It surely costs gay porn company more time and money to produce an orgy scene. Is it worth the effort?
Personally, I like orgy scenes a lot. I like watching a scene full of hot guys but I also heard many complain about lacking of chemistry between models, distracting and confusing (who’s fucking whom?) regarding orgy scene. What do you think?
My personal favorite orgy scenes are in THE CHOSEN from Falcon Studios and the final scene of PERSONAL TRAINERS 5 from Bel Ami.
Kristen Bjorn‘s classic movie THE ANCHOR HOTEL also has really nice orgy scenes.

Samuel says
The orgies I’ve seen these days are pretty damn boring actually, the guys seem to stand around stroking themselves trying to stay hard until they get to fuck the token bottom. Unless it’s an absolute free for all and all into each other fucking and sucking they should just flag them!
Adam says
I kind of find them rather boring to watch really. Doesn’t seem like a whole lot of passion between anybody, just random fuckings.
und says
Samuel is right! Orgy scenes are boring!
ugh says
Bel Ami has the worst orgy scenes. They are the most emotionless sex scenes possible. Kristen Bjorn has the better ones but the problem with a lot of them is that they tend to drag on for too long, like 40 minutes or more. As for the rest of the studios, they fall somewhere in between. Gangbangs tend to have more energy than orgy scenes but they suffer from the same flaw: you only get a taste of everything other than the fucking. Another downside to orgy scenes is that chances are you’ll find someone pretty ugly in them and that has the potential to ruin the scene for you.
Chris says
If am honest, orgy scenes really dont do very much for me, i like 4 guys max taking turn with each other, thats kinda hot…
The best scene where there are more then 4 guys is when it like 20 guys on one bottom gang bang style!!
Shoco says
orgy scenes in porn depend on three factor for their success:
1. passion
2. models
3. director
having said that, i prefer a low number of models (up to five, six has to be pushing the limit with compensation from the hotties part of the orgy).
i think i like the orgies Joe Gage direct the most, since he’s a talented director / write who always make me wanna cum from the story and buildup long before the clothes offically came off. Gang bangs are hot too…
chuck says
orgies scenes are great if they are creative.
Axel says
I think orgy scenes can easily get out of hand when there are too many guys to direct. I know orgies are supposed to be an “improvisation” act (ie, guys are supposedly fucking randomly), but more often than not, it all looks so fake and staged it is boring.
I personally prefer gang bangs more than orgies, but the bottom needs to be real good or it all will not work. Moaning and screaming when they are soft is absurd. I think a good, hot scene should not have more than 5-6 guys, including the bottom.
Jon698 says
Orgies can be boring if the director is a shitty one, so as can a regular couple scene be. It depends on how well a movie is directed and of course the chemistry of the models. I prefer orgies in porn. Couples in porn are boring most of the time.
JVC says
1st just because a director throws 4 or more guys in a room does not make it an orgy.
Most orgies I’ve seen turn into a gang bang of sorts because not enough versatile men are in the scene. Always thought an orgy meant free-for-all. You’d see suck chains and fuck trains, total participation and total interaction amongst everyone. No guys watching and jerking on the sidelines. Still love orgy scenes but I agree with Samuel and the others, they can be boring if they aren’t creative.
Tristan says
I love QMN but it’s strange that seeing all these previews and how bad most porno is has resulted in me not buying one single porno video in months. I wonder if the actual number of videos sold is way down. I don’t remember the last video I bought that I loved. Most of the guys they use today are really not my type, much too white trash for my tastes.
DB says
Orgies can go one way or the other for me. They can be really hot, if all the guys are hot and they’re all into it. But lately there have been more and more ‘filler’ actors in the orgies – uglies who don’t know how to fuck. I think porn studios should stop wasting their time filling up scenes with boring plain boys that we don’t care about. A recent orgy I liked was the one in Lucas Entertainment’s “Paris Playboys” – that one was hot!
Luguile says
I like orgy scenes in general. I find them more interesting them twosomes or threesomes. The ones that I find the best are from Falcon and Kristen Bjorn.
