The wait is over guys! Here’s the exclusive interview video of porn star Rocco Reed for Queer Me Now! And I’m surprised to know that the “secret interviewer” is non other than MEN.COM exclusive model Johnny Rapid.
In this video, Rocco answers questions from the readers of Queer Me Now blog. Both Rocco and Johnny look so adorable in this clip. I don’t want to spoil it but my favorite part is around 5:30 when they discuss about “anal / prostate orgasm”
[UPDATE] You can watch the interview video on Youtube now.
+ Andrew Stark Pisses On & Fuck Rocco Reed in Tales Of The John
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ed says
oh where is the interview video? i must be going mad with anticipation
Dan T. says
Fun interview! And he answered my question!! Thanks Rocco…you are the best! Did my ears hear correct? Did Rocco basically say he had just filmed a ganbang video the day of this interview?
Chris Redfield says
Wonderful QMN! Thanks QMN! Thanks Rocco!
MarcoManuel says
Johnny kind of look like Ashton Kutcher.
I dont think Rocco was honest in all his answers.Sometimes he even barely give an answer.
You can see how more enthusiastic Rocco is when he talks about women.
Rocco kind of try to pass a bi.But,he still looks mostly straight.
Rocco is obviously fucking more women than men.He is even engage to a woman.
Rocco said that he dont want to date men but he only have sex with men.
This is what Kinsey1ners always says.Because they are mostly straight to begin with.
I dont believe that he have sex with that much men outside porn.He must fuck lots of women.
What Rocco said in this video clearly inplies that he mostly makes gay porn for money.Because men in gay porn makes more money.
If those who still believe that Rocco is fully bi,then believe it.
Im sure Rocco is mostly straight.
Its obvious only when you look at him and listen the things he says.
Rocco is bi?
I dont BUY it!
Treklord says
I adore Johnny Rapid!!!
SuckItBaby says
Oh MarcoManuel, gotta love your postings.
Fresh says
Where’s the video?!
panther says
MarcoManuel: I bet you’re a lot of fun at parties! And you do know that porn isn’t supposed to be real life, don’t you?
QMN says
If you can see the video, please make sure your web browser supports Flash
Anderson says
no transcript
Aquaman2011 says
Lmao !!
Other Dev says
Fuckin Apple is the worst. Why won’t this stupid iPhone play Flash videos????
ed says
i have adobe flash on chrome but i still can’t see the actual video. this is a sad day
andrew says
I love Rocco Reed and Johnny Rapid. Johnny looks like he is having an acne problem, not unusual for young guys. He should see a dermatologist to help clear up that problem. It distracts from his otherwise very handsome face.
Delirious D says
If you can’t see the vid try using another browser than Chrome
ed says
is there a link just to the video? its annoying since i see other videos. oh welz i guess i won’t see this
dissi says
@ ed: you’re not missing much.
Tony says
Wow, what a likeable and an attractive man Rocco Reed is. I truly feel honored that he answered a question I left several weeks ago on QMN. He seem to have a great personality. I could definitely be friends with someone like Rocco Reed without even having sex. Rocco, I would drop Adam Killian and Jessy Ares to hang out with you for day. Please don’t tell Jessy Ares and Adam Killian that I said that. LOL
Tony says
A special shout out to QMN and thank you.
Wonk says
I have the latest version of flash too (downloaded form the link you provided) and I still can’t see it. This isn’t an isolated issue,
please investigate this so we can all see the video
mike says
this was painful
Matias says
I wasn’t into RR, but here he was relaxed and smiling and I wish porn studios would film more scenes where men looked happy and relaxed and enjoying it. RR looks handsome and his smile won me over.
JJ says
It is taking ages to load!!!! I have been waiting for minutes!!!!
JJ says
OH! MY! GOD! Three of my questions got answered!
However,one of them was listed under the wrong person,called Tony.And the second question you guys got was wrong : I asked if Rocco WANTS to have children,not if he HAS any children.Still,it was wonderful to see my questions being answered.I especially liked it when he said “…maybe even with you.” Oh stop it!!! Naah! I wish I were one of them!!!
Thanks anyway QMN!
