Porn star Jessy Ares (I was lucky enough to meet this sexy and nice guy twice in Mykonos and London) just sent me this crazy cool photos from his shoot with star photographer Srdjan Milinkovic. The pictures will be used in high-gloss magazines in France, Spain, England and Germany for interviews to promote Jessy’s album, Arestirado Shameless. You can buy the album on iTune and Amazon. And don’t forget to check out his website
The shooting with the snake was quite challenging. Especially when it makes best friends with your dick. As far as I know, snakes are almost blind and can only see warmth. So I guess it thought my cock was a fellow-friend of his species …hahaha… it just went for my dick…. all the time…. and it wrapped it´s self around it and started squeezing it
Thank you so much Jessy. This is a very cool Christmas present to me and to my readers!
+ More of Jessy Ares
Alex says
Clint says
Sexy pictures. So many puns.
sam says
That is probably the best he has ever looked. The snake was an unnecessary distraction.
Wonderer says
My Photoshop senses are tingling…
Dan says
Because he is featured in every other person, I feel compelled to say Jessy Ares does NOTHING for me.
TJ says
oooh. My, God. If this is real.. O.o
But it might be photoshop.
angelo says
I love these pictures, spectacular, i would like doing something like this, sin is perfect.
manu says
THese pictures have been photoshopped to hell and back, I’m not even sure a snake was actually involved in the photoshoot.
Jessy Ares does nothing for me either.
mich says
As much as I love Jessy Ares, I think he should have shown his courage by using a rattle snake of the same size instead of tiny python.
davidsask says
He looks like Gaga’s boyfriend and he should have went further and done jack off porn with snake like recent guy cant remember his name.
DD says
sxg says
These are pretty hot pics, especially the ones where the snake is wrapped around his dick! It’s clear that Photoshop was used on his face and parts of his body, but I don’t believe the snake was photoshopped in there as well. Snakes have a habit of wrapping themselves on limbs on trees, so it could have easily wrapped himself around his dick. A shame he didn’t unload while the snake was there, but I imagine that would have freaked out the snake and he probably would have been bitten lol.
And I had to google what exactly Lady Gaga was dating, and wow that man is fucking hot! And yes he has a resemblance to Jessy Ares. I don’t understand what a hot normal guy is doing with a weird bitch like her lol.
trex says
I’ll pay attention to Jesse when he starts bottoming again. The almost always topping act has gotten very boring. He looks a lot hotter on his back getting fucked.
alex says
I think Jessy is the hottest guy in porn — and he’s bottomed quite a bit this year — in flip flops (which I prefer to one top and one bottom).
MarcoManuel says
sxg! The weird bitch that you are talking about is the 1 who fights for your rights.
So show some respect.
Gay men who still talk shit about women or in any bad way should be ashamed of themselves.
Without women,gay men are nothing.
It mostly got better for gay men because of women.Not because of straight men.
Who is fighting the most for your gay rights?
Not straight men. Women.
Who is the most gay friendly with gay men?
Not straight men. Women.
Who are those that gay men can trust the most?
Not straight men. Women.
Who respect gay men the most in general?
Not straight men. Women.
Who hates gay men the most?
Not women. Straight men.
Who is not always fighting for your gay rights the most?
Not women. Straight men.
Who beats and bully gay men the most?
Not women. Straight men.
Who makes fun gay men the most?
Not women. Straight men.
Who says men who have sex with men is gross the most?
Not women. Straight men.
Lots of women are turned on by men who have sex with men.This is the reason women watch gay porn so much.
Straight men are disgusted by 2 men kissing each other.So,they cant stand men having sex with men even less.
The point is that women are the main allies of gay men.Not straight men.
Straight men are the common enemies (so to speak).Because they are the men who have the biggest problems with gay men.Straight men are the most homopobics.Its a fact.
Most men are homophobic.Most women are not.
You should consider yourself lucky to have women on your side.
Its basically gay men and women vs straight men.
You might not like women singers gay icons.
But,keep in mind that these women are those who fight for your rights and they are those who make the biggest difference.They do help gay men a lot.
Unlike most straight men who shows so much ease at showing their disdain of gay men.
Most women have no problems having gay friends.
So,much straight men still says that they only wants masculine gay men friends.
Because they could pass as straight.So,straight men would go under the radar and they still keep their straightness.Nuff said.
Women will always be on gay men side.
Not straight men.
manu says
not women- straight men

most women – some straight men
straight men
for pay!!
sxg says
Oh please MM my comment wasn’t an attack on women. It was an attack on a “singer” who I believe has a terrible voice, that makes mediocre music and has to dress like a freak in order for people to pay attention to her.
And great for women wanting to support gay rights, but I personally think that pop stars like Madonna, Lady GaGa and Nikki Minaj actually hurt the gay community more than they are helping it. Not all of us like that type of music and when we associate themselves with them we associate our tastes and lifestyles to that sort of community, a stereotypical community. We don’t need more straight women fighting for our causes, we need more gay men to do that for us.
Gareth Thomas, Neil Patrick Harris, Anderson Cooper, these are the sort of celebrities who would make a better difference in fighting for our rights. And there may not be many straight men out their fighting for our rights, but they are there, and they do make a difference sometimes. Connor Barwin, a Houston Texans player, is very outspoken in his fight for gay rights. It helps too that his brother is gay. Also Brendon Ayanbadejo from the Baltimore Ravens and Chris Kluwe from the Minnesota Vikings also were extremely active in their fight for gay marriage in their cities. Brendon even caused a riff between his teammates, with one of them counteracting Brendon’s commercials by making commercials of his own in support of traditional marriage. In the end, they both helped win gay marriage rights in Baltimore and Minnesota state.
airton says
This is wonderfum
sam says
@SXG, I couldn’t agree with your comments more and you are very well spoken in getting your point across. You are correct when you say we don’t need more straight women fighting for our causes, we need more gay men to do that for us.
I think that some performers jump on the gay bandwagon as a way to gain noteriety and a fan base. Lady GaGa, is mediocre singer a at best, her music is unoriginal and her act is cliche. I don’t deny she likes and supports gay people, but other than to say she likes gay people she has done nothing for our community that has made an impact or difference. On the other hand, gay people have certainly made a difference in her ticket sales and personal wealth, and I feel like she and others have simply used us as a method to further their careers. Off the top of my head I can’t think of one thing they have done for the gay community except to perpetuate a stereotype.
I get inspired by gay men like Neil Patrick Harris, Anderson Cooper, atlets like martina Navrttolva and suporters of the community like Chris Kluwe made a difference and represented the gay community in a positive light.
At MarcoManuel, please join us in the the current century and leave the 80’s mentality behind. I have more straight male friends than gay and they are all very supportive of equal rights and are as compasssionate as women. I certainly don’t need a woman to fight for my rights as a gay man.
Jigae says
There’s is definitely some heavy photoshop around that snake.
Almatolmen says
Photoshop, Schmotoshop. I don’t care. The pix are hot. I’m not a big Ares fan, but this is one of the best incarnations of a scenario I’ve had in my head since adolescence.
JuanDiego978 says
Nice concept for the photos, but heavy photoshop evidence on them. It should look more realistic for better results.
marc says
like the others, couldn’t give a shit about the photoshop, hell photoshop in a mop, a doughnut dont care, Ares is fine by me!! thanks for these very hot photos!