According to his model profile on BELAMIONLINE.COM, this blond model Roger Lambert is the cousin of popular Bel Ami model Dolph Lambert. So when Bel Ami released this preview photo set featuring Roger Lambert getting fucked bareback by Ariel Vanean, Luke Hamill AND his cousin Dolph Lambert. It becomes the center of heated discussion about “incest” on both Bel Ami member forum and The BA-Boys-Archive group.
I think it depends on how much you believe those profile pages on porn sites. Dolph and Roger might share only just porn last name and similar looks. But Bel Ami is no stranger to incest anyway, with all those Peters Twins videos.
And according to Wikipedia: “Sexual relationships between first cousins is not stigmatized as incest in most cultures”.
+ More of Roger Lambert | Dolph Lambert | Ariel Vanean | Luke Hamill
GMan says
Since when is Wikipedia a factual site to support any argument? Wikipedia is full of lies and can’t be trusted as a reliable source for anything. Amazing how people can believe anything provided it supports their thought process, never mind the facts.
timucua says
@ GMan regardless the origin of the source and your personal views on Wikipedia, there are still many Earth cultures still practice first cousin marriages.
yam says
A large percentage of Muslims around the world are married with their first cousins.
In fact almost 75 of their marriage are in between their second cousin
(in which couple are kids of two sisters or they kids of a brother and a sister)
Bub says
See “birth defects by country”.
chris says
In Germany relationships between first cousins are no problem. Only thing is they are not recommended to have children if it is a heterosexual relationship.
Dark hog says
OK it’s not like they can get each other pregant, and like QMN said, look at the Peters Twins. We know for a fact that they’re brothers. So, how far is too far? Until we just stop looking or commenting about things like this. Until then, enjoy!
Jack says
If my cousin had that cock and body, I’d have his cock up my ass all the time.
Critic says
They are both males, so incest is moot.
Anderson says
Cousins? There’s no problem here! Many people fuck their cousins!
RawSlut says
Cousins, brothers, who cares? It’s all about hot cocks, hungry asses and voracious libidos… Fuck yeah!
sxg says
Agree with Jack, Critc, Anderson and RawSlut. Homosexual relationships shouldn’t be boxed into be the same thing that heterosexual relationships are. They are both hot men having hot sex. Cousins or not it’s a hot scene.
Billy Blue says
At least we know that they are not going to have children, haha !
charlie_jack says
Lambert is a very old Czech name
leev says
i’ve got a couple of relatives who married first degree cousins…what’s the big deal?they’re both so hot,i mean the lamberts not my relatives.
ALan says
It’s not like their children are going to be mutants.
beagle says
Hard to believe that those two aren’t related.
JockBoy says
Yah, next thing U know Adam Lambert will be involved … Its borin’ when U wanna say .. Trident anyone?
ugh says
They probably aren’t even related and “cousin” can mean anything. I have lots of cousins that aren’t blood relatives. Bel Ami most likely just found a model that looked like Dolph and pitched the guy as his cousin. I find it really suspicious that his cousin looks so much like him.
nudie says
ummm… I’m a muslim… i dont know anyone who marries their cousins…
JT says
I thought all bel’ami boys there related, they all look like clones.
Billy says
Actually, GMan, Wikipedia has been shown in numerous academic studies to be about as accurate as any encyclopedia out there, such as Britannica.
Ben says
I don’t know any cousins who look alike.
Scott says
I have a hot cousin who is younger than me. He is pretty hot. I always suspect that he’s into guys, too. I don’t mind tapping him.
porn insider says
C’mon people you are smarter then this…no? Porn studios have a long history of getting who guys who look the same and then say they are related.
porn insider says
also gay sex is beautiful why can’t it be shared between 1st cousins…there is no chance of babies
Abel says
Don’t care if they’re are cousins. Only bothered by the bareback.
Gabe says
I believe they’re cousins. This Roger guy dosen’t suddenly show up for this video, he has joined BA for over two years, they cann’t just change his profile like that. So if it’s a lie, it has to be planned years ago. I don’t see any necessary there.
Michel says
who cares!!!
who cares!!!
I have the pleasure to know the guys and they are as nice in perosn as they are in videos.
In Europe we do not have the stupid, retrograd, XVIII (18 for those americans that do not know Latin numbers) Century mentality.
We are sexually free and we do not tag people with stupid names such as straight, gay, lesbian, bisesual.
Time to wake up America, this is the XXI Century…..
pragois says
To have sex with a first cousin is in no way incest. And those Lambert boys are gorgeous, I have always dreamed of seeing Dolph fucking Roger, now it’s done. A pity it is only stills.
poes says
He’s fucking his cousin?!? Oh no, I hope they don’t have a mongoloid baby
Richier says
I resent that Michel thinks Americans are too stupid to know Roman numerals. Typical French ignorance. Pfffff!