FraternityX just released a sex scene that’s surely gonna offend many people. A group of frat bros in “Make America Great Again” hat gang-bang Micky Jr Bareback in this latest video.

This here is America. We like our beer to taste like piss and our guns to be semi automatic. We’re real men. So don’t bring that bi bull shit into this house. Lets skip the politics and spit roast this bitch.
Cece says
This white supremacist trash infiltrates anything like rats…
LUIZ says
Ok that was bad taste.
andrew says
It is as unlikely that these guys voted in the 2016 election as it is that any of them have ever been in a college fraternity.
FieldMedic says
I’ll quote Brenda here: “She [the bottom] don’t love herself.”
Zach says
Lmao. One of my favorite characters ever…
This video is a turnoff. Cringey for sure
Jim says
Andrew, I’m college educated, gay, and voted for Trump.
This stuff isn’t sexy. Not every gay person voted for Hillary.
Rob says
Actually, it’s the MAGA Evangelical Christian contingent that would have heads exploding over this.
Make America Gay Again
Jim says
I’m not even Christian lol. The far right and far left both suck.
andrew says
I actually said that it’s “unlikely that these guys voted in the 2016 election” Do you really think these guys on Fraternity X are gay? To me most of them look like working class straight guys engaging in some sexual horseplay for money.
Xander says
Good for you, buddy.
Slugly says
Gross, that’s not hot at all.
They probably think we have a fetish for “straight trump supporters”. I never liked this site but now it’s worse
Boo says
This makes me gag
Donald Horn says
FratX bringing their A game! /s
Marshal SS says
i hate so much this kinda of purpouseful “Homophobic” porn.. for me it’s so silly and stupid at the same time! this is fault of some gays who have fetish with ultramacho straight guys
Broseph says
That “studio” will do anything in an attempt to be considered relevant
Lukas says
The mix of genres does not always bring good! To make communication around this ShitTrump, it is falling well low …. Too bad they are moving away from their main objective to make a good porn
Noah says
Love this, keep up the great work! Well done brothers