Corbin Fisher’s porn stars Dawson, Connor, Trey, Reed, Trenton, Dixon and Brody, all looking hot and sexy in the swimsuit issue of QVegas Magazine (login with facebook to see photos).
These models have amazing bodies! You can watch them fuck each other at CORBIN FISHER website. Check out these hot scenes – Trey Tops Reed, Trenton In Action, Dixon and Connor Swap Loads.
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SuckItBaby says
Awesome. Hot all American studs fucking raw. Doesn’t get better than this. Real men.
cosmic.dave says
I love Connor! He’s amazing to watch. He’s just beautiful!
ed says
Where is Aidan? is he retired?
QMN says
@ed Don’t worry
Aiden just worked with Corbin Fisher weeks ago.
sxg says
Yea Aiden’s not gone yet. Cain isn’t in this photoshoot either but that doesn’t mean he’s gone either.
aad says
When Aiden 1st arrived @ CF he told me he’d prolly never have sex w/ a man. that means” aiden retired”
aad says
sam says
Fucking licking good… If I was there for sure I will crazy enough…. Super hot!!!!!
Tony says
Suckitbaby, what or who’s considered all American?
risingsun says
FAILURE. All straight men on a mag that claims it is the voice of the LGBT community? What about hot gays? Lesbians? Trans? And I don’t mean cuz they’re gay4pay either. @Suckitbaby: What makes them “Real Men”? Because they’re all heterosexual? “All American”?
Mel says
This is an outrage… Where are Cain and Aiden? The true muscle studs of the CF stable! Connor does look hot and Dawson who’s body has evolved over the years from skinny twink to buff to overly lean appears to nailed his look in this shoot very impressive job getting his body just right even his quads look good.
Russell says
LOVE Trey–he’s the reason I’ve kept my CF membership!
Ken Sean Carson says
It sucks that Cain left CF for now.
Ken Sean Carson says
I don’t mean to be mean, but none of these models are attractive to me. Trey is cute, none of the rest of them make me want to buy this issue. They all look like juice heads aka steroid abusers and nothing about that screams sexy to me. I think Connor went overboard with the roids. He just looks gross now.
Ken Sean Carson says
Big definitely doesn’t mean better and hotter, which I wish men would understood that. Like the Rock in Fast and Furious 6. His body looked weird as fuck on screen. My mom even leaned over at one point and said that his body looks gross and disproportionate.
Matias says
They surely have spent time at the gym. No complains here. Little too young for my taste, but they look good.
manu says
I wonder where AUstin went..? He was my favourite CF model
Bart Gasiorek says
i signed in…where are these photos.
dez says
All these guys look fabulous, especially Dawson. I like Aiden and Cain too, but their bodies aren’t as proportional as Connor, Dawson, and Reed.
andrew says
What an incredible collection of male beauty and muscularity. They are all breathtaking. My personal favorite is the Greek god Connor. If I ever met him in real life, I would be in such awe that I would be unable to speak.
MIke says
Hot beach bodies used to mean Speedos.
Now it means pants down to your knees. Careful girls, your ankles are showing!
theredbook says
where’s my new favorite guy KELLAN ??? ASHTON and TANNER would be good to, remove the rest, CONNOR is a LEGEND of CF
Tom says
This & Sean Cody is what porn is all about. Very hot,guys having great sex. Some of them probably juice but not one of these guys is gross or in any way out of proportion. I think some of you guys (Ken) are just jealous. I wish the original Austin guy was in here. He was hands down one of the hottest, most handsome guys in porn. Too bad that when he was featured on here so many guys had to criticize and insult him because he has such a small cock. Lot of very hot guys have small cocks and seeing him bottom was a joy to behold. BRING BACK AUSTIN. Even when CF did that interview stuff where he was just talking and tossing around a football, he was absolutely the most incredible fantasy man imaginable.
dez says
Dawson is the true CF legend, but Connor is mighty fine specimen as well. From what I have seen, read, and heard about and from these two guys about health, fitness, and nutrition, I’d be very surprised if either one of them juice.
litper says
So many homophobes here who love that self-hating fantasy…
Ken Sean Carson says
Tom, why would i be jealous of those guys when my body is nice? I workout 6 days a week and eat 6 high protein meals every day. I have a swimmer’s build. In no way would I want my body to look like Connor or Dawson’s body where the veins are LITERALLY sticking out of my body and I’m looking like the Michelin Man. So not sexy. Besides, I get compliments just the way I am, so I’m definitely not jealous. Look at Connor’s legs in the first pic! Looks like his legs are about to explode. LOL He looked good when he first appeared with the new body, but now it’s like he’s addicted to working out and juicing. next thing you know, he’ll look like a bodybuilder. He doesn’t need to look like that.
litper says
Ken, you aren’t good to them because you’re gay. CF homophobic fans hate openly gay people!
oh no he didn't says
Hot guys. The problem with barebacking is that they won’t be looking good for long once they’re on tons of medication.
Jake says
Uh, no one knows what Ken looks like except for Ken. @litper, I’m openly gay and NOT homophobic and l like CF so what does that idiotic statement mean? More and more barebacking in these sites all the time. I admit I much prefer-no, I only watch -the barebacking stuff. I do feel sorry for these guys. Everyone knows young men are risk takers and that they think they are indestructible. But they’re not. The fact that they claim to tested for HIV means NOTHING. Capitalism is brutal. It’s sad they make so little for risking their lives. I hope they’re having the time of their lives.
Ken Sean Carson says
litper, I believe you. Beggars can’t be choosers, though.
david says
I saw Aiden on Sean Cody when he was really young, He a bj and a rim, sorry guys is Aiden
JP says
Hey thanks Mike, I was wondering where the Speedos (or less!) were too. If I want to see guys in long floppy board shorts I can go to any beach or pool. These are porn performers, they should be showing off more of what they’ve got.
W says
Very hot models. Too bad about the barebacking. Yuck
Herman says
Dawson is a class on to himself. He’s a gorgeous hunk of man w longevity. He’s not only fuckin hot but nice. Id eat his hole in a minute.
Herman says
Dawson is always the hottest man in any photo
DD says
I applaud all models who keep their bodies right! It’s dedication I only brush against on my most empowered days. I like all porn performers on one level or another because it gives me the option to fulfill the most noble or suspect porn fantasies!
danny says
These guys are all hot and have amazing bodies, but they don’t do a thing for me! I think it’s because as a bartender, DJ and customer, guys like these wouldn’t give you the time of day, were rude and condescending, and thought they were better than anyone else. I observed so much attitude from these guys, but the funny thing is, that many of the perfect gay specimen over the years lost their looks, their hair and great bodies!
W says
@Danny, probably from all the barebacking they did and STD’s they picked up.
ed says
thanks QMN was so worried he’d retired but just saw his video with Sylas was hot.
Critic says
Dawson and Connor are superb!
Jc says
Where’s Trey? God he’s hot. I hope he didn’t leave, retire or anything like that. Also these guys are all hot. Even now they still look great.