Last month, Dominic Ford teased us with a picture of firm pecs, sex-pack abs and muscular bicep of his very first exclusive model BRYCE EVANS.
“He has never been seen on film before, is completely new the industry, and is the total package.” That’s Dominic’s description of Bryce Evans.
I’m so excited to tell you that Bryce Evans will have his first scene released tomorrow! And I have some exclusive XXX sneak preview for you.
OMG! I like this guy! He has it all – Blue eyes, handsome face, muscular greek god body and thick cock! I think he has potential to be the next famous gay porn star! And thanks to DOMINICFORD.COM, you will be able to watch Bryce Evans in full 3D!
[UPDATE] Thanks to the eagle-eyed reader Bixxx49 (with far superior porn memory than mine) who remind me that Bryce Evans was MightyMen‘s porn model named Jay Diamond. He did a jerk off video with MightyMen. I used to blog about him myself back in October 2009. I totally forgot about that! But I’m still glad that Dominic Ford can convince this bodybuilder to do gay scenes.
James says
Oh wow. I almost came as soon as I laid eyes on him.
manu says
He looks great but does he bottom ?:)
mel says
Very nice, Dominic FOrd finaly found an orginal exclusive. Lets hope he just performs as well as he looks. I hope he is not another Ty Colt.
leev says
he looks mighty fine but in a bodybuilding kinda way so that’s why he does nothing for me.i’d rather see a more natural looking guy with scruffy look who doesn’t flex while a hot guy is sucking his dick lol
Dimitri says
@Leev I’m with you, buddy!
Cesar says
I don’t know what the blogger thinks “total package” is? Blue eyes = total package, I seen more men with sexier eyes that aren’t necessarily blue. He is built but not in an attractive way and dick? C’mon let’s be honest, unless he’s packing like Damen Rockford or even Michael Branson, he can barely tickle anyone with that, I rather see Topher in action, he comes across less douchey…
Bixxx49 says
In order for this video to be Bryce’s first time on film (is it film?) he must have an identical twin brother that goes by Jay Diamond with identical tatoos.
Bixxx49 says
What do you think? Twin?
QMN says
@Bixxx49 Ha Ha Ha I forgot that one! Thanks for reminding me
Asenath says
He looked really cute in that first, smiling picture. Then he started serving me ‘macho, macho man’ and I was like. . .eh. He should just be warm. And I don’t know about the people concerned that his endowment might not be generous enough. I know this is porn, but that looks like more than enough to get the job done. Also, he has pretty eyes and nice teeth.
Simon says
Hot guy! BTW. Dominic Ford bans some countries from accessing his site – 403 Forbidden error, with proxy it works ok, but I don’t know any good reason to do that.
gaysammy says
wow..the guys posting on here find fault with everything!!!!! I think he’s a hot guy and if most of the guys posting on here were truthful they would jump on his junk if they got the chance
Dominic Ford says
Simon — we’ve blocked a few areas where we’ve never had a subscription but have had lots of hackers or pirates. If you let me know where you are I can unblock your area. Sorry about that, but we were having a major problem.
leev says
I agree gaysammy,besides I find it rude that he’s not even mentioned,not even his name?!I shall call him Sexy John,screw the Evans dude.
Billy Blue says
He is beautiful, I just hope that he si not another Gay4Pay” robot, because I am tired of them.
peter says
i get the superman vibe from him when he had dark hair. he is good looking, but too big for my tastes. with my 5’9 lean swimmers body, he would break me into two lol
peter says
@Billy Blue
me too! fuck G4P
i wanna see dudes fuck with passion and rawness (not as in bareback). like the rest of us do when we get a hold onto a hot guy.
i know shoots are 4 hours long, but two bi/gay guys will always do a better job then a str8 dude who fucks mechanically.
Simon says
@Dominic Ford
Thanks for the info. Still I can get it why you banned my area (Central Europe). If you have problem with crackers (there’s a difference from hackers) you should change your security system (to Ajax, Strongbox, https form with tokens, or some ocr sparkling things), beacuse it’s only good solution. Banning areas won’t change anyting in centuary with massive VPN and VPS cheap hosters. I know it because I’m webmaster of two porn sites and I fight with filehosts uploaders (this are scumbaggs making big money stealing my bosses work). Good luck with you war!
Dominic Ford says
@Simon – Try again, I changed some things.
@Peter: He’s not G4P, but I think he is more Bi than gay, to be honest. He has fooled around with boys in his private life, so he is somewhere in the middle. I didn’t want a typical G4P exclusive for all the same reasons…
ricky says
oh my. me like.
MarcoManuel says
It looks like gay porn have another gay for pay man.Like gay porn didnt have enough gay for pay men already.Bryce looks like he could be in any gay for pay site.Bryce looks like the kind of man who thinks he is bi,then fuck around with men.But!When he get older he willl realize that he is straight.Because being straight is easier.He looks like another man who would say that he only wants to have sex with men but he doesnt wants to be in a relationship with a man.He only wants to be in relationship with women.Why gay porn always have to convince straight men to do gay porn?Straight men are so praised in gay porn.Its nonsense.Are gay men that boring?Give most gay men what they wants.GAY MEN.Gay porn should not be calles gay porn.It should be called male porn.Lets face it.This is what it is.Does gay porn is that desperate for straight men?You know the answer.
