Mark you calendar, the new premium gay porn site DISRUPTIVE FILMS will be officially launched next month on September 14th, 2021.
DISRUPTIVE FILMS is a brand new studio dedicated to offering the best gay porn movies and series available today. Our premium lineup of films and original series combine award-winning creative talent, cinematic techniques, compelling stories, and men in performances like you’ve never seen before.
They are offering an early site access with pre-screening 1 movie a week before the official launch. It looks like the studio will release story-focused episodes with more of a serious tone. The first episode was called “Guy Talk” starring Roman Todd and Brandon Anderson with special appearances by Elliot Finn, Justin Matthews, and directed by Bree Mills. Check out the preview below, I like their style and cinematography. Oh and needless to say, the sex between Roman and Brandon is super hot too.
Get early VIP access to the site with [THIS LINK]
DISRUPTIVE FILMS is a studio that will offer the most captivating lineup of premium films and series in the gay market. Helmed by one of porn’s most critically acclaimed disruptors, Bree Mills, a multi-award-winning director and the Chief Creative Officer of Adult Time, Disruptive Films pushes the envelope and caters to the modern tastes of the gay consumer. Combining award-winning creative talent, premium cinematic techniques, compelling and provocative stories, and men in performances like you’ve never seen before, Disruptive Films is site unlike any other in the gay adult market.

A closeted mechanic (Brandon Anderson), afraid of being outed, joins his straight colleagues in a session of lewd “guy talk,” trying to fit in with their chauvinistic attitudes. The closeted guy plays the part well enough, but one of his fellow mechanics (Roman Todd) notices something off about the way he’s speaking. Later, the mechanic gets the closeted guy alone and confronts him about being gay, insisting that he’ll keep his secret…but only IF he fucks him.
+ Roman Todd And Brandon Anderson in GUY TALK
DON’T ASK DON’T TELL (Coming August 24)
Two military reserve soldiers meet for the first time at a weekend-long drill. They’re standoffish but gradually start to bond through the shared activities and tidbits about their troubled lives.This leads to sparks between them, although they both are closeted and afraid. When one soldier unexpectedly kisses the other, they have an explosive confrontation, which leads to even more explosive sex.
James (Ryan Jordan) thinks he’s going over to watch a movie with his friend Calvin (Dalton Riley) who is also his girlfriend’s brother. When Calvin asks James to start the movie, James is shocked by a video of him cheating on his girlfriend. It seems his so-called “friend” has set him up. Calvin promises to keep the incriminating video from his sister, but only if James agrees to his demands. Seems Calvin has decided he wants a bit more from this playdate, he wants a taste of what his sister has
POINT OF ENTRY (Coming September 7)
A surprise birthday to Mexico doesn’t end well for college student Matthew (Jack Hunter) when he and his girlfriend are detained at the border trying to return to the US. It seems his girlfriend had another surprise, she was trying to smuggle drugs back into the country. Matthew has no choice but to agree to an intimate cavity search in exchange for his girlfriend’s freedom.
THE LAST COURSE (Coming September 14)
If you could invite ALL THE MEN you’ve had sex with to the same dinner party, what would YOU do to them? James Montgomery disappeared from public view over a year ago, but his legacy still impactsthe six men he spent his life with. When they each receive a mysterious invitation in the mail, they have no idea that they are about to embark on a twisted journey to reunite with the man they all think they know.
juana says
I Love Jack Hunter!
J says
Does not Icon Male already do this? Men are men–story in adult entertainment means nothing. Assuming gay men have tastes similar to straight women is not exactly good business strategy.
James says
how is this studio claiming to “appeal to the tastes of the modern gay consumer” when there’s not a single person of colour on their website?? The modern gay consumer wants to see diversity reflected in their porn.
Nidaye says
And who are you?????
O says
You read my mind. It’s a hard pass for me.
John says
Last thing we need are more stupid men dot com plots and some of these scenes look like rebranded scenes from other studios.
Gay porn plots are thing of the past. Only studios like catalina and titan could do them well…but the quality of guys has gone down since then.
Milos says
So… It will be the same actors from Next Door Studios, that already has cringy storylines, filming a longer nds scene and playing it off as a movie for another studio. Just wanted to make sure.
Adisan says
Too white. I need more colors. It’s too boring to see old faces
andrew says
The straight guy promises to keep the closeted gay guy’s secret, if he lets him fuck him. LOL.
Manchester Black says
It’s 2021, and they still using the same playbook from the 90s. Where’s the diversity?!? Not a single POC model. They can keep this whitewash mess
Raveshe Deschamps says
white people only
KinkyGayFuck says
Can’t wait to find out, gay porn is reinventing itself for our greatest pleasure.
Lane says
Soooo…Icon Male 2.0 with no men of color. Got it.
Titman says
Will they be selling DVDs/Blu-rays?
Anton says
Looks promising. Going back to the plot driven porn of the early 80’s. So sick of the clown shows.
J.P. says
They are all white…like ALL of them. No.
Cinnamon Roll says
As a big fan of vintage porn I’m happy to see a website like this launch. Looks promising.
Home destroyer that steals your man says
The cast looks kinda boring, I only care about Roman Todd and Michael Boston, I missed the hope of seeing pornstars as hot as the ones in the 80’s and 90’s but doing bareback, at this point onlyfans it’s the only platform with some decent porn, everything else mehh
CA says
A studio where the majority of actors are bi or Pan and the plots and being written and directed by women? Who’s asking for this? Certainly not gay men. This is fetish porn by and for women.
Ronald says
I agree with a few things: 1. I care about: BOSTON, Michael; DAMNED, Chris; FINN, Elliot; FIT, Jim; FORD, Johnny; JORDAN, Ryan; Honorable Mentions: HUNTER, Jack; RILEY, Dalton. 2. I don’t know if it was on purpose, but no blacks. Also without Asians and redheads. 3. It’s boring to see the same old faces, especially when certain actors appear in almost every movie.