Today CORBINFISHER.COM team celebrate their 10-year anniversary in Las Vegas. Congratulation! The event was held at Share Nightclub.
Thanks to Scotty (@DirtyDishXXX), Philly T (@philliyT) and Stix (@S_t_i_x) who attended the party and shared tons of pictures from the event. Pete (@CF_Pete) also did his first Pete’s Attic show with a live audience.
Check out pictures from the VIP reception below with so many hot Corbin Fisher models like Dawson, Connor, Aiden, Marc, Kent and more.
Corbin Fisher’s Best of 2013
2013 Freshman Of The Year: Brayden
2013 Best Top: Smith
2013 Best Bottom: Quinn
2013 Most Versatile Performer: Kellan
2013 Best Cocksucker: Quinn
2013 Best Cumshot: Kellan in “Kellan Creampies Harper”
2013 Best Duo: Smith & Quinn in “Smith’s First Time”
2013 Best Group: Wild & Raunchy in Prague (feat. Harper, Kent & Trey)
2013 Favorite On-Location Video: European Stimulus: Quinn & Harper’s Private POV Fuck
Congratulation Corbin Fisher Team! … For Your First 10-Year Anniversary
andrew says
What an awesome group of good looking hot and sexy guys. For me Connor is always #1. There are some close seconds: Aiden, Dawson, Harper, Trey, Cain….
Kev says
Where’s Smith?
djturner85 says
Kev good question…. but more importantly where are the likes of Lucas, Cain, Travis, Brent, Jeff and Cade?
Alexmanny Hernandez says
10 years huh? I guess after a certain point the discomfort subsides and it begins to get a little easier to through the motions. God bless them, cuz i know i couldn’t.
grogi says
AIden, Marc, Smith and Tanner(although he could be more lively :)) are my favorites. They are awesome bottoms, I hope to see more of them in 2014, 2015 and 2016.
Jack says
Cain was there. Still adorable. Dawson’s body is just too much now, yikes. Connor is close, but he’s still got DiCaprio face so it diverts my attention.
Dos says
NICK! Fucking love that southern stud. (:
But I agree. Where was Lucas, Brent, Cade, Dru… some of the pillars of Corbin fisher.
G-man says
Dawson, please cum back and get fucked by 10 CF fellas!! Internals too please ????
CFfan says
where’s chandler…
Tray says
Awww….love these guys so much. One of my favorite porn sites. Congrats #CF on your 10 year anniversary
oub says
What a great bunch of hot, sexy guys. Dawson will always be my fave, with Connor and Aiden close seconds.
Gio says
Cain was there???
Jack says
Not a single Black performer, pity they didn’t bring hot Dante back and what about Leo?
TJ says
god your right, the constant forced smiling and all white group.. its a little disturbing actually.
luv Goran says
we all need Dawson to come back! like him a lot.
grogi says
Jack there was a hot “straight” black guy at Corbin Fished many many years ago ( 6+), he was incredibly handsome , didn’t agree to suck dick because he felt it was gay but agreed to get fucked. I think his video has been removed from the site unfortunately.
If anybody remembers his name…The top was a blond twinkish guy about half his size.
He was quite a bossy bottom, which is something I love
Miss Tina Muran says
Ohhhh CONNOR please come back in front of the camera
Ditto says
Where was Josh?
Neil says
What about the ringmaster behind Corbin Fisher — why no pics of him? I am sure he was there. What does he look like anyway? Anyone know?
aquisr says
A sad showing for a ten year party….
The blog had promised all this 10 year anniversary stuff and hasn’t come through on anything yet. Sean Cody is kicking this sites ass…. Step it up or you won’t be around another 10 years …
Jarian says
this comment hasn’t aged well. i can report that sean cody is trash.
sxg says
Wait was Cain really there??? I don’t see him in any of these pics.
