I love this video, Thank you Gavin Waters for uploading it to Youtube. Gavin Waters and muscle boy Landon Mycles work out at gym before they get wet n’ wild at The Tin Room in Dallas Texas. HOT!
[Update] The original video was deleted, above is the “work out only” video.
Gavin Waters go-go dancing plus his “signature move“.
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Gay Porn Star Basketball Gavin Waters Vs. Brandon Lewis 1 on 1 – Gavin Waters talked so much smack on his way to the gym about beating Brandon Lewis in Bball.. Watch to see who came out on top and who came out on bottom.
Rafael Alencar shoot some pix in the cold weather in New York – Feb 2010
Francois Sagat stars in Christophe Honoré’s new film “Man At Bath“.
Logan McCree meets Vinnie D´Angelo in Cologne / Germany.
Former Sean Cody model Ajay’s Zero to Savvy Webisode #3
Brent Corrigan at Comic Con 2010.
An interview with real life porn stars Matthew Rush, and Blue Blake about the play “Making Porn” from Boston MA. They discuss the ins and out of the Gay Porn biz.
Mel says
Watching Gavin and Landon workout is amazing hot. Sweaty muscles. I am not sure if I like Gavin’s dark hair look. They dance ok but their white. The tin room looks a little seedy and it appears noone is actually paying attention to them.
Francois Sagat returns to making indie films he looks hot, I like how the lady smacks his ass.
Nothing else seems that interesting.
timucua says
I like Gavin Waters dark hair. I am not sure what Mel means about their dancing because they are caucasian.
Brad says
I live in Dallas, Tx and most guys that go to The Tin Room don’t care for the twink dancer’s cause we all know that they’re stuckup tweakers on meth. So if I was there I wouldn’t pay attention to them either. I refuse to go back to the tin Room, prefer to go to manly bars where men act like men. I’d much rather see Francois Sagat Dance that the two twinkvillers
Jones says
Very lame video at The Tin Room. Boring.
Charlie_Jackpot says
‘Straight with a twist’ is this code words for gang banged within a year?
brian says
After watching the second video, I ask to you: if they are not gays, who is gay in this planet???
Fourth video: Harry Louis seemed very effeminate to my taste…
Res says
What is that Randy Blue clip intended to do for me? Make me feel bad? Make me scream with excitement?
BAM says
Which one of you flagged the video??? No doubt it came from someone at this forum. It was fine for days until it was posted on this site.
BAM says
The first Gavin Waters Video is the one I was referring to
timucua says
@ Brad So the men who go to the Tin Room don’t about the alleged twink dancers so why bother going and wasting your money in the first place.
Scott says
Harry Louis in that pee clip is annoying, shrieking like a little girl.
newalbum59 says
The Tin Room is a great bar. There is a wide variety of dancers there, not just twinks. Several porn boys are there quite a bit, not just as guest stars. Jesse Santana and Guy Parker as well as some Corbin Fisher boys. It is seedy, but in a good way. The music is the best out of any other gay bar in Dallas. If you don’t like strippers, don’t go. If you do, definitely go.
Brad says
@ timucua – I didn’t waste a dime in that stank hole. Usually guys go there for the music, to smoke on the patio and to laugh at the nelly twink dancers whom are taking pictures of themselves on there cellphone.
timucua says
@ Brad must some pathetic immature men who only partake there just to laugh at the ‘twink’ dancers. Some people have not left the mentality of elementary or high school.
Chris says
WHO WORKS OUT SHIRTLESS IN A GYM? Seriously, can these guys be more self absorbed.
Brad says
They are pathetic and that’s why I haven’t been back. Went to the Tin Room once and left within 10 minutes. The Tin Room invite twink porn-stars every month or two to help promote the club. Sorry but twink dancers and steriod muscles do nothing for me.
JonathanHasHadIt says
I agree Chris, working shirtless in a gym is not only reeking of narcissism – ok, we all know that porn is about that, but man, keep it in the studio! – but so not hygienic. What struck me the most is that these guys spend so much time and energy on their bodies and their looks and yet, youth does not last forever. Do they do anything else? Do they have any other interests, other than getting gangbanged, in the case of Landon Mycles? How do their families or friends react to this? It would seem it’s all like a great party, until you read about the latest porn star hanging himself from a closet bar or the latest one dying of aids. I like porn, like any other guy, but I think the industry is glamorized too much without taking into effect the consequences of it all. And of what it does to the younger members of our community who feel that in order to be considered sexy, loved or appreciated, they must enter this path and leave others behind. Just saying…
nikko says
“Straight with a twist”? You’re bi or gay, kid. Enough of the stupid “no labels” nonsense. You’d never hear a straight guy say no labels.
Brad says
As far as I know there are no gay role models which is why alot of gay men act the way they act. And not just the young generations, but 85% of gay men are all about Looks, muscles, 28-32 inch waist, 6 packed abs, Mercedes or BMW, drugs, light to fair skin, and shopping 3-5 times a week. And usually that’s what they look for in other guys. Those that aren’t hot and less wealthy are treated as the scums on earth. Then you have the twinks who don’t work and look for a sugar daddy to support there meth ass and most older men do when they get desperate. Most gay men are apart of Mean Girls, Jaw Breaker and Heather’s. And most of these so called gay for pay guys are a joke, an actual straight man don’t fuck dudes. And if you’re appearing in more then 10 movies you’re obviously gay cause it shows you enjoy it.
Mel says
I usually dont re-comment once i post. But I dont understand why there is criticism for the guys for looking good. Gavin and Landon apparently work hard on their looks. The male body is beautiful and is work of art. The are not ashamed of themselves. Also their only shirtless not naked. Their so many guys at gyms I have gone to that guys take their shirt or pull up their shirts and they dont have bodies to do so. I always wonder about guys that criticise other guys for spending time on their bodies. Hmm maybe becuase you dont have the time, passion or ambition to look good.
timucua says
I agree with Mel it’s seems to me the criticism is bourne out of jealously and insecurities especially from Brad and JonathanHasHadIt. Brad do you know every gay men out there you are generalizing, your experience is not everyone experience.
Brad says
I’m a muscle guy myself and ripped so no I’m jealous at all. But other muscle boys, twinks and wannabe pretty boys turn me off. At the age 29 I prefer my men older, to look like men and act like men. Showing off your chest in a gym turns me off. If I was there would have told them to put on there shirts, yuck.
JonathanHadIt says
Wrong Timucua. Wrong Mel. Learn how to read.
timucua says
Wrong JonathanHadIt and Brad learn that other people have different viewpoints from you.