn't know if I was big enough ? Ended up going for a good 45 minutes
— Collin Simpson (@CollinSimpsonGH) July 11, 2018
Practice makes perfect and I've always found dirty talk to be an essential part of any sexual experience. The sound of your partners voice and the words they say can be the difference between making them orgasm once or multiple times. I always aim to please!
— Collin Simpson (@CollinSimpsonGH) July 11, 2018
Ask your questions to Collin Simpson here.

Holy smokes… Are we lucky to have run into Ian Borne. With that athletic track build and long, silky smooth dick… What else can you ask for? His boyish good looks don’t hurt either. Oh and did I mention his movie star smile? What about his dreamy brown eyes you can easily get lost in? Ok, fine, I’ll stop. Only because I have to pay due to our MEGA MAN, Collin Simpson as well! Collin is such a team player. He actually met Ian at the gym where they both immediately hit it off. Ian had a thing for Collin from the get go and he knew he was willing to do whatever it took to get him some perfect Collin Simpson muscle booty. When Collin asked Ian if he wanted to shoot a scene with him, Ian didn’t hesitate. This was an opportunity that was just too sweet to pass up. Welcome to the brotherhood Ian!
+ Ian Borne Fucks Collin Simpson For His Gay Porn Debut
+ More of Collin Simpson | Ian Borne
+ Watch Hot Muscular Hunks Fucking Each Other on GAYHOOPLA.COM
mc.emc2 says
Great… Another self-proclaimed bisexual guy (aka another liar) who won’t date guys because they ‘don’t have emotional capacity’ for dating men… We need to stop endorsing this heteronormative behavior just because the guy is hot enough to do us all a huge ‘favor’ by getting paid to fuck guys on camera… Meanwhile, on set of RawFuckClub, Brian Bonds just proposed to his BF Mason Lear… This is the kind of news we need to be talking about… Real LGBT people being out and proud in freaking LGBT-related porn…
Ketyn Porta says
Mason lear is also bi or pansexual too. The worst is the Snow White is a bad performer top so that is the point
Erik says
Another gay for pay bulshit do these people really get into that they tell these people try to pretend you’re one-hundred-percent straight . These guys can do straight porn and fuck hot bitches but they end up getting their ass eaten out and fucked by dudes. Yeah right. What real straight guy would do this come on give me a break
bigrawtop says
bullshit. Most people have the emotional capacity for relationships with both sexes.
“my best buddy”, parents, siblings. Sexual attraction is the defining factor? Are you sexually attracted to male or female. I am gay and could easily love a woman greatly, but I don’t want to sleep with her. Orientation is defined by attraction not emotion.
I don’t care about straight guys. They don’t have a clue of what it means to be us and shouldn’t go fuck chicks and leave the gay sex to the experts with experience. No other job gives preferences to those with the least experience.
bigrawtop says
why do gay men give a fuck about how a straight guy lost his virginity? why do you worship straight guys so much.
His performances are better than those of actual gay men? Really. When Gay Hoopla first started the guys couldn’t do anything without getting disgusted openly!
Erik says
It’s all a stupid fetish promoted by homosexuals faggets .They just go around dreaming that they got themselves a straight boy this is a bunch of crap. Again if they’re doing gay porn why wouldn’t they do straight porn and fuck some of the most beautiful bitched around doesn’t make sense it’s all a front. Plus straight porn by far is more lucrative than gay porn just do the math
CarlA says
I’m over this clear homophobe…….NEXT!!!!!
Boomer says
He clearly states that he enjoys the hetero side of porn not the gay one. It’s all about the money for him when doing gay porn. He is also in a “committed” relationship with a woman. Dating a man is not in his nature. All the equality and pride he tweeted are just for baiting his thirsty and desperate gay supporters. And now he is milking them by asking them to buy stuff for him. A true douch bag of a person starring in a trashy gay porn site, a match made in heaven lol.