Asenath says
It always makes me sad to see people marginalize bisexuals.
Simon says
@Dominic Ford I’ve inspected your website and to be honest, all those unpleasant situations you wrote about are mostly your fault. Making form as login with additional webpage opened new window is like screaming prostitute ‘I’m free, use me!’. If you really don’t want to invest in new security system you should ban cracked accounts (high daily bandwidth, access from multiple IP, etc.) and wait for righteous user to get access back, like onthehunt does (not my employer, just good example). There’s many ways to make crackers life harder. Blocking areas won’t help at all. Best regards and good luck!
Spongey says
I definitely prefer him as a blonde! Hotness!
Allicide says
I would agree Asenath except he isn’t indentifying as bisexual. He is doing the whole “I don’t do labels” thing. Just like the NDS boys, Marcus and Rod, and Jeremy Bilding which really means I fuck men for money but I’m never gonna date one.
I think bisexuals deserve as much respect and love as gay men but if these guys don’t consider themselves bisexual. If they were honest they would admit they are “narcisexuals”. They like the charge of being considered attractive and the power they get when either gender is willing to spend money on them. Since gay men are more willing than straight women to spend money on men with little or no return they seem to be the preferred target.
I should futher clarify that it is possible for a gay man to be a “narcisexual” because ultimately the only person the only thing they are attracted to is the power to manipulate the feelings of others.
leev says
@Asenath yeah,but to avoid backlash they are all saying to be bisexual now so I can’t blame people for being skeptical and it’s a damn pity,I love (real) bisexuals.
Rob says
What up CESAR! This New York City boy is calling you on your bullshit. You’re just a bitter anonymous blogger writing bullshit. The man is hot and he has a smokin’ bod and yeah, in a very attractive way, He has a superb body and a very handsome face, and I doubt you have better or have ever done better. And I’ve asked this before, what does it mean to insult a guy’s dick size? Bloggers seem to forget the shit you write says more about you than the guys you feel the need to demean and denigrate. His dick would do way more than tickle and a man doesn’t need to have a huge dick to be a man. Byrce Evans is very hot, period. You guys make me understand why many people see (some) gay men as bitter, bitchy assholes.
Tripping says
Thought for a second he looks like Will Shuester from Glee. That would be hilarious.
Herman says
Hey, Tripping. The reason he looks like Will Schuester is because of the hair gel.
Herman says
My first questions, though, is if he bottoms. He’d be a very hot bottom.
Jon Royce says
Jay/Bryce looks great. I wish him the best.
TopDownLB says
The video’s been posted, so I downloaded it and got out my DominicFord 3-D glasses. It was good…but. Despite all the hype, this scene was more about Alexander Garrett giving a killer blowjob to a hot stud instead of it being about Bryce Evans getting his rocks off for the first time. For starters, you don’t get to see Bryce’s face until more than 10 minutes into the scene (just like Faye Dunaway in ‘Mommie Dearest’). That didn’t really matter though – Alexander got to get first taste and it was obvious he was enjoying every minute of it – to the point where I wasn’t paying that much attention to Bryce. As far as the gay/bi/gay4pay/straight question, there was a tell – any time Alexander was working his way up Bryce’s chest, when he gets the the neck, Bryce would throw is head back (as in “no kissing here”). Bottom line: not bad, and I would give Bryce another chance (or 20) to see where he goes from here.
Oat says
Cesar says
@Rob, seems like you got a bit extra insulted about my comment, trying to compensate for something? I am from New York city as well, Brooklyn to be exact and we keep it real in here. I am not trying to bash the beautiful dude we got here, but when you state something, mean it. The body is beautiful if you’re into really muscular guys, of course, most of the mainstream porn stars, and then they all start to look generic. But then again, whatever gets your wood working right? And no I am not knocking his dick size, just the statement that is made about it. I think you need to read a little bit more into what is being said. There are many pornstars, one of my fave, Adam Champ, his dick the same size as his, maybe smaller but what makes him attractive on screen is that he doesn’t give you the douche-bag look, like Primma Donna over here. So yeah dude, I keep it real.
James says
I wonder what all the negative people commenting look like behind their computer screens?
leev says
James wonder no more I look like shit,and?
James says
You didn’t say anything all that negative leev… and congratulations for looking like shit.
leev says
haha thanks.well i’m very reasonable.
Jake says
David says
Yawn…another “str8” guy who doesn’t reciprocate in the sack…what he really wants is to be admired…not to have sex with anyone (man or woman)…snore…
Rob says
@Cesar, I re-read your statement and it still reads like jealousy. This guy is the type that probably ignores you at the gym or a bar. And saying he couldn’t even tickle you with his dick simply implies you are way too stretched out. LOL. I do love the line, if you’re into really muscular guys. Yeah, this dude is hot if you like very handsome guys with great bodies.
Loveblind says
He looked way better with dark hair. JUST SAYING!