And seriously I just loathe camera phones. Some people really need to invest in a really good point-and-shoot camera for better quality pics. So what if it’s an extra step to upload it to a computer and then distribute it wherever, at least the photos don’t look like shit.
And as far as I can see, there were a whole lot more models at CF’s 10 year anniversary than at Randy Blue’s anniversary. What’s funny is there were numerous old and current models from RB who actually lived in LA but apparently for some ungodly reason they weren’t invited. That makes no sense. For a 10yr anniversary, you should expect to have as many of your old and new models there as possible.
MaV says
These are guys are all HOT, especially Connor, Dawson, and Cain! This is why Corbin Fisher is #1.
andrew says
@MaV: I totally agree with you. I would like to add Marc to the list. He is often overlooked, but he sure rocks my world.
oub says
@MaV and @Andrew – totally agree
JuanDiego978 says
I think the most good-looking models at CF of all times are TREY, Cort, CONNOR, Zeke, Dawson, LUCAS, AIDEN, Hunter, Glen, Cameron, Austin, Dru, Chandler, Josh, Gabe and SEAN (RIP).
januarywm123 says
Dawson = incredible! Connor is so tall
Alex says
Those arms look gross.
scott says
too bad Logan isn’t there. Hopefully, he’s there in spirit and healing if his condition can be healed.
and no Dirk?
Scoffield says
Who is the guy with the goatee?
Iverson says
Ugh! Connor is still a sexy beast. I hope he returns to porn.
arga says
just me says
agree @arga but I’m glad Aiden is still around hopefully Smith will be back too. they are the only guys that will make me come back to CF unless they have another sale ; )
Nick says
Please bring Connor, Cain, Travis and Cain back. Those guys made the golden age of CF! CF clips became boring lately.
Nick says
Suppose to be “Please bring Connor, Cain, Travis and Dawson back”
andrew says
@Nick: I 2nd your motion. I would add Lucas and Dru who were really great performers.
Lukas says
Marc, I miss you.
Cain, Chandler, Lucas, Travis, where are they?
The new CF boys: Smith, Kellan and the twins Taylor and Tyler, why didn’t go the party?
Paul says
I miss Cain…
gnormie says
Logan will be in a vegetative state for the rest of his life.
JD2 says
Chandler and Travis are at the top of my list of all-time favorites. I wish they both would come back and I wish they had been at the party.
sxg says
Wait, what happened to Logan???
sxg says
OK nevermind I found the article about Logan and I remember now. Poor guy.
nick369 says
Where are Cain, Zeb, Cameron, Grayson, Avery, Kellan, Smith, Darren, and Trenton? I want to see those asses get fucked again.
nick369 says
Also I would like to see some more group, DP and orgy scenes now and then. With some most popular tops being the bottoms preferably.
Oscar says
oub says
@Oscar I 2nd that
rhett says
im suprised Kent is on top of people’s lists, he’s my favorite with Dawson and Lucas
bmg says
Damn, Nick looks great! I wish he would come back to CF!!!
Nick says
bmg I agree! Nick has always been my favourite. He looks just as HOT if not more than before.
Also love Josh, Austin, Cain, Dawson, TJ, Trevor, Cameron, Duncan and Kellan.
don says
who is josph Nichols in the CF company or Ariel Aristole?
Herbert says
Where is my Trey?
I always search the site for Trey, Connor, Dawson, and Chandler..
I still love Dawson but I’m sad Trey is no longer around.
anon says
Looks like Pete was there as well. I know he went to work behind camera after performing
LE Carn says
Anyone knows where Cain is? Long time that he made a video for the site…
peter framm says
hi dudes .so amazing to see you that your celebrating the corbin fisher anniversary
.hey ,dawson i am your VERY ,VERY BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG fan of your sex videos hope ypu do more and upload on the
website WAYBIG i love you dawson i wish i could be your life time partner and have life
i love DAWSON i am peter i live in india i am a wealthy boy .
studboy7 says
I missed Nick!