This is a lucky weekend for fans of muscle daddy Craig Reynolds because two porn sites release his sex videos. At HARDFRICTION.COM, Craig bottoms for Steve Cruz. This is a scene from Hard Friction DVD. I think it was shot before he signed exclusive contract with HOT HOUSE.
Hot House Backroom release a scene from new movie LOADING ZONE feature this masculine porn star Craig Reynolds gets fucked by Arpad Miklos. Oh, and don’t forget to check out this fuckable muscle man’s scenes in RECKLESS and RECKLESS 2.
+ Steve Cruz Fucks Craig Reynolds
Brock says
@Robert and Declan: Robert I know you said you would no longer comment; and I haven’t heard a peep from Declan, but damn, without you guys starting the ball rolling, this is one fucking boring site. No offense to QMN, who is doing his usual stellar job. The blog is no longer any fun to read, though. Guys, I’ll tell all the assholes to direct their hate exclusively at me, cool?
ricky says
i really, really wish that arpad miklos would just retire already.
that man has been in porn films for far too many years. i am sick of him.
ricky says
has that tired old queen arpad ever bottomed on camera?
Ohyeah says
I agree. Arpad looks old, out of shape and tired…
Billy Blue says
Arpad still looks good, and he is a good performer.
ugh says
Arpad is not aging well, that much is obvious. But my god, Steve Cruz is fucking nasty. Why oh why do they still cast him in porn? Nobody wants to see his nasty ass.
Ryan says
Craig Reynolds is pretty hot but his stuff for Hot House is so damn boring. Everything they produce is a carbon copy of the scene before that and the one before that etc etc.
Raymond says
Totally agree with you Ryan, I mean look at the Reckless and Loading Zone pics, if it was a card game it would be snap…identical!!!
manu says
QUEENS GET OVER IT!! You’re bitching about his looks , about how bad he’s aged , well I wish men in their 20s looked half as good as he does now!! I sense a lot of frustration in these spiteful comments which obviously leads me to believe that you’re all a bunch of stunners …LOL Anyway ,Arpad is in his 40s and he looks awesome , to me he’s the most attractive man in porn currently and I say that as a strict top not particularly attracted to daddies ,not only is he extremly handsome and well-built with an ass that could crack the hardest nuts , he comes up as a very sweet and funny guy in all the interviews I’ve seen of him.
So no I think he should not retire and the newbies could definitely learn a few tricks from him .
JM says
The scenes may be repetitious, but at least Reynolds and Miklos act like they’re enjoying it. Reynolds is hard and taking Miklos like a champ. It got my dick hard.
Brock says
Arpad Miklos is one of the best tops ever. Older guys who stay in shape are the hottest; and this bottom guy Reynolds is a great bottom. Great pairing: hot masculine top, hot masculine bottom. This makes great porno. And as JM said, nice to see two men enjoying having sex for once.
wes says
Arpad needs to drop porn and find another field that has better lighting.
He looks terrible.
There is nothing pathetic than an aging queen still trying. Exit gracefully please.
chuck says
I would let Aprad fuck me on the Thanksgiving dinner table (for FREE). He is a hot daddy! I still think Steve and his hairy hole is sexy.
Emo says
“I sense a lot of frustration in these spiteful comments which obviously leads me to believe that you’re all a bunch of stunners …”
Non sequitur much, manu?
Brock says
@Emo, that was perfect. LMAO. Well done.
RealQuestion says
Do you guys ever get laid? I’m with Emo. I’d love see what you people look like in the harsh light of day.
MissUnderstood says
What’s with gay guys taking it up the ass totally naked except for boots and a cap turned backwards?
Mel says
i have to agree that Apad is aging and his body is not what it was when he started porn. That also goes for Collin O’Neal and Micheal Lucus. But i guess there is still and audience for that. If they can still get work good for them.
Michael says
@MissUnderstood, yes, I have never quite understood myself why being fucked naked except for your boots and a baseball cap was considered hot. The poor bottom had to take the boots off to get those tight jeans off so what are we to think? He thought, no, before I get screwed I should put my socks and boots back on. As any bottom knows, it ‘s hard enough holding your legs up in there let alone the weight from combat boots. I was a Marine and we always screwed totally naked.
ugh says
I don’t deny that Arpad is a gay porn legend. He is probably one of the most intense tops we have ever seen and he’s very masculine and sexy. However, people age and in the porn biz, looks are everything; sometimes sexual charisma can make someone more attractive than they really are but there is a limit. Face it guys, Arpad is getting old and eventhough there is a market for more mature guys, that marketshare keeps shrinking and it’s not what the majority of gay porn viewers want. He’s 42 which isn’t over the hill but he hasn’t aged gracefully. And being a big guy, his rock solid muscle is getting flabby. Sure, if you just looked at Arpad by himself he’s not that bad for his age, however when you compare him to guys like Craig Reynolds who are also big but have tighter bodies and youthful faces, the difference is stark and it makes Arpad look old and tired. Even porn legends need to know when their time is up and gracefully retire. And I don’t think the people here are being bitter towards Arpad. We are criticizing the quality of porn which is legitimate. Most people have no problem with criticism directed towards the directing of the scenes but all of a sudden the “bitter card” is played once a porn star is criticized for not being hot. Sorry but the quality of the models used in porn is fair game. We are paying for the videos and website subscriptions, and although not everyone can be pleased, certain standards should be met (not too ugly, not too out of shape, not too old, not too feminine, etc). Some guys will be attracted to Arpad no matter how old he gets, but if you seriously think that he’s as good looking now as he was 5 years ago and still as marketable in the porn world, then you need your eyes checked.
ricky says
arpad has been doing movies since 1995. time to retire!