It is true it can last long when the scenes stay too much on the sucking part…
kafka says
orgies are my favorite if done well. “Hot tools” is a good example. “The Chosen” is also a good one. But why is it that straight porn do orgies so much better?
tom in portland says
Almost always a complete waste of the director’s, the models’ and our time and money. Rarely done well, usually very poorly edited.
UseMe says
That’s my house every weekend.
PumpsterJoe says
I love orgies. they show whos the alpha male and whos the hungry bttm and who needs 2 fuck and get fuckd. they should just be wilder and have the men rip each other apart
Gabo says
I really like Orgies scenes… The best in my opinion are those of Falcon Studios, Bel Ami, and the hottest Guys Go Crazy…
The Chosen is a Hot Orgy.. Heatwave… The Other Side of Aspen 4… are Hot too…
I Love Orgy!…
Ricster says
Wow, I seem to be in the minority. LOVE orgies, both watching and participating.
However, I have to agree that a lot of times it’s a tag team approach and there’s just one bottom. But if they keep the guys in a limited viewing range and let them just go at it, they’re a major turn on and I can cum mulitple times while watching.
A classic, “These Bases are Loaded” is a great example of a good orgy.
Groovy says
I like it I like it I like it
bleistein says
Orgies, both on screen and in real life, are as exciting as a Mexican butcher’s shop.
Jens says
Is a Mexican butcher shop exciting or not? I’ve been to several great orgies. Guess it all depends if you’re one of the guys in demand. 🙂
PumpsterJoe says
all those of us who love orgies here should get together for one big Queermenow orgy!
JD says
Orgy scenes! Yes, yes yes! I love them on video and in person! Definitly I want more of them in film.
Jim says
I’m with you, PumpsterJoe.
alex says
Hate em!
Honestly, I like a bit of story and 2 guys — 4 guys (2 couples) max. Otherwise, it’s just mechanical sex between unknowns (also guys in orgies tend to be twinkish and not much to look at).
If studios want to spend money — put more into the story and settings…and pay some of these exclusive tops to bottom.
Leo says
Was really looking forward to the latest gangbang video “Gridiron Gangbang”. I was sorely disappointed. It features Vance Winters and he is not used to his full potential. The vid is an example of over directing a cliche concept. I’ve seen most of the performers on other sites and when left to their own devices they are natural and hot.
james williams says
i DON,T like orgy scences. the most for me is 3 guys. but one on one sex is the best for me. in orgy scenes. theres just to much going on at one time. most orgy scences that i have seem is BOOORRRIIINNNGGGG as hell.
tlf says
I love gang bang scenes. DP scenes are very common in straight porn but they are rare in gay porn. My favorite studio is Kristen Bjorn because there are many DPs and orgy scenes.
Blah says
So you watch porn to see passion between the people having sex? WTF?
Silver Cloud says
I am cool with orgies. Change is the spice of life, after all.
Nope, you do not watch porn to see passion and genuine love. Porn is really about the mechanics and the physics of sex and not about its chemistry. These guys are really ‘models’ or even pornstars, but no one really expects them to be real, professional actors whose job is to convey, emotion, drama, suffering, comedy or whatever.
Your porn models here are working men, hired to perform. That’s what they do. Expecting them to give you an Oscar winning performance is simply ill-at-place…
Rob says
@Chris, 20 guys and one bottom! Ouch! The poor guy wouldn’t be able to walk, would he? 🙂
Chris says
Hey Rob, depends on how experienced the bottom was, lol, i know i would like to try it!!! hehehehe
Brandon says
There is a great orgy that I’ve been trying to remember: It had one top (a famous porn star) and several bottoms (between 5-7). The bottoms were each fucked by the top and it was an incredible porn. Does anyone know the name of the porn or the porn star?
Peter says
Orgy scenes are ok when
1. you get to see the whole picture (who’s fucking who) and not just too many close ups.
2. if it’s quite wild
Personally I think the orgies from Black Scorpion are the best