Gay porn star Josh Moore recently posted this Coranavirus-theme gay porn video on his JustFor.Fans page along with this message:
So I know this is a difficult time, but I wanted to make light of the situation and make some funny porn, so hopefully you enjoy this and see the fun in it.
This video where Josh Moore gets fucked raw in full hazmat suit went viral, the preview video on his Twitter now got almost ten thousand likes.

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MoMo says
Light of the situation? There is literally a shortage of PPE and this asshat is out here using it to make himself a lil profit getting fucked! Dickhead.
Barry white says
Listen Ass hat, this is obviously a painting and decorating suit and a sanding mask, you think a doctor is going to be using that? Hmmmm somehow I don’t think so
Paul says
You are correct that this does not appear to be actual PPE. Nonetheless, the video is still problematic. He shouldn’t be shooting porn with others when people should be socially distancing. Make solo videos. I think his subscribers would understand. (This is of course not unique to him.) I also don’t see the humour in a corona virus themed sex scene. Aside from the obvious fact that thousands of people have died from the virus, he’s blatantly engaging in the kind of behavior that can spread it.
I won’t join in the chorus of people saying horrible things to him, but he certainly made several bad choices here.
J,Roman says
It’s hard to really find the humor in this considering there’s a shortage of medical equipment for people actually trying to make a difference plus the thousands of deaths this virus has already taken
Edgar Allen poo says
It’s a painting suit you fucktard, it’s made from paper and that’s clearly a sanding mask, which could never be used in hospitals! Dumb shit !
Gregor says
“Hil air re us” ? i am all for humour to get through times of crisis but this is so far off the mark it is actually quite sad and pathetic.
Also i wonder if he realises that covid 19 can be spread through fecal matter so bareback anal sex is a no go unless its with someone you love and are stuck in the house with or want to.potentially share an ICU ward with.
Kyle says
This is pathetic. I see no humor in this and he is trying to profit from it.
Shamer says
Why is the comment section always a huge circle jerk? “REEEE HOW DARES HIM MAKE THIS VIDEO REEE”, there is something fishy here, it’s hard not to notice since on videos with trannies everyone here turns into super woke sjw saying “men have vaginas and if you are gay and don’t like pussy you’re a bigot”.
The comment section seriously needs Corona.
Pornlover says
Maybe because that’s what most people reading this website believe? Sorry it doesn’t conform to your views. I find this scene really distasteful. And I know Josh Moore is writing nasty comments here under pseudonyms too. He’s so pathetic. Maybe all the plastic surgery finally rotted his brain.
Gregor says
“Hil air re us” ? i am all for humour to get through times of crisis but this is so far off the mark it is actually quite sad and pathetic.
Also i wonder if he realises that covid 19 can be spread through fecal matter so bareback anal sex is a no go unless its with someone you love and are stuck in the house with or want to.potentially share an ICU ward with.
FieldMedic says
Not usually a fan of Josh Moore, but there’s something about a man in thigh high socks – or in this case hazmat suit – and a bubble butt being fucked that turns it on for me.
Plus it’s painting gear people, nothing of it is medical, as my friend just pointed out. So please get over it.
Jacob says
Why is every so upset with him when plenty of others have already done this. Leave the man alone
vabballfan says
It is tacky, inappropriate and in extremely poor taste. Just others have done it is not a justification – monkey see monkey do? I will not look at any of his scenes again – period.
Shamer says
Shut up dude nobody cares what some loser who jerks to gay porn thinks, you’re nobody to judge him.
Jco says
Exactly, and for the same reason you’re nobody to judge the person who made the comment. I agree it is in bad taste and unnecessary.
Pornlover says
Because he’s unbelievably tacky. We won’t leave him alone. He did this to get attention…well he got it.
Ben says
So HIV or COVID? Stupid porn acts.
Fred says
he is a voracious and hot bottom but he should NOT have done this, this is not funny
manu says
This hazmat suit is probably a halloween prop/costume, you guys can chill
Jason says
Ironically everything is covered but the cock. I guess STIs are not an issue?
TheRealestTea says
All I see is desperation for attention from this website, the studio, and these actors. They should make a HIV/Aids parody next. Because that is funny!!!
J says
Tacky? Absolutely.
Tasteless? Of course.
Should you be surprised at all by this? I don’t know why you would be…most gay porn midels are not known for being wells of compassion & empathy…
Luke says
30 thousands people dead, you need to be really sick in mind if you like this.
Joe says
This is beyond ridiculous and totally insensitive….
COVID -19 is no laughing matter for anybody. Physically , emotionally financially ..
Perhaps this was done prior to the Pandemic ,as a parody spoof of a disaster / virus movie But its bad taste for sure .
TJ says
Thousands of people have died from this disease. Millions are quarantining themselves scared. People are hoping crazy with anxiety over it.
But yeah let’s practice social distancing by making more porn and it being about the killer disease.
Hey here’s an idea, why not make porn about the Columbine shooting?
Matt says
A New York nurse DIED because they didn’t have proper protective gear and this clown is making “light” of this situation wearing and destroying something he could’ve donated to save from being exposed to the virus. He may have a huge dick, but he’s as dumb as they get. I’m so done with this idiotic porn stars that believe you can make “light” of such an awful situation.
Mark says
Come on with the wasting of valuable PPE at this time when lives are depending on it? We are better than that as a community. Grow up people.
Lanu Pongen says
I don’t see how a painting suit is gonna save lives.
Regardless,he said this was to make light of the situation but I don’t find anything funny. Maybe others do. Good for him. Though I think he shud avoid making porn right now. Just my opiniom
andrew says
Just seeing the booty and the cock meeting in an intimate encounter was smokin hot.
Nicolas says
I found this beyond disrespectfull, and i found myself a little bit shocked, I tought you QMN as the editor/boss/owner of this blog would have a little bit more of respect whit basically the all planet before post this.
InlikeSinn says
Tasteless. When did it become arousing to exploit disease and death for profit?