Ketyn Porta says
Koh says
Being bi enjoy both man and woman, darling. Learn that before you lie to any stupid gay guys.
Collin Simpson says
This is Collin; I’m very sorry you all feel that way. I’ve been nothing but honest with my fans, and it hurts to see you look down upon me, my fellow models and the studio that I work for. Toxicity like this doesn’t belong in the community, you should keep it to yourselves. Adding to that, how many other stars have added their wishlists to their social media? How many other stars openly direct negativity toward other stars and studios believing they’re bigger than the industry? And how many studios/producers themselves have instigated problems within the community? I know I’m nothing special in this industry, but if nothing I’m a positive influence and I’ve been with the same studio for 2 years. That should speak volumes about my character and the professionalism of the studio.
Kabaka says
Not everyone Collin. Do your thing. Fly your freak flag. It’s not for nothing you’re the #1 model at Hoopla.
Kabaka says
One more thing…never EVER look at comments sections. You’ll only get your feelings hurt.
Truth Bombs says
Sure, Jan.
Lol. There’s no company more toxic than GH and their sister site. Enlisting and promoting racist and homophobic assholes like yourself:
“Make you red like a indian” who the fuck says stuff like that? Oh, you do.
And then there was that one guy that did a solo and went on to film more for hgf even after he was exposed to be a raging homophobe dropping f-bombs and talking about killing gay marriage supporters.
You’re hurt?
Don’t worry, there will always be queens around desperate and foolish enough to buy you things because they actually believe that you’re “bisexual” and hope that one day you’ll be grateful enough that you’ll be willing to fuck them and not just fuck them over.
At best you’re “Buy-sexual.”
Ketyn Porta says
I agree that you must have the power to make money like any other model. But you are so bad performer you need retire, gurl: go back to party city where you belong aka Straight no chaser….. And said Chaz Vorriaz or LaModel that help with u str8 porn career aka rent men. Obviusly you can’t play victim role because you made this game by posting on twitter that you are gay, then you are bi and now you are str8 … For you, gays are just stupid men that you can manipulate, but this is a GAME OVER.
A says
You’re a paid actor. You’re not part of our community. You’re a person hoping people in our community will support you financially.
mc.emc2 says
THANK YOU!!!! Could not have said it better myself…
peeps says
Oh dear. If you care this much, this isn’t the right career for you. As you are probably aware, you are publicly having sex, and in most cases people will hypocritically judge your choices – in addition being envious because you seem to have a “pass” in life to do whatever the hell you like…which they can’t.
I will say this, you are right to suggest that people be more open minded and accepting, but I would suggest you should be too. ..It’s 2018, you can date men as well as women. Why discriminate one sex to a certain role?
Poster says
seriously dude, don’t sweat it. You are really cool for even having replied 🙂
Samuel says
Collin Simpson is trying to get paid, point blank period. I think everyone can relate to trying to pay your bills. Also what hes doing has been done since the start of gay porn, its nothing new. With that being said I’m not saying what hes doing is right or even smart. Dude make your porn and live your life, nobody needs to know your business, personal or political. Your main fan base is gay they don’t want to hear about you dating a woman or supporting people who harm them. Just be smart about it, I’m bisexual to but I lean more towards men and I have the emotional capacity to love both men and woman. I’ve heared your argument before and at the end of the day thats your business. Nobody knows whats in your heart except you. But straight up GH can be irritating as f*ck because its obvious that its a bunch of straight guys trying to get money (which I’m not knocking) through the gay community and promoting the hell out of straight site to their gay customer’s and then trying say they are being treated unfairly or people are being toxic to them because of what their doing. Its clear you don’t know what its like to be apart of a marginalized/minority group.
mc.emc2 says
Wow that’s one of the best comments I’ve read about this topic… What u just said is exactly how I feel about this matter…
Erik says
I’m tired of this gay for pay crap this guy obviously loves sucking cock and take icock up the ass if he was really straight why doesn’t he do straight porn he’s going to get paid for it. And probably make more money so what’s the point.. oh that’s right he’s 100% straight but he likes to do a gay porn duh!!!
