Craig Marks is the latest hot gay porn newcomer from UK to keep an eye on. This British stud is handsome and has amazing body. Oh and he’s versatile too. He recenlty had a couple scenes released on English Lads. You can check out more on Craig Marks’ JustFor.Fans page. He also just did a sex scene with gay porn Star Gabriel Cross. Check out the XXX preview video from this hot scene where Craig Marks and Gabriel Cross take turns fucking each other bareback below.

Always love finding new models, especially when they’re as hot as Craig Marks. We take turns on each other in this one, just the way I like it
WATCH: Craig Marks @ JustFor.Fans | Gabriel Cross @ JustFor.Fans
Enronn Sierra says
Man, these British guys are stunningly beautiful! But, I am seeing a homogenous trend where they only want to have sex with each other. Well, this scene with Alvin is an exception though.
Bruce says
This guy is stunning!!! I dated a British guy once and the accent throws me, as I’m not a fan. “Yew bloodee well faulk me.” Rings in my head ever since then.
John says
Of course it’s with Gabriel…….what a boner killer.
samuel says
I agree. Gabriel is such a turn off. He is OK only as a bottom when in doggy when we dont see his face. Otherwise no
nick says
Yeah, he’s a troll but he fucks with hotties.
Rios says
I could not agree more! Gabriel doesn’t do for me at all!
Eric says
Gabriel Cross is the worst…ruins every scene.
mick says
why oh why gabriel cross
Nidaye says
LOL, YES YES Gabriel Cross.
Max says
Having had the pleasure of meeting Gabriel a few times in London, and having had the ecstasy of having him fuck and breed me, any chance to watch this guy in action is a treat. Keep going, Mr Cross.
Greg says
Was it a paid thing?
Nandu says
Probably he’s a great lay, and he’s got quite a hot bod. But his face is not appealing to me.
FieldMedic says
I’ll echo what others have said, Gabriel “Tory voting” Cross is such a turn off since he decided that his hatred of Brexit was more important than his own country and countrymen’s welfare.
Chris says
New guy is stunning; Gabriel Cross does nothing for me.
4 The Bitches says
Must be one of you now! Cross doesn’t do it for me. Wish he did. Every time I see a hot guy, he ruins it!