Dane Renner, or you might already knew him as ‘FloridaTwunk,’ just made his CADEMADDOX.COM debut today. He’s handsome and you can watch Dane Renner bottoming for gay porn star Cade Maddox here.

lorida is the land of hot men and sun-kissed oranges and sun-kissed men, and Florida Twunk is one of the sweetest, hottest, and juiciest bottoms that ever came out of the sunshine state. I really enjoyed this one!
+ Dane Renner Bottoms For Cade Maddox in Sun-Kissed Florida Twunk
Billy says
A twunk is a twink with muscle, a twink by definition is a pretty youngster 18 -22 yr old. He is a Jock not a twunk.
Hot guy says
Cade doin’ twinks never gets old! That said, not sure this one can be considered a twink. 😀
Pat says
Cade’s videos are so boring because Cade is boring.
Is he still claiming to be an Uber driver?
Bob says
Lol Pat I love you for this. Gotta claim he is so he can jump the line. You’re right, though. His videos are so boring. He’s sexy, but his videos aren’t worth watching anymore.
Noel says
Maybe Cade’s content is not what it once was but this new guy Dane has amazing energy and enthusiasm. I want to see more Dane, he’s promising and hot.
Reid says
Dane is whore and available on Rentmen. All his vids seem the same. He smiles every time a dick goes in him and he says “WOW”. After watching a few, all his vids are kind of the same thing.