From a reverse gang-bang where four bottoms line up to get pounded by William Seed to bareback orgy in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Rio de Janeiro. Here are 6 amateur group sex videos you should check out on JustFor.Fans.

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WATCH: Travis Irons @ JustFor.Fans | Masked Jock@ JustFor.Fans | Chris Damned @ JustFor.Fans | Anthony Allbred @ JustFor.Fans

WATCH: Viktor Rom @ JustFor.Fans

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Anony says
Not a jab against Seed, but I don’t really see the appeal of being one of the four guys in line getting a few seconds of dick every few minutes. I would get boooooored
alex says
I think that is more for the viewer than the guys getting boned!
John says
hopefully there is somthing nice on TV while u wait… 🙂
But i agree, certainly not worth it…..
MoMo says
Honestly, he’s probably not even penetrating them…you can’t see it.
Rafael says
Are they tested for COVID19?
R47 says
Hopefully these were made before the new plague hit. If not , they’re aren’t enough tests in the US, thanx to our incompetent administration and the orange idiot
andrew says
It’s hot to watch those bottom guys kissing each other while they wait to see who will be the lucky one to get the thugishly handsome William’s seed.
Joshua says
Ahhhh. Covid-19? Hope these are “pre-recorded” for our enjoyment.
asdf says
Willam Seed still claiming he’s straight? Lol