Erik says
Dude you have a hot body and hot face to do straight porn
but you decide to do gay porn?… and your girlfriend’s okay with that ?really thats bizarre don’t you think….. so you obviously, have an. Attraction to guys you can admit it it’s okay
Daniel says
I mean, why are people even surprised?! He works for GayHoopla, which is a prime example of a terrible gay porn. They don’t need gay models. They make them jerk off couple of times, do maybe one or two actual gay scenes and then send them over to HGF. They clearly prioritize HGF, but since there are still some people who watch solo scene and fantasize about straight guys having gay sex, they’ll keep GH around.
And did people actually believed him, when he said he was bi? That’s like the new thing that g4p do. Telling people that you’re bi, when you’re straight is pretty convenient in gay porn.
Truth Bombs says
He clearly meant “Buy-sexual.”
Buy me stuff and I’ll let you think sexual stuff about me.
Linic says
I dont know whats more ridiculous, the comments here thinking that Porn is real and that everything they say on set is true, or “Collin” talking about the community.
This companies sell a product, and ppl are allowed to criticize it all they want. But pls, be smart, This is the oldest profession is the book, they dont love each other, its just sex.
And Collin, WTF are you talking about community? There is only one thing here. You work for a company and are an employee, and we are the customers, thats it. Whatever you do outside of your job is up to you, but when you choose to share your private life ppl will judge, thats how social media works.
LUIZ says
Me as a bisexual man can speak better than many people aorund here that there are bi men/ women who enjoy and have attraction but not an emotional connection, so to me, he’s fine with his bisexuality.
I just want to call attention for something that he wrote that people didn’t give attention to and many performers in this industry should do the same: “[…] I never let personal convictions get in the way.”
A says
I don’t know why you think as a bisexual you have more authority over gays about gay porn. He’s not doing Bi porn he’s doing gay porn.
A says
I don’t know why you think as a bisexual you have more authority over gays about gay porn. He’s not doing Bi porn he’s doing gay porn.
A says
Wow, thanks so much for that Luiz. Hope you, as the king all of the Bisexuals, holder of the gift of bisexuality, enlight humanity with your entitled opinion. Please guide us, and, just like you did for this performer, let us “for Luiz, I’m fine with my bisexuality”.
You call bisexuality, I call denial and internal homophobia. Sad.
Bisexuals and bisexuality are not like that, and you know it. Or you don’t, because apparently if you knew better, you wouldn’t come here and say such thing. Saying that shit only makes bi-hate improve and promotes bi-questioning and erasing.
I heard that same shit from some guys before (strangely, never heard a single woman say that, why would that be?), and that always makes me feel pity for their partners, woman or man. Such a narcissist and self-absorbed construction you guys make to promote yourselves to cheat and abuse on your partners and blame on your “preferences” that is pathetic.
Iverson says
This whole thing is a charade. He’s responses are laughable. of coz this whole Q&R stunt was just Collin Simpson baiting his fans further. I’m surprised no one asked him about being a Trump supporter. Once that came into light, I was done with his prentecious ass. LOL @ “community”. Please he doesn’t care about the community, all he cares about is getting their money.
Anyways on positive note, Ian Borne is insanely hot, tall with model looks. Ian Borne makes Collin Simpson looks basic AF.
Porn is FANTASY… don’t fuck with you false activism. Collin is f*cking hot & do everything in scene. If you don’t like it, go see amateurs videos… Okay? Okay! Byeeeeeeeeee
Ketyn Porta says
REAL B1TCH I adore you because you are so little bitch and you said something constructivist: amateur videos are better than gay porn ….. I have for you a question: how many arms fit in your soul? because in your anus the whole planet can be introduced. ..
A says
It’s a problem because they take our money and then probably go vote republican. It’s not their fault gays and gay porn sites hire them but we don’t have to support them either.
