Thanks to pooh, the reader who provided the clue in previous post, I think I found that hot long-haired and bearded dude’s porn name. It’s Dante Drackis. I “think” because he looks quite different without facial hair. He did one scene for Bait Buddies. And he has one scene coming on November 26th from Pride Studios. The scene is called “Skater Fuck” in which Dante Drackis and Jeremy Spreadums take turns fucking each other.

+ Dante Drackis and Jeremy Spreadums Flip-Fuck [Coming November 26]
Liam says
Thank you… Any Social media?
Proud Nerve says
He looks horrible when shaved.
HeWhoMustNotBeNamed says
Horrible? Nah. Certainly better than Jeremy Spreadums (what kinda cheesy porn name is THAT?!). The 1st Pride Studios still he reminds of Rick Springfield circa 1985…if you have to ask, never mind!
sexnando says
His instagram and twitter are both @dantedrackis
be nice with him, bitches 😛
and he looks amazing shaved but i’m a sucker for facial hair, so i hope he keeps it and more importantly don’t make him cut his long hair :'(
Zach says
It’s amazing what facial hair can do for someone
Kebal says
Thanks for finding out his name! Hopefully he’ll keep his long hair and beard. It’s such a shame that Tayte Hanson didn’t keep his.
Kebal says
Thanks for finding out his name! Hopefully he’ll keep his long hair and beard. It’s such a shame that Tayte Hanson didn’t keep his.
*and no this is not a duplicated comment.
DJ says
Anyone knows which Young Perps Case # Dante Drackis Is?
Yannick says
It seems he also goes by the name Aaron Manwaring (on Family Dick)
David aka Nsa4now69 says
Haters are going to hate…Dante (aka Aaron Manwaring) Drackis is Fecking HOT as HELL…bearded or shaved, long hair or short….the man is the face of the new porn generation….and I for one am glad to see him and hope there are many more like him cumming over the horizon…I’m so tired of these pumped up gym bunnies, who are manscaped, waxed, and plucked until they are as smooth as the day they came pushing out of their mommy’s vag, with the fake tan, and anything slightly out of place sculpted to within an inch of their lives….what those men have been for so many years is an unrealistic model of what can’t be obtained but for a chosen 1%…Dante represents the rest of us 99%’ers….the every man, those of us who care about what we look like, but are not so obsessed with it that we become shallow shells of who we are actually supposed to be, not what advertisers are trying to tell us we have to be…I say welcome Dante Drackis…as an unofficial spokesperson for the 99%’ers we are so glad your hear…we hope you will stick around for a very long time to come.
Mr Shinobi says
Holy shit! He was on Latin Leche just recently! I think he’s Argentinian. I mean, now that I think about it, he spoke Spanish with a weird accent so maybe he’s not. He’s so hot, I’m glad that LL video wasn’t just a one time thing.
Wade Manix says
I just recently discovered him on Family Dick and have since seen him on Latin Leche, Brother Crush and Young Perps, all with facial hair. He is the hottest for me. I watch him and find myself fantasizing about him, which I never do with porn stars. This may seem silly, but watch him on Latin Leche and listen. He can act! He sounds completely natural. Someone should realize what a gem they have and use him more. I wish Family Dick would pair him with someone like him as brothers or cousins and do a series. The actor who plays his uncle on the one Family Dick he did would be a good match.