Jason says
What a bunch of bullshit. I’m 26 and Arpad Miklos is incredibly hot and one of the best tops out there. I’ll also pick the older top, they know how to fuck. Go to any gym and the in shpae guys in their 30s and 40s kick ass over the younger guys. The older guys also tend to much sexier and more masculine. As someone once pointed out on here, go to any bodybuilding show, the guys on their 40s are the hottest and have the best bodies. I have not seen one real young guy on this site who was really tough and sexy and hot except for Jay from Sean Cody. Do any of you guys ever actually get laid?
MissUnderstood says
Oh Michael, u were a marine? grrrrr. woof. I’d love to see you screw totally naked hehe…
manu says
Ugh…”hasn’t aged gracefully”? Name a 42yo who has , in your opinion .
Then how old are you and can we please see a picture of your perfect self ?
Hugedude says
FUck you bitches, I would to take Arpads dick anything he is amazing, he has a great body, more hunky than in his early days, whic I love
ugh says
Aiden Shaw has aged gracefully. Even with his gray hair, he still looks in shape and has a nice face. And when Jason Branch was in porn, he was in his early 40’s I believe but he could have passed for early 30’s to mid-30’s. Everyone has different bodies and they handle wear and tear differently. Those are just two examples off the top of my head and I’m sure there are many more. But Arpad is different. It’s obvious that he looks significantly worse now at 42 than he did when he was in his late 30’s and guess what? It’s just going to get worse if he decides to keep doing porn.
Arpad is not a body builder, which is quite obvious if you look at his present physique so your argument doesn’t work. And even if the 40 year olds do have the best bodies, it’s the exception, not the rule. Google a pic of Randy Couture from UFC. He still fights and is 46. That’s pretty impressive considering most people retire in that sport once they hit 35. Couture also has an impressive body for his age but that doesn’t mean all 46 year olds can be as fit as him. He clearly is the execption, not the rule.
woofydude says
Fucin woof. Daddy on daddy friction. These guys are so sexy, so fucking dreamstuds.
Great if they were neighbors.
Mega hairy muscle hugs of thanks for sharing
Paul says
@really ugh? I see a lot of 20-something who have crappy bodies, and almost none of them appear to know what it means to be or act like a man. Post a picture of yourself and we’ll all vote if you’re as hot as Arpad. You obviously didn’t understand Jason’s point; he didn’t say Arpad was a bodyuilder, he’s not, he said the best bodybuilders are the older ones in their 40s. My guess is you are neither a bodybuilder or much an athlete.
TwinkGod says
i dont want to see 40 year olds naded. eww
ricky says
arpad is listed on internet movie data base as being in 51 films. i am pretty sure he has been in a lot more than that. he is overexposed. he is so overexposed he is now fucking women.
ricky says
arpad is also a whore. you can rent him.
MMDD says
Arpad needs to stick with fucking women from now on, WITHOUT CONDOMS, like he did in that straight movie last summer. He always uses condoms with guys and never bottoms for them. I have no interest in watching such a hypocrite. He looks way more natural and comfortable with a woman anyway.
MissVegan says
arpad is an old douche. he looks like my butcher.
Jimmy says
@TwinkGod, and I don’t want to see twinks who are almost always synonymous with queens. I only want to be fucked by a real man. @ricky, 51 is a lot but I bet you can say the same for Erik Rhodes, Francois Sagat; and I noticed many of those Hungarian guys, like my favorite Roberto Giorgio, have been doing videos for over a decade now and they’re still going. I see Arpad often here in New York and he looks hot.
Hugedude says
Totally agree with you Jimmy, I mean what its wrong with this people, Arpad its like a good wine, I love the way he has muscles, but he is not to rip, he is like the perfect top, a great lover
ugh says
It depends if you are talking about early 20 year olds or late 20 year olds. The latter have the better bodies where as the early 20 year olds still have a boyish frame and haven’t filled out yet. 20 year olds generally have a much better metabolism than 40 year olds so that is probably why their bodies don’t impress you, they don’t need to hit the gym everyday to look half-decent. It’s a definite must if you are a 40 year old. As for “knowing what it means to be a man”, I don’t know what you mean exactly, can you be a little more specific what makes 20 year olds less manly than 40 year olds? Is it maturity (which I agree with) or physical appearance (which I disagree with)? The best body builders being in their 40’s does not necessarily mean that 40 year olds have the best bodies because you are sampling a very small group that isn’t representative of most 40 year olds. That is why I brought up Arpad not being a bodybuilder because we aren’t talking about bodybuilders, we are talking about pornstars and the majority of them are not bodybuilders so the analogy doesn’t work. Nowhere did I say that guys over 40 are not attractive: I gave two examples above of guys who were older than Arpad and still able to compete in the looks dept with the younger guys. Arpad just hasn’t aged well, that was my point. And can you stop it with your “post your picture” taunt? It’s childish. I didn’t say I was hotter than Arpad and I’m not appearing in this porno so my looks are irrelevant to this conversation. I’m criticizing the quality of the product, a 42 year old Arpad in this porno. It affects my overall enjoyment of the product therefore it is fair game.