WildPn says
I totally disagree with bringing politics into porn, they’re performers, nothing more, politics has nothing to do with anything IMO. I don’t care about their politics.
cutlass says
Who asked you? What you REALLY mean is “Don’r ruin my straight fantasies by posting about stuff I don’t want to hear about.” You said “imo”. What do you think the other posters posts are? It their opinion, and YOU don’t get to tell them what they should include in their posts.
janice dickinurson says
He is attractive but GayHoopla makes awful porn.
cutlass says
Who asked you? What you REALLY mean is “Don’r ruin my straight fantasies by posting about stuff I don’t want to hear about.” You said “imo”. What do you think the other posters posts are? It their opinion, and YOU don’t get to tell them what they should include in their posts.
Lovelife says
Yikes! Collin should not have done this sneak peak into his life. I felt myself get defensive too when he claimed he is not “emotionally built to love men”. Ouch! That revelation kinda hurt.
But then again, rarely have I met bisexual guys who don’t (in some way or another) devalue or cheapen being with a guy to maintain the macho image.
All that aside let me jerk off to this and sleep. He certainly has IMO a fantastic body though.
RomanToddFan says
Collin, we are so grateful to have the opportunity to get turned on watching you perform. Whatever your sexuality may be, it doesn’t matter. In fact you put a lot of gay pornstars to shame. And most of your critics here would be most willing to do anything for you despite their negative remarks. You are a hunky man.
mc.emc2 says
Sure, just excuse any problematic behavior only because the guy is considered hot. C’mon now, grow some self respect. Gay men have fought decades and decades for better treatment for us. You deserve better than that. We ALL deserve better than that.
Daniel says
He(or she) is a Roman Todd fan. That says a lot, probably drooling all over gay for pay models, because they have a hot body and, more importantly, are straight.
Daniel says
He(or she) is a Roman Todd fan. That says a lot, probably drooling all over gay for pay models, because they have a hot body and, more importantly, are straight.
RomanToddFan says
And you dislike gay4pay because they won’t even give you a second look
Daniel says
Let’s just say I don’t find it hot when guys pretend to be someone they’re not and not doing a very good job at it.
Pornobb says
It’s call porn acting.
mc.emc2 says
Quite the opposite… I dislike G4P because I personally have NO desire to hook up with someone who’s not remotely interested in me…. I have more self respect and love for myself than that… Apparently, you don’t, though….
RomanToddFan says
This is porn, not a date
mc.emc2 says
Same thing… I don’t want to pay to see guys doing things they don’t enjoy doing… We need to demand higher standards as consumers… In EVERY job people are expected to like what they do, give it their all and not trash the ‘community’ they belong to, so why should gay porn performers be excused on account of looks alone? Seems very shallow to me…
$EX says
Prostitution is prostitution. Can’t moralise
Luke says
He is straight.
Erik says
yeah and I’m the Pope
Gah says
It’s hard for me to believe what he says. Even when I read about a gay porn performer passing on prematurely I feel sadness inside and I may have never met that person. How can one have no emotional capacity for an entire gender. There are straight performers in the gay porn industry who do commend respect, because they are respectful to others and upfront with their fans and coworkers. It’s not really an issue about gay vs straight men. It’s about honesty and exploitation. It would’ve been ok for me if he were to come out and just say “I’m straight and am prostituting myself online for money.” The more this one talks the more the whole thing is becoming an act for me, because this is all that he is.
Yisus says
Wait, he’s 22?
Damn that’s so young to be so fucked up
Erik says
Thank you. So he’s a straight guy but he likes to suck dick and get a cock up his ass he could get paid for straight porn fucking hot bitches and make more money but no I’d rather suck a guy’s cock and take one up the ass. Oh yeah I get it it makes total sense
anthony says
If he is gay or not I DONT CARE!! Like his butt, like to see when he is getting fucked!! I am top. I funny to read all these comments.