And to Chad from,I guess it right from your hint!
To other things,I’m surprised he said he didn’t have a type.I’m sure everyone has a type.
I mean,if that were the case,he would be able to GET IT ON with like EVERYONE,you know?
My question meant body type,age,personality,like that.
arundel says
direct link to video which strangely doesn’t appear embedded in any browser:
JuanDiego978 says
Rocco is such a cute guy!.
I wanna thank QMN for this good chance of knowing Rocco a little more. This interview was very fun and interesting. I am very pleased he answered my questions, and also for what Johnny said about my first question.
@QMN, you’re doing such an amazing job that you deserve only success with this blog. Congratulations!.
Tony says
JJ, what are you talking about? I asked the question to Rocco, how old are you and what type of guys are you attracted to. I’m the only guy on here posts as Tony and if you go back several weeks to the Rocco Reed’s interview, you will see my question was number 2 and JuanDiego978 asked the 1st question. Gezzz… some people want all the attention.
Armen says
nice interview
Tony says
JJ below is the link on QMN with the Rocco Reed interview. I asked the second question and Johnny Rapid read my exact words to Rocco.
Tony says
JJ, that particularly interview with Rocco was January 25th in QMN. Johnny Rapid asked Rocco Reed my question by reading the exact words, Rocco, how old are you and what type of guys are you attracted to sexually. You didn’t ask Rocco this question in that January 25th interview.
Anderson says
Why Johnny Rapid was saying QMN “dot com”? It’s “dot net”!!!
bucko0710 says
I want to marry Rocco! He’s Adorable and totally yummy!
Chad says
Thanks for the questions! It was fun watching Rocco & Johnny have fun with them!
Davi Godoy says
Ohh, Please. My Englhis is suck. I need one transcription four translate!! PLEASE!!
JJ says
@Tony – I guess I got it mixed up.I guess I only asked Rocco whether he is attracted to guys romantically and sexually.
Tony says
Rocco Reed made my day yesterday with his beautiful smile and great personality. It’s all good, JJ. We both can share him. LOL
Please don’t tell Jessy Ares and Adam Killian. LOL
Tia Maria says
What a cutie and a good sport. Oh and he answered my question too
Tks QMN!
JeffFromNJ says
Why have we never seen Rocco get rimmed.. or rim anybody? I really don’t understand it.
Chris Redfield says
JeffFromNJ RR got rimmed in straoght porn..too much more that got rimmed lol…Find the movie Strap for teacher! Its the best one! 2 female performers fuck hand rimm him! One of them eat his cum and bring to back on his opened and fucked asshole SO HOT! And there´s more 2 scenes in the straight porn where RR is rimmed…. in a gay porn I never see anything…
GreGG says
The thing about Marco and his ramblings…. theres a fine line of bitter truth to what he says … and its hard for most folk to accept it.
ed says
Johnny Rapid is so adorable. I want to eat him up.
Darkhog says
Great interview Johnny and Rocco.
JJ says
@GreGG:The thing about Marco and his ramblings…. theres a fine line of bitter truth to what he says … and its hard for most folk to accept it.
I agree.
It also seems to me that Rocco is a real ladies man.See his responses to questions from females.
Doug says
Johnny’s lloking rough- some acne/etc- less than perfect we’ve come to expect
Doug says
Looking….no edit feature
Maxxximo1812 says
Cool interview my question was answered but I was called an old man, that kind of Hurt my ego. I am only 25, but glad my question was chosen
Maxxximo1812 says should take advantage of johny’s acne problem,to make a dermatologist vid in which he ends up being cummed on his face or maybe a high school nerd scenerio vid. He looks cute no matter what and he is still a kid compare to most of men’s porn actors it is only normal for him to break out.
I think Rocco is real gay, i dont believe, that he makes all of them and also bottom
role,i can accept one straight man makes gay porno for the money not bottom role.
Rocco likes gay top and bottom role.
Rocco in bottom role is fantastic
JJ says
@GUYMARTIN : Do you know that Rocco has done over 1000 scenes in straight porn? How can you say he’s gay? He was engaged to a female porn star some time back and now engaged to some woman.