Rand says
Evidently ugh knows little if anything about exercise or training. Damn, what a defensive prick. Everyday another bitter retort from this guy. Men have to become men, ugh (what a choice of names!), by life experience, by actions and deeds, by accomplishment. That has been true throughout history; so when we read over and over nasty insults or angry remarks from young guys with apparnetly little education or intelligence, one does tend to think, oh, this kid knows nothing. Now give me a real man.
Trent says
Ugh, ,you should think about retirement too , your rants are getting old and boring FAST!!
Rob says
I’m in my 30s and have had sex with Arpad. He was amazing and more importantly, he was a truly wonderful guy. Very, very rare. Arpad, you are the best.
Kevin says
There ain’t nothing wrong with Arpad as a performer, what’s killing this is it’s the same old boring shit coming from Hot House, do they all wear the same jockstrap or what? every scene is the same “boring” Craig Reynolds however is not, he needs to leave Hot House and go work for other studio’s or online so we can see him at his best and not being fucked in the same position as all the others at Hot House.
ricky says
kevin, arpad does the same old boring shit for all the studios.
Steve says
@Kevin, let’s start with a rudimentary grammar course. That was almost entirely incomprehensible.
ugh says
This isn’t an excercise or bodybuilding blog. We are talking about Arpad. I have no idea why you guys are getting all angry. Arpad is not aging well and looks ridiculous when he is paired with guys that are in better shape than him. It’s that simple.
I’ll respond to you when you learn how to use punctuation properly.
chuck says
totally jealous
und says
“arpad has been doing movies since 1995. time to retire!”
why? he is a star. okay, he is older, and? look the stars now, for example at BelAmi. LOL. Arpad Miklos is a manly man! The pornstars now? OMG… they aren’t. and they aren’t STARS, they fuck in some scenes and nothing special.
Arpad Miklos is a porn legend. A REAL porn legend!
Daniel says
Damn, ugh is a miserable little fucker. “Arpad looks ridiculous when is paired with guys that are in better shape than him?” That is related to exercise and bodybuilding. You can’t remove them from gay porn. And Arpad looks amazing. The man is a stellar top, in fantastic shape, and one of the best performers working today.
ugh says
Arpad looks 50, Daniel. The truth hurts. But continue jacking off to geezer porn. Nobody’s stopping you from enjoying guys who are way past their prime.
ugh says
Don’t read my comments Tom if it makes you so angry. Roid rage, much?
ricky says
@jimmy: “I bet you can say the same for Erik Rhodes, Francois Sagat” yes i can say the same. they are over used and over exposed and i’m pleantly sick and tired of them too. especially sagat since he thinks he needs to do all those stupid “artistic” pictures that keep truning up all over the place. i won’t watch anything with rhodes in it anymore. that guy is mental case.
ricky says
the hot house movies do all seem to be the same fucking thing with the same fucking pewople over and over and over and over. they used to be kind of good. low a lower budget colt. but not anymore.
Fredo says
Meow. Why are there always so many catty comments on gay porn blogs/sites? Arpad is gorgeous + yes, people age. It happens. Until we find the fountain of youth, it’s going to continue happening to all of us. I am in my late twenties + still find him + several other daddy-types in the business incredibly sexy. Yadda yadda yadda.
ricky says
@fredo because we are the people they are making this stuff for. the consumer.
arpad is over used, over exposed and fucking boring.
Fredo says
I’m also the “consumer” + I have no problem sharing my views on a particular porn model/actor sans the cattiness or snark. You are entitled to your opinion, of course, no matter how wrong it is.
tlf says
Craig Reynolds is a perfect bottom: masculine, bodybuider and hairy.
I agree with you. Arpad has never bottomed and he fucked a woman WITHOUT CONDOMS!!!
If he bottom someday, I will watch his movies again.
Oa says
I think Arpad still looks amazing, but I’ll never forgive him for the message he sent when he agreed to do straight porn for that piece of crap, Ricky Sinz! Especially given that he’s worn a condom with every male performer he’s been with, but barebacked the bitch! He just said to the entire gay world “straight sex is cleaner than gay sex and therefore ‘normal.'”
Oa says
And for those of you bitching about the age of the performers and how it makes them unattractive: I hope when you’re their age that the catty little bitches are kinder to you than you’ve been. Age strikes everyone, and if you think you’re going to get away scott free, you’d damn well better have a bullet with your name on it and the balls to pull the trigger so it doesn’t